Chapter 2. Out Like A Light

Keep calm... You tell yourself. The moon shifts as if it is getting closer. It glows dimly as the sun begins to rise shining on your face, blinding you.

The young boy, looks sweet and kind. You wanted to talk but he left to soon. Locking the door, you walk to you car and see the window rolled Down just a tad. A note sits in your seat. Pulling the handle you open the door and pick up the note. From the moon... It reads... "How can the Moon write a letter?" You whisper to yourself. Not you sit in the drivers seat and put the key in the ignition, switching it into drive. She roars to life and the engine starts. A smile is put on your face. You turn onto the highway and head to your application for your new job. You want to work at a night club as a bar tender. The pay is good and you ask people what they want. Not so hard.


The interview goes well and you go out to leave. As you round the corner, you bump into a tall slender man. "Sorry! I didn't see you there." Hes says apoligeticaly, picking up your bag "It's alright. No harm done. " You say brushing off your hands on your thighs. The man looks you up and down. "Hope to see you around!?" He says. You nod waving bye as you walk to your car.

You return home to find the door unlocked... Strange I thought I locked the door... You think as you push on the door and it steadily and slowly creeks open. At least I remember closing it... You place your purse on the counter and lock the deadbolt and handle. Shutting the door you walk into the shower the hot water pattering on your skin. The steam from the shower fogs the mirror on the slidding door.

As you shut the tapes off, you step out having the sharp coolness drift over your skin.

Changing into your evening outfit, you step out of the room and the lights have gone out. You walk to the basement to look for the breaker panel. A shadowy figure moves and catches your eye. Ignore it you turn the RESTART button on and the lights flicker to life.

You turn to see a man in all black with a stupid face mask. "Who The Fuck Are You!!?? You scream. A sharp pain comes into contact with the back of your head and you're out like a light.