
Currently, Fei Cai was going through mysterious changes. Internally, he was once again reviewing the contents of the computer gu worm but externally, his body was covered by green smoke. The smoke would continuously seep into his brain and then move out constantly. This was the true form and use of Memorize Gu. The rank 1 wisdom path gu could increase the learning capabilities of a gu master during the period of use. But its effects lasted for ten minutes every day. Once the mist started retracting, Fei Cai took out another gu worm. This gu worm was the size of a palm and looked like a ladybug.

Rank 1 Sharpen Mind Gu.

The use of Sharpen Mind Gu was quite simple, too. It imprinted shards of wisdom path dao marks in one's mind, making a gu master's wits sharper. The effects were like beast strength gu worms but much milder. After all, the sharpen mind gu worm was designed for human beings and it did not possess the same flaws as the beast phantom gu worms. The use of the gu worm started to breed pink-colored fog which would slowly seep into Fei Cai's mind but unlike memorize gu, the effects of sharpen mind gu did not retreat out of the body.

Fei Cai has been using this gu worm for the past month and in a few days, the use of this gu worm would be completed. He would then try to refine its higher-ranked variation. The effects of this gu worm also lasted for ten minutes and would be recharged every day.

"Huff," once he was done with the enhancement of his mind, Fei Cai utilized another gu worm.

Soul Mist gu worm. This gu worm was received from his father as a part of Horse Monk Inheritance and the use of this gu worm is to strengthen one's soul to accommodate the use of more enslavement gu worms. Right now, Fei Cai already felt bloated by enslaving ten horses and one Lo. While Fei Cai had not started to refine the gu worms provided in the recipe, the special soul path gu worms looked more appealing. Not only did the soul path assist in the wisdom path, but it also assisted the Enslavement Path and the soul path itself had countless attacking methods.

Right now, he had barely reached the initial success of utilizing Ice and Snow path gu worms. His control over the horses was still lacking but today's performance greatly satisfied him. Ordinarily, not a single gu master of rank 1 cultivation would ever choose transformation path gu worms like Snow Beast gu worms set. After all, rank 1 is merely the beginning of one's journey and most of them did not know how to control multiple gu worms at once. Even for Fei Cai, it was his third time controlling that many gu worms.

After the nourishing milky-white mist of the soul mist gu faded, Fei Cai opened his eyes and recollected today's events calmly.

"The alligator earned me almost 3500 merit points. At rank 1 stage, at least in merit points, I have left everyone behind but I cannot lose focus on what's important. These merit points need to be spent. I have a great chance of reaching rank 2 in four months. Instead of changing gu worms again to swap them out for better ones, it is sensible to grow more accustomed to my current arsenal while using refinement as a method to get higher ranked gu worms."

"I had set an objective for myself. To use the transformation path move in a battle and control the flow of battle. Using rank 1 gu worms to reach rank 2 battle strength, I can check this objective off. Now, I need to work hard and manipulate the horse group better."

Fei Cai was extremely clear of his shortcomings in controlling the horse group. If he was better in Enslavement Path, instead of taking a risk to face the alligator himself, Fei Cai could have used ten rank 1 gu masters in the form of terror horses and take care of the moon alligator.

"My strength and control are rising at a good pace. The daily quizzes work well to entertain and keep my mind fresh while training my mind simultaneously. It could be said that aside from sleeping, everything I have been doing in the past month is more and more training. Hehe, and aside from transformation gu worms, I still have rank 2 attack strength."

Fei Cai willed and a phantom of a baby shot out of his body before moving around aimlessly. Rank 2 Sneak Attack Gu!

"And..." A smile touched Fei Cai's lips as he activated another gu worm but instead of his hand, the left hand of the baby phantom glimmered slightly. This was a combination of rank 1 Invasion Gu and rank 2 Sneak Attack Gu!

Previously, due to the limitations of the rank, the invasion gu could only target rank 1 gu worms but now, after using it alongside rank 2 Sneak Attack Gu, he could invade the aperture of rank 2 gu worms but still, he could only snatch rank 1 gu worms still. Sighing softly, he retracted the gu worms and started to nurture his aperture. His aperture was already covered by the webbings of aperture nurture gu. His dark green primeval essence rose and crashed against the walls, wisps of his primeval essence would continuously get absorbed by the webbings of the gu worm and nourish his aperture walls twice as much. His progress was quick but his aptitude was still B-grade. He couldn't rush this breakthrough and only persevere while raising his strength in other forms.

While Fei Cai cultivated peacefully, the target of his nascent schemes couldn't rest, unfortunately.

"Rank 4 Soul to Thought gu worm, rank 5 Soul to Mind Gu worm. I could only ask for a rank 4 version. The use of enslavement gu can easily be checked so I can only use Fei Mang in this manner," Fei 'Mang' spoke eerily. "The use of this gu worm is for me to control a target's soul using my injected thoughts. Every time, I meet Fei Mang in the tribe, I use my rank 4 Cripple Thought Gu. These both gu worms were sent by the Ma Tribe but I still cannot achieve any success!"

"Every night, I will manipulate these thoughts and fill them with indignation towards Fei Chang, Fei Nai, and Fei Cai. Fei Mang would slowly feel that his own family doesn't value him and discarded him to Fei Dan while seeing a genius like Fei Cai would increase his ire. But every night, these thoughts would be overridden by hatred towards Fei Sau. Why? I only have the time to manipulate the thoughts when Fei Mang sleeps. I am helpless and cannot take more direct actions... This Fei Sau, why is Fei Mang so bent on hating the youth?"

Fei Sheng considered this point seriously. Fei Nai's and Sau's grudge was known. After all, Fei Nai was the cause of the death of Fei Sau's sister.

"Is Fei Mang against Fei Sau because of this rivalry?" Fei Sheng mused. He had to consider every aspect before guiding Fei Mang's mind. Fei Mang was a great tool in sowing discord between Fei Qing and Fei Chang and for that, Fei Mang slowly started to hate Fei Cai, disrespect his elders, and throw Fei Chang off of his games.

"I didn't want to do it... but, I can use this hatred for Fei Sau into changing Fei Mang's thoughts. Hehe, even in the Legendary Tales of Ren Zu, hatred had such strength that even a layer of heaven could not stop it. What is Fei Cai and Fei Sau? Good, let's make the best use of this!"


The next day, Fei Cai strapped himself with proper pieces of equipment for the hunt once again. Cultivation is a long and arduous task. Hunting was a form of cultivation, too. Fei Cai was more agile and reflexive than he had ever been. Now, once again, coupled with rank 1 instinct gu, his close-quarter methods had taken a qualitative change. Hunting strong beasts made Fei Cai appreciate the beauty of fighting, techniques, and killing. Even with gu worms, if a gu master did not have appropriate techniques, what use is he?

Fei Cai's hair had grown longer but he couldn't simply cut it. So, he could only tie it behind tightly. Not a single strand of hair fell on his face and he rechecked his pieces of equipment. He had inner knowledge about the situation. War was coming and this period of peace was the calm before a freaking storm. Every moment counts!

Walking out of the gu house, he found a prepared Lo feeding the horses. After a single punishment, Lo had never grown complacent and always worked efficiently.

It was at this moment when a lone figure could be seen walking towards the gu house. Young and furious as if someone had stepped on his mother's face and then smacked him harshly.

"Fei Mang?" Fei Cai had started to keep his emotions in check but inwardly, he was startled. Taking the chance to observe the youth, Fei Cai found that Fei Mang's Primeval Essence was leaking greatly.

"Fei Cai! I am tired of being under your shadow! Greatest rank 1 gu master? Pathetic! You used your father's resources to reach the peak stage of rank 1! I have been cultivating without any ill thoughts. Using dirty tactics to rise? I won't let you continue!" His roar startled the horses but before they could trample the young boy to death, Fei Cai controlled the beast group and calmed them down with a single thought. He then looked towards Fei Mang while galloping thoughts within his head collided furiously! Every time Fei Cai used the rank 1 Galloping thought gu, ten galloping thoughts would be produced that can last for days if not used. So, Fei Cai had a little stock of these thoughts and now they were being expended greatly.

"If you want to challenge me," Fei Cai soothingly replied, "Then let's go to the entrance of the tribe," he smiled lightly.

Usually, challenges like these occur in the tribe every other day. Gu masters would fight to resolve the conflict. This was the most usual manner to resolve conflict, after all. Measuring the strength of one's fist! Most usually, challenges like these would be continued at the entrance of the tribe so that spectators could derive entertainment from them. However, most of the ordinary gu masters, this time, watched from a considerable distance. To the left of the entrance, quite a few low and mid-stage rank 2 gu masters gathered. These gu masters were not on active duty and were already old and thus came to bet on a few interesting matches.

"Old Lang, I bet on Fei Cai! He has the strength to kill a Moon Alligator. Hehe, even I cannot do that. Did you look at the condition of the corpse yesterday? Its head was bashed in!"

"Hmph, the odds are 13:1 in Fei Cai's favor. I bet 100 stones on Fei Mang! You scoundrel Long, I will crush you!"

The other elder gu masters looked at the twins with an annoyed sigh. Every single bet, these two would always fight. The relationship of the twins was naturally bad due to a single female gu master who was now somebody else's wife. Of course, the husband was far stronger than this set of twins.

"Hush, now! Look, Lord Chieftain and Elder Chang are already here!"

Of course, their sons' battle would attract the Fei Qing and Fei Chang. Their expression was solemn. Both of them walked together but they still heard many things about the challenge already.

"Fei Mang cursed Fei Cai and his future generations."

"Fei Mang openly stated that Lord Chieftain committed a wrongdoing! That youth has beast's balls!"

"Guts of a monster! How dare he say that Fei Cai cheated? Can Fei Mang kill Moon Alligator? A group of Broken Chimps?"

But even after hearing so much, both of their expression was cool and collected as they made their way towards the entrance.

"Lord Chieftain, what do you think about the situation?" Fei Chang regarded Fei Qing through his title as the man kept his quiet for a few moments. Looking towards Fei Cai and Fei Mang, he sighed and stated dismissively.

"I'm not interrupting challenges. You can set the rules since we both have the authority to intervene, Elder Chang," Fei Qing's words were loud and expressed that the two were here as the opponent's fathers, greatly exciting everyone. The ten horses slightly away from Fei Cai grew a little irritated by the sudden clamor but this was due to Fei Cai's inexperience in the enslavement path. Calming the beast group once again, he saw Fei Chang moving forward and speaking loudly. By now, a few other interested elders had arrived as Chang's voice boomed, "Fei Mang, on what grounds do you challenge Fei Cai?"

"On the grounds that Fei Cai is unwilling to use rightful methods to cultivate!" Fei Mang exclaimed, his words instantly making many gu masters sneer and Fei Chang sigh internally but a challenge can be issued regardless of the logic. So, Fei Chang looked towards Fei Cai, "Fei Cai, do you accept this reason?"

This was the code of challenge. One of the respected gu masters from the participants' families can regulate and judge the situation. If Fei Cai disagrees now, that would mean that he did not accept the challenge and Fei Mang cannot force him.

"No, I do not accept this ridiculous reason," Fei Cai scoffed with a smile, "But I accept the challenge nonetheless."

Why would he not accept the challenge? To turn Fei Jun into Fei Mang's target, he had to make the little girl a cause of his attraction and use this to incite Fei Mang. This situation was clearly what Fei Cai needed. For an entire month, Fei Cai has bred hate in Fei Mang's heart for Fei Sau using snide comments, the praise of admiration towards Fei Sau, and laments on how he himself couldn't become Fei Nai's real younger sibling.

"You are challenged by Fei Mang, state your terms of battle!" Fei Chang continued as Fei Cai chose the most brutal option to traumatize the young boy.

"No gu worms will be used. Opponent my give up and the loser will compensate the winner with a gu worm."

"Amazing! We get to see a fistfight!"

"Yes! These are rare. Gu masters rely on gu worms. Without them, we are ordinary humans. A fistfight is rarely seen because most of the gu masters soon develop their fighting style based on their gu worms. But these two are young. They haven't grown reliant on their gu worms."

"Hahaha, Old Long! See? My bet on Fei Mang will give me good earning!"


The whispers of the gu masters were what the elders wished to say but they kept their quiet.

Aside from traumatizing Fei Mang into finding problems with Fei Jun, Fei Cai had another problem. He was attracting unwanted attention from the bold women of the tribe. Northern Plains has always been open in sexual relationships. This is why single men and women bath together. Now, due to his outstanding performance, he had started to gain attention from mature rank 2 female gu masters. Despite Fei Cai's tender age, these women were slowly growing bolder by the day!

Using Fei Mang, he wished to build a brutal reputation. Young kids were already afraid of him and while it may take a while before pushing away mature gu masters using fear, a step towards the goal needed to be taken regardless of the situation.

"Hahaha! This is your downfall, Cousin! I will teach you that using other's assistance in cultivation is extremely wrong!" Fei Mang laughed loudly while Fei Nai's eyes twitched. He had arrived, too. Hearing Fei Mang's words, Fei Nai's emotions couldn't be described any longer. Even he was not this delusional at Fei Mang's age. Gu cultivation depends on resources. Where a gu master gets it from doesn't matter as long as he grows. Even Fei Mang was unconsciously relying on Fei Dan's teachings. How could he say something so disastrous?

As expected, Fei Nai could feel the stares of surrounding gu masters piercing his skin but Fei Nai's expression didn't change at all. He continued to look at the show with a cold expression.

"Fine. Since the terms are settled, as my authority of Fei Mang's father and an elder of the tribe, I announce— Begin!"

"Haaah!" Shouting at the top of his lungs, Fei Mang shot towards Fei Cai. Fei Mang's expression was vicious and he looked ready to strike with as much strength he could muster.

'Hehe, no gu worms?' Fei Cai thought coldly, his instinct gu worm working as he observed the situation. He now had more experience in the wisdom path and knew that for more accurate 'instincts', he needed to observe everything. The moment Fei Mang entered the ten-steps range, the momentum was already built up and all Fei Cai had to do was slightly step aside with his right foot pushed forward.


Fei Mang went tumbling down, his face dragging through the wet grass as dirt filled his nostrils. Fei Cai casually started to walk towards the young boy as the spectators watched the show with a surprised expression, still whispering into each other's ears.

"Rah!" Fei Mang shouted and stood up, wiping his face to reveal a barely scratched face. This slightly attracted Fei Cai's attention as he kicked forward with a narrowed gaze. Now it was Fei Cai's turn to pick momentum but before he reached Fei Mang, he slowed down greatly and targeted the youth's knees.


One swift kick to the left knee made Fei Mang cry out in surprise, his body falling forward only to meet Fei Cai's fist that brutally landed on Fei Mang's face.


Fei Cai's pupils shrunk slightly as Fei Mang fell and rolled.

"Oh? Why is Fei Cai's fist hurt that badly? Aside from a few tears, his fist should not have hurt this much!"

One of them analyzed and it instantly became the source of everybody's attention. Fei Cai stood straight and raised his fist to inspect slightly. His injuries were moderate but too much to be receiving for punching a face. It was like punching a...

"Hehehe! I have already used the rank 1 Stone Skin Gu. My skin is now as hard as a stone! Do you regret it now? You have no foundation and you rushed towards the peak-stage and because of this, even an upper-stage rank 1 gu master like me can defeat you!" Fei Mang's proclaimed but this only made Fei Cai's heart shiver in excitement.

This is it! Fei Mang, you loveable fool!

Opposing to Fei Cai's internal reaction, the other gu masters finally started to raise their voices.

"Psst! This isn't a fair fight! Come on, let Fei Cai use a single gu worm, too!"

"Hah, it was Fei Cai's own condition. How can he change it so easily?"

"Sigh, and to think I was excited about this one!"

But all the voices quietened down when Fei Cai began walking towards Fei Mang with an impassive expression. "Oh, Cousin," he began, "You have a stone-like skin. It's really impressive. Then let me try its might!"

Saying this, Fei Cai instantly stomped on Fei Mang's face.




His foot continuously struck Fei Mang's face while the young boy's expression remained cold and collected as if he wasn't stomping a human but a...


"Don't go overboard!" Fei Mang shouted and instantly held Fei Cai's foot the moment it landed on his face. Sneering, Fei Cai let Fei Mang support his weight and shifted his center of gravity to kick the side of his face.


With his ear struck, Fei Mang suddenly felt dizzy and loosened his grip, making Fei Cai break free from his grip and resume the stomping.

"What a stone-like skin!" Fei Cai praised loudly.


"What a wonderful cousin, letting me experience its might before facing an opponent with the same gu worm!"


"What a great challenge! My eyes have opened!"

By now, Fei Cai's feet were starting to hurt but he continued regardless of the pain, making the spectators shiver slightly. Even with the effects of a gu worm, Fei Mang was being absolutely destroyed!