


The sound of the horse's hooves echoed against the hardened ground. Even in the cold temperature that would only drop further, a rare weather emerged. The sun was shining brightly, giving off a warm feeling. The horse group looked amazingly different. Their fur was red and despite their normal size, the stomach of the horses was twice as big compared to a regular horse.

This was Big Stomach Horse. This type of horse was a common mount in northern plains but also the most popular. This horse had two stomachs. One performed the function of digesting food while the other stomach was used to store items. The speed of the horse was reasonable, too, so the horses were usually the first choice when traveling.

Right now, a group of gu masters stopped in front of a large entrance. The entrance was built to cover the natural valley and was completely protected from the sides. The wooden gates reached 10 meters in height and proved quite sturdy with outposts built on the side. The arrival of the gu masters was easily noticed by the local scouting gu masters and soon, a middle-aged elder with a long grizzly beard and broad shoulders walked out of the gate. The gu master projected initial-stage rank 4 aura. Seeing him, the gu master leading the horse group couldn't help but laugh.

"So it is Elder Kao!" The old man exclaimed. Unlike Fei Kao who wore a dim leathery robe that extended to beast furs which practiced utility over luxury, the old man looked exactly the opposite. He wore a thin robe printed with a pink flowery design. His chest was exposed as if he didn't care about the cold temperature and even with a balding head, the peak-stage rank 4 gu master's hair flowed wildly from behind.

"Chieftain Qing has been expecting you, Lord Bai," Fei Kao greeted with a stoic expression. His nature was calm and collected. Even in front of someone stronger than himself, Fei Kao has never put himself down. Seeing Fei Kao's slightly nonchalant greeting, the gu masters behind 'Old Bai' couldn't help but snort in displeasure.

"Elder Fei Kao, is the Fei Chieftain looking down on the Bai tribe? Chieftain Bai Mo Shang has treated Leader Fei Qing with the utmost respect," The speaker was a slightly older gu master. Even though he didn't wear outrageous clothes the leader of the group, he certainly looked quite different than plain-looking Fei Kao.

"Hehe, Bai Yong, we have fought against each other numerous times. Why play words against your old rival?" Hearing the term— old rival— changed Bai Yong's expression. Bai Yong was still in rank 3 but Fei Kao had finally surprised him. Even Fei Kao himself didn't consider Bai Yong a worthy opponent currently. "But, a surprising situation has appeared in the tribe due to which, Chieftain Qing and Elder Chang are unable to deal with tribal matters. Please, allow me, humble Kao to escort Leader Bai Mo Shang into the tribe!" Fei Kao stated respectfully as the old man nodded with a peaceful expression. Since the beginning, the old man only spoke once to acknowledge Fei Kao's existence and never opened up again. He is the current leader of the Bai Tribe.

Peak-stage Rank 4— Bai Mo Shang!

After entering the tribe, the elders accompanying the Bai Leader got down from their horses and traveled on foot. Only Bai Mo Shang continued to travel using the Big Stomach Horse.

"Fei Tribe is extremely lively. Mortals are healthier than the last time I visited and the gu masters are more active. Truly, this is a fortunate sign," Leader Bai spoke up softly and looked towards Fei Kao, "If it is not too much to inquire, Elder Kao, a part of this liveliness seems connected to a more recent affair."

"Leader Bai has astute nature. It is correct. Truly, hiding such an affair would prove fruitless so I might get ahead and earn Leader's Bai appreciation," Fei Kao nodded towards the elder who was making his way out and smiled softly, "The truth is, Elder Chang's lad and Fei Cai entered into a challenge battle. Fei Mang was the challenger and the result was amazing."

"Hmph! Praising juniors? How amazing it could be?" Bai Yong snorted coldly but captured the essence of everyone's mind, finally making Fei Kao smile.

"Please appraise the battle yourself," Fei Kao stated and withdrew a gu worm from his aperture. It was a rank 1 visual recording gu. Using the gu worm, Bai Yong projected the images of the battle. Since the group of gu masters was moving slowly and the battle was relatively short, almost all the gu masters looked complicated after watching the recording. Even Bai Mo Shang's expression was slightly stern.

"This is Leader Qing's son? Sigh... at his age, I could barely activate a gu worm without any errors," one of the old elders sighed as Fei Kao shook his head silently. In reality, Fei Cai's abilities had shocked everyone deeply. During the early stages, a gu master's cultivation is dependant on his aptitude. The greater a young gu master's aptitude, the quicker he shall breakthrough and more his confidence would build. With greater confidence, the comprehension of a gu master takes a considerable boost. Even during a few backlashes during the refining of a gu worm might not be able to dampen one's spirit.

But a character was hard to build. Firm will is as rare as jade pearls hidden within the deepest ground of the sea. At such a young age, Fei Cai, through this battle showed a trace of firm will and domineering character. Tiger father often births coward offspring, this observation is supported by countless instances of past but Fei Qing was extremely fortunate to be blessed with such a son. If allowed to be developed and reach his maturity, Fei Cai would surely turn out to be a great gu master.

Or a great demon.

"Elder Kao, how does this battle answers for the exorbitant vitality and cheerfulness? It is as if spring has never left the northern plains," Leader Bai inquired calmly. He didn't put Fei Cai's matter much to his heart but Fei Kao's later explanation forced Leader Bai to feel deeply shocked.

"Even I hadn't witnessed the battle firsthand," Fei Kao admitted, "But I arrived in moment of the result. The condition of paying a gu worm as a compensation was now being fulfilled and then I heard it."


The recently arrived Fei Kao's and even Fei Qing's expression changed as gazes filled with varying emotions fell upon Fei Chang who couldn't help but finally feel stunned. Before anybody could say anything, Fei Cai took the chance to cement the suspicion that Fei Chang might have this extremely rare and life-changing gu worm and spoke loudly.

"I, Fei Cai, have remained reasonable and honorable. I withstood injuries and fought Cousin until I grew impatient, which led me to control my beast group. Now, Cousin was extremely clear that Uncle Chang was in the possession of such a gu worm. It is highly inappropriate but for once, I am willing to forsake my dignity as a warrior and ask for that gu worm as my compensation!"

In fact, Fei Mang had only claimed that Fei Chang would soon get this gu worm. There was even a chance that the gu worm might be taken but for Fei Cai, it was good either way. If it wasn't used, take the gu worm. If it was used, find out whose aptitude has been increased. Meanwhile, Fei Mang's body shook as he heard Fei Cai's words. If he wasn't feeling defeated and fearful, now the young boy was completely terrified.

"Elder Chang, does my son speak the truth?" Fei Qing inquired calmly. Still, just like his son, Fei Chang shivered and dared not meet Fei Qing's lightning gaze. It was only after a few minutes of the recollection of his composure that Fei Chang looked towards the Chieftain with a calm expression.

"Lord Chieftain, please follow me," He stated plainly but the meaning behind his words was obvious, greatly shocking the entire tribe!


"Rank 3 Polished Iron Gu, Rank 4 Polished Silver Gu, Rank 5 Polished Jade Gu. Each of these gu worms is extremely extraordinary. They cannot be refined and occur naturally and each of these gu worms can increase a gu master's aptitude! Rank 3 variation increases the aptitude by 10%, rank 4 variation increases the aptitude by 20%, and the rank 5 variation increases gu master's natural talent by 30%! To think Elder Chang might have such a gu worm!" Bai Yong spoke with an envious expression but Fei Kao now refrained from speaking anything further. He did not confirm or refute his old rival's words but Bai Mo Shang couldn't help but sneer inwardly.

'Hehe, the polished jade gu is indeed amazing but it only works on rank 1 and rank 2 gu masters because, at the beginning of cultivation, the gu masters are not covered with too many dao marks. Polished jade gu is an earth path gu worm that wouldn't work well on Fei Chang or Fei Qing. In fact, they might end up losing their aptitude. And why would Fei Chang use up such a precious gu worm on his younger son? In the past, Fei Chang was called Centipede. He was ruthless and his transformation into a loyal follower shocked many surrounding tribes who were waiting for political unrest in Fei Tribe.'

Thinking till here, understanding flashed in the Bai Leader's gaze.



'Unless he is planning to refine the rank 5 gu worm!' Fei Qing silently looked at Fei Chang. For the first time in many years, Fei Qing felt cautious against Fei Chang once again. His cousin's support has been sincere but refining a rank 5 gu worm was an ambitious task and if the refinement succeeded, Fei Chang stood to develop and nurture his confidence and ego. From there, Fei Qing couldn't help but think what would happen once Fei Chang decided to remove the only threat to his elder son's reputation.

Fei Qing, himself!

"Elder Cousin," Fei Chang sighed softly. He was well aware of the political dilemma that now covered the room. Even if he didn't have the polished jade gu worm, now that Fei Qing is suspicious of him, he would keep an eye out and once he finds that Fei Chang has been trying to refine a gu worm, he will surely try to disrupt it and cause losses.

"Chang," Fei Qing stated somberly with a plain expression, "Little Mang challenged Cai'er and you were the judge. The terms were set and it should have been your insight to ask for more precise terms. Right now, the whole tribe knows that Fei Mang is to procure a Polished Jade Gu Worm, or else, he must..."

Fei Qing couldn't help but sigh. Fei Nai had gone through some scandalous events that made Fei Chang serve Fei Qing. This loyalty brought Fei Qing many benefits with the development of the tribe being the greatest benefit. Now, once again, Fei Qing held Fei Mang's fate in his hand and Fei Chang was helpless. This was the restriction brought by a large organization. The tribe was an organization with its culture, rules, and regulations. There were many benefits for the gu master in a tribe with the ease in the procurement of resources being the greatest. However, the gu masters were also shackled by the tribe.

Hearing Fei Qing's words, Fei Chang couldn't help but clench his jaws.

'Damnit!' he cursed, 'Polished Jade Gu worm was the most problematic gu worm to get my hands on for the refinement of Jade Sky gu worm... now... I either procure it, or give up on Fei Mang's life.' Fei Chang wasn't only exasperated by his son's mistake at this point but also himself. How could he not ask for a clearer condition? This, Fei Chang, knew the answer of.

Fei Cai was a rank 1 gu master and even the genius nephew was greedy, Fei Chang assumed that the greed would be limited to rank 2 gu worms or rank 3 at best. But rank 5 Polished Jade Gu Worm?

"Elder Cousin, I beg you to reconsider. To us, this gu worm is nothing short of poison. It will interfere with dao marks etched on our bodies and create a complication," Fei Chang did not bother hiding but since he needed this gu worm, he tried to exchange and trade for it, "Instead, I am willing to provide you with—"

"Elder Chang," Fei Qing smiled softly but the leader's expression made Fei Chang's heart shiver, "This gu worm is not for me. Fei Qing shall use it for himself."

"This is a rank 5 gu worm!" Fei Chang exclaimed, "And we are all rank 4 gu masters. It took me 1 month to just refine the gu worm into my aperture. How long will it take to activate it? Better than this, I will use my assets to procure rank 4 Dragon Horse Skin and Myriad Horse Store gu! Elder Cousin, your battle power will rise even further!"

Fei Qing sneered internally. Despite the respectful tone, Fei Chang's words were full of traps and chide. He was openly stating that Fei Qing wouldn't be able to use the rank 5 gu worm and was also trying to probe. For a long time, Fei Qing has been starved for rank 4 Dragon Horse Skin and Myriad Horse Store Gu but fortunately, that period has passed.

"Elder Chang, when Cai'er started his cultivation, I promised him that I will not interfere too much in his path. This promise stems from my experience. In the first year of my cultivation, my father was murdered by the previous leader. He then tried to take my mother away before she committed suicide. In my entire life, I have never missed my father's presence as much as when I simply needed his support," Fei Qing's words made Fei Chang recall the fateful day where Fei Qing tore the old leader in half. Guts spilled everywhere and Fei Qing did not even let go of the old leader's family! He slowly weeded everyone out. Only after all the threats were removed did Fei Qing marry and birthed Fei Cai.

"At this moment, Fei Cai still has his father. And Fei Mang shall fulfill the condition. Or did you forget how Fei Cai continued to fight even after realizing he was at a disadvantage physically?"

How could Fei Chang forget? The father-son duo had a fate with bloody battles. Both of them rising with more strength and cruelty the more the bled!

Letting out a deep sigh, Fei Chang closed his eyes and looked to have aged slightly. His shoulders were trembling but soon, a soft white glow covered his palm and coalesced into a jade pearl. The pearl was glimmering and the rank 5 aura of the gu worm was extremely enticing even to Fei Qing.

"I believe this gu worm is best to use on little Cai. Elder Cousin, please excuse me now. I feel extremely tired," Fei Chang sat up and left the room. This was Fei Qing's gu house so Fei Chang came across a peaceful Fei Yang who bowed towards him. Seeing her, a feeling of disgust appeared in Fei Chang's heart as he moved out quickly.

"There goes the sincerity of Elder Chang," Fei Qing smiled. His heart was clear on this matter. If Fei Chang remained loyal after this incident, Fei Qing would have felt more surprised. However, Fei Chang's loyalty wasn't comparable to the rise of his son's aptitude by 30%. Looking at the rank 5 gu worm, Fei Qing instantly refined it. Ordinarily, it would also take Fei Qing a long time to refine the gu worm but now, not only he acquired the gu worm, but Fei Qing also bypassed months of hard work.

"Fei Yang, bring my son in," Fei Qing ordered and the woman instantly moved. She softly knocked on Fei Cai's door and waited for the young boy to slowly walk out. Gazing upon Fei Cai's pale face, even Fei Yang felt extremely pitiful. She has been trying to get closer to the youth with an ulterior motive but along the way, she came to respect the boy's natural talents. She had been a spectator of the battle and knew how much the young must have suffered. Fei Yang felt the urge to give the young boy a warm hug. That would not only serve to solidify their relationship but also make Fei Cai a recipient of her scent. It is wildly known that after a tough battle, a young body is stimulated enough that even the slightest 'hint' might create a chain of amorous reaction.

But Fei Yang wouldn't pull such a stunt in front of Fei Qing even when she has nine lives!

"It will be fine," Fei Yang smiled softly. Even if she couldn't hug the boy, she still held his palm and led him to the room before retreating. Slowly entering the room, Fei Cai looked towards Fei Qing with an exhausted expression.

"Father, I shouldn't have been too greedy. Let me talk to Uncle Chang. I will change my demand and ask for a rank 1 ice path gu worm," Fei Cai whispered and bowed slightly. Still, Fei Qing chuckled and made the young boy sit in front of him.

"Why would you do that?" Fei Qing inquired.

"Because making Uncle Chang lose such a gu worm is an extreme blow. This might make Uncle Chang target us with ill intentions."

"Hehe, Cai'er. Remember this carefully. Always make a decision after considering the advantages and disadvantages. With that gu worm, your natural talent will soar, your cultivation speed will increase further and you might just be prepared enough before the war. The disadvantage is the ire of a single elder. How could the two be comparable? What is one Fei Chang? What is one Fei Mang? If you fear others in the face of benefits, how will you learn to take risks and grow stronger?"

Fei Qing chided with a broad smile but he knew that Fei Cai had the heart of taking risks. The fact that he could even hunt a moon alligator and other fierce beasts that would scare rank 1 gu masters shitless was evident enough of the fact.

Nodding at his father's words, Fei Cai continued, "Then please, Father, enlighten me. What should I do next?"

"Cai'er. You have proven that sometimes, letting a young one in the family know a secret can be disastrous. So, for now, I will put you to sleep and use the Polished Jade Gu Worm on you. I cannot let you pry and in return, I will not check your aperture without your approval. You are my son, and I sorely wish that you have started to prepare a few trump cards hidden from the public eye."

Saying this, Fei Qing waved his hand and an intense wave of dizziness hit Fei Cai. It was overwhelming and he couldn't help but feel shocked internally. Before he could do anything, Fei Cai lost his consciousness and after Fei Cai was gently placed down, unlike what Fei Chang might have imagined, Fei Qing easily used the rank 5 gu worm.