The Changes in the Star Alignments


Su Wenshin rubbed his nose. He felt that something was a miss these past few days but he can't put his finger on it.

Although he was no longer living inside the Palace unlike his younger days, he still kept his interest in the good of the Xu Kingdom. He owed it to the Previous Emperor Xu Shenqing, Xu Fengxin's Grandfather.

He was currently standing on the mountain and gaze towards the sky. Studying the movements of the stars, so that he could predict the future and the will of the heavens.

This past month, the stars had moved. The Current Emperor of Xu's star was the brightest in the sky of Xu Kingdom. Each Kingdom under Zhenglin Continent has different star alignments. The next brightest was the Crown Prince of Xu. Beside the brightest star was the stars of the Current Emperor's harem, for example, the Current Empress.

Next to the star of the Crown Prince was a red star. Compared to any other stars, only this star had a color on it. This color didn't appear until last month. He deduced that it was regarding the Phoenix prophecy that he had predicted 15 years ago. Just that, he didn't predict this sort of movements before. This red star should've accompanied the Crown Prince until she fulfills his destiny. Right now, it was doing a different thing. The red star was now moving away from the crown prince's star.

Not only this puzzles him, but also the fact that it's trying to move to a different Kingdom's star alignment. He had never predicted the wrong thing before! Why was this star doing a different thing now? What caused it to differ in a different direction?

He ought to look for answers but he can't. Not right now at least. He could only get out of this mountain after this year ends. There were only 2 months left. He predicted that there was someone important that he needed to meet in this mountain. Just that, he didn't know which day he would arrive.

That man had come from a different Kingdom. He looked up the stars again. Instead of looking at the Xu Star's Alignment, his eyes landed on the Zhou Kingdom. The red star was heading towards the Zhou Star's Alignment. Could that red star had a falling out with the Crown Prince?

Su Wenshin rubbed his neck. Being the Heavenly Law Protector was not an easy task. In Zhenglin Continent, There could only be one Heavenly Law Protector. Although others had learned to read the stars, there were far from his abilities. Aside from this, he could live for 300 years.

Right now, he was roughly about 100 years old. When he was serving the previous Emperor of Xu, he was only about 20 years old. Su Wenshin's master just died, living him the title of the Heavenly Law Protector.

When the Heavenly Law Protector was about at the end of his life, he will have to find a suitable person to inherit its powers. His master had taught him for 10 years before passing.

In Zhou Star's Alignment, the Current Emperor's star was blinking slowly. Its brightness was slowly fading. He could estimate that he only has less than 5 years left on his life. The brightest stars beside it would be the princes. Unfortunately, there were 3 who was vying for the throne.

One of them was about to lose his life. Su Wenshin ought to not meddle with this sort of mundane world affairs. Unfortunately, the red star was getting close to it.

The reason why he stayed in the Xu Kingdom was because of his master's prediction before he died. He predicted that a major change would happen in the Xu Kingdom within a hundred years. When he saw the Phoenix in the sky and the birth of the Red Star, he knew that his master wasn't wrong. Just that, that red star wasn't red before and he had called it the Phoenix star. This sort of change was really beyond him.

Just as he was in the middle of his thoughts, he heard some movements behind him. He looked at the Xu Star's Alignment again. His visitor had finally come.

As he turned around, he saw a young man dressed in black. Contrary to him who was wearing a white robe.

"Greetings Prince Zhou Sheng." Su Wenshin cupped his fist together and did respectful bow.