Suppressing Team; Sau's Fortunate Intervention

"Hu! Hu! Hu!" Mischievous hooting of apes echoed from the clearing as four young gu masters observed the brown-furred apes with a cold expression. Two of them wore disheveled hair naturally forming dirty dreadlocks at the lower region. Meanwhile, the third gu master wore no gloves or shoes even at such a low temperature. Finally, the last gu master was a young boy, barely eleven but he held impressive cultivation of initial-stage rank 2 aperture.

Fei Kim, the Barefoot Striker, imparted his experience to Fei Cai. In their journey, Fei Kim naturally grew closer to Fei Cai. Previously, due to Fei Hun'er and Fei Hun Gong being siblings, Fei Kim faced many difficulties. With Fei Cai, the team would grow balanced if the two could get along well and pressurize the siblings.

"Fei Cai, this a Black-face Mischievous Ape groups. They breed low in numbers but they are nimble and adept in forming tools. They show impressive intelligence but there is something not recorded in the parchments circulated in the tribe. This beast group has a keen sense of danger. If you had brought your hundred-beast Terror Claw Horse King, the group of apes would have dispersed and met somewhere else," Fei Kim explained the reason for keeping the beast group near the tribe and not bringing them in the mission.

"Heh, let's see if the 'Manic' Cai can do anything against simple apes," Fei Hun Gong, the younger of Hun brothers snickered. Fei Cai admitted that he wasn't deeply aware of the similar initial-stage rank 2 gu master but this fight was for Fei Cai to assess the team, too.

Not replying to the blunt provocation, Fei Cai gazed at the Apes. 'Around 78 apes with almost 50 of them carrying wooden pikes. These can be considered human's ancestors back on Earth, but here, they are resources with the ability to further one's cultivation. Aside from rank 2 Shrewd, Flaring Instinct, Sneak Attack,l Horse Enslavement, and Hollow Spike gu worm, the rest of them are still at rank 1. But I have two advantages. First, rank 2 Flaring Instinct and Sneak Attack do not utilize even a single percent of Primeval sea. Second, I can use my rank 1 gu worms for a greater duration due to the enhanced quality of my primeval essence. I am no longer a rank 1 gu master after all.'

Fully understanding his limits, Fei Cai gazed at the ape nearest to the clearing where the four gu masters hid carefully.

'Hmm, they are counting on for making mistakes... I can take more provocation with deaf ears.'

With an ominous glint in his gaze, Fei Cai gazed towards Fei Hun Gong with a dark expression and snorted. "You want to see what I can do?"

Raising his hand towards the nearest ape, Fei Cai shot out a spiral snowflake before anybody could interject. The snowflake tore through the air and lodged itself in the thin ape. A soft yelp echoed from the other ape close to the collapsing ape before panic filled the group.

"You!" Fei Hun'er's expression paled as he jumped out of the clearing and charged into the beast group. The moment the relatively intelligent apes gather their composure, the battle's difficulty would rise by several times. Even Fei Kim's expression turned distressed as he glared at both, Fei Cai and Fei Hun Gong, before charging alongside the leader of the team.

Not willing to banter with the tool, Fei Cai followed the suit. His flaring instincts kicking in as he activated the Ice Skid gu. The soles of his shoes froze as he instantly evaded the unskilled piercing strike of one of the apes.

Spiral Snowflake!

Another spiral snowflake lodged itself through the eyes of the beast.


A loud shriek attracted Cai's attention. In front of him, Fei Kim's fist and legs were covered in a milky green glow. Unlike Cai, Fei Kim performed martial arts. His limbs would strike the Apes in their vital locations, injuring them gravely if not killing them on the spot.

Fei Hun'er, on the other hand, moved like a slippery eel. His dreadlocks formed into venomous serpents which attacked while his forearms were covered in dark purple scales.

"You bastard! You ruined the plan!" Fei Hun Gong's shout echoed as he fought with one of the apes. His hands held a glowing spear that would tear through the apes' natural defenses.

'Rank 2 Sharp Spear Gu,' Fei Cai identified the gu worm in play before shouting, equally furiously, "Your mother! You wanted what I could do, right? Sit back and enjoy then!" Fei Cai laughed suddenly, his body slowly transforming into ten feet tall Snow Monster!

Fei Hun Gong instantly regretted his actions as he cussed internally while Fei Cai's arm swiped sideways, crushing three apes simultaneously but that was not all. He stomped his feet as an ice wall appeared in front of Hun Gong, interrupting his attack. "I said," Fei Cai growled, "Sit back and watch!"

Ice Skid gu worm pushed through Fei Cai's feet as the young monster showed speed disproportionate to the large size. Using the speed, Fei Cai jumped high. His actions making the other gu masters retreat quickly while Fei Cai landed on the ape on the other side of the Ice Wall.



Raising a large gust of wind, Fei Cai crushed the ape and blew the nearby apes in a sweep of wind. Their shrieks filled the portion of the forest.

"This maniacal bastard!" Fei Hun'er hissed softly as the dust soon settled, revealing a young boy standing in front of a kneeling Ape. His hand over the stunned Ape's head—


A fatal snowflake tore through the skull of the ape, its lifeless body falling on its back as the spectators' heart shivered.

Most of the apes were already dealt with by Fei Hun'er and Fei Kim. But Fei Cai needed an opportunity to show his 'true' nature so he can avoid getting shoved into the corner whenever the team of veteran gu master wished of him to do so. The more maniacal and unhinged in his actions looked, the less he would have to deal with unproductive, troublesome matters. If he were an inhabitant of this world only, then he might have given in to the temptations of competing with others for self-satisfaction but the only way Fei Cai would achieve satisfaction is now through gaining strength. More and more.

Seeing the execution of the last ape, Fei Hun Gong's lips twitched. The moment the young boy looked towards Hun Gong, the youth's heart skipped a beat.

"Seen enough?" Fei Cai inquired with an icy cold gaze.

At this moment, Fei Kim stepped in and frowned, "Fei Cai, we had a plan. Next time, try to stick to the plan or I will be the one to put in the request of having you replaced. And you, Hun Gong, stop riding on the leader's coattails. If you are that great, come, let's exchange a few moves."

"Enough," Fei Hun'er snorted and glared at everyone. Fei Kim took the chance to solidify his position while venting against Hun Gong slightly. Still, he wasn't willing to burn bridges and made sure to point out that he would also go against the son of Chieftain if need arises to do so.

"I will stick to the plans from now on," Fei Cai replied curtly before walking towards the nearest ape and taking out a large icy spike from his aperture.

This was his storage type rank 2 Hollow Spike gu worm.

"Hmph, we were lucky that none of these apes held any gu worms. But the next group might not be easy," Fei Hun'er continued only to be cut off by Fei Kim.

"Come on, leader. No harm, no foul. And honestly, brother Hun Gong needs to keep himself in check. We are a team now. Why would your younger sibling continuously make Fei Cai feel uncomfortable?"

Not willing to argue against the glib-tongued teammate, Fei Hun'er walked closer to his younger brother and began storing the spoils of battle. The apes were divided with Hun Gong and Cai getting equal corpses while Hun'er gaining the most and Kim having the second-largest number.

However, the merit points in completing the task itself would be divided equally.


"Hehe, today's spoils were great!" Fei Kim chuckled with a pleasant expression. Not only were they guaranteed 150 merit points each, but Fei Kim also stood to gain a sum of a little over 650 merit points from the beast corpse he has. In total, the team took 13 hours (including rest) to clear out the nearby apes.

Dusk prevailed over warm pond valley as the team returned to the tribe. By now, Fei Hun Gong had lost his nerve of provoking Fei Cai. After all, even when Fei Cai promised Fei Kim that he would follow the plan, at the slightest hint of Hun Gong's provocation, Fei Cai acted out but the reason he remained within the team was that the young boy proved more useful than Fei Hun Gong!

If it was the other way around, Fei Cai would have been the one to face suppression but now, the upper-stage Fei Hun'er also felt embarrassed by his younger brother and more indignant by Fei Cai. The siblings felt stifled at Fei Cai's presence. The boy had the second greatest Aptitude of the gu world with only the legendary extreme aptitudes surpassing the 99% A-Grade Aptitude.

This ensured that the speed of Fei Cai's cultivation would be extremely quick, something that the two brothers wouldn't be able to cope with for too long. Fei Cai's battle tactics only stabilized the fact that the two brothers made a rash decision by antagonizing the young genius.

"Oh, it's you," A chipper voice broke the awkward silence of the group as a young gu master with tanned skin walked forward. His expression was bright and his cultivation stepped into initial-stage rank 2 firmly.

"Fei Sau?" Fei Kim and others were surprised to meet the fierce, one-sided rival of Elder Nai.

"Senior Fei Sau," Fei Cai nodded as Fei Sau smiled, "What senior? You helped little Jun'er and now broke into rank 2. Call me brother Sau. I talked with Elder Kao and he allowed me to pull you into the main scouting team led by him!"

The other three team members were stunned speechless as Fei Cai furrowed inwardly.

The relation of Fei Kao's team is extremely awkward.

On one hand, Fei Sau is a young genius who had gained the approval of many elders. On another hand, there is Fei Nai, the youngest elder who also frequents with Fei Kao. Due to the open rivalry of the duo stemming through mysterious circumstances and evident result— the murder of Fei Sau's biological elder sister— the group of gu master in the team also began to form internal friction.

However, with his attitude, Fei Kao didn't care one bit about the situation. He was happy to see a little bit of blood here and there. Following the Chieftain in many battles since their childhood, both, Fei Qing and Fei Cao are bloodthirsty by their very nature. Fei Qing turned moderate after having a family but Fei Kao remains the same.

Beast Kao. This is the title the third strongest elder of the Fei Tribe gained for himself and for a good reason, too.

"Fine... brother Sau," Fei Cai nodded forcefully, his expression stiff as if he couldn't comprehend the situation.

"But I would still like to stay with Senior Kim and Senior Hun'er. I am not experienced enough to handle mainstream tasks that Elder Kao hands out."

"Sigh, I know this is an extremely tough decision. I shan't force you. But know this, I am grateful. Previously, I couldn't help you since you were still a rank 1 gu master but if you have any problems, look for me. It may not look like much but with the set of terror gu worms, my battle strength is great. And, you can join my team any time you wish."

Saying so, Fei Sau left promptly without even bothering with the other teammates.

This time, Fei Hun'er and Hun Gong looked at each other before nodding with a wry expression simultaneously.

"Brother Cai, forgive my younger sibling. He's... had a hard time. He was kicked in the family jewels by a hare at a young age and always felt envious of heroic young talents. As a compensation of my younger brother's continuous offense, I will relinquish my entire spoil of the day, including the merit reward."

Fei Hun'er stated with a sincere expression as Fei Kim looked with a surprised expression before understanding flickering over him.

With an embarrassed expression, Fei Hun Gong nodded, "That's... right. I am extremely envious. Do not take offense. I will relinquish my share, too."