After what felt like a few hours Flame saw the sun starting to come up and formed a beautiful sunrise through the trees.

The wolf stepped out of the treeline and stood on a cliffs edge revealing the scenery of the local mountains and their woods covering the mountain side at the foot of the mountain Flame saw the town. Shadow-vale was a small town compared to any other town but still fairly large.

Flame got off the wolfs back and approached the edge.

Fang watched as she walked towards the edge but grabbed the back of her shirt when she got to close to the loose rocks along the edge and pulled her back to where it was safe. he didn't want to see her fall and get hurt he wanted to speak to her to tell her he could understand her but he didn't want to scare her he had to wait till her dragon blood awoke within her and she regained her memories and her powers.

"Mr. Wolf you helped me big time today I want to thank you not that you can respond to what I'm saying but still you seem to understand what i say so I'll be turning eighteen tomorrow night I'll come and bring you a big piece of meat Ok?" she smiled back at the wolf.

He nodded his head in a yes motion.

"can you take me the rest of the way at least to the towns edge i can walk from their?"

The Wolf motioned for her to get back on. Straddling the wolf's back they made their way back into the woods working their way back down to the town. it took about 4 hours to reach the road leading into town Flame got off the wolfs back.

"Thank you mister Wolf I'll be going now stay safe and remember to meet me here tomorrow night, ok?" she ran off waving goodbye while looking over her shoulder smiling at the massive wolf that was at least 5 feet tall on all four legs.

Fang watched her as she jogged down the road. He followed behind her in the trees keeping out of sight till she reached the main street and turned the corner where he could not go in his current form.

He whined wanting to follow her but knowing he couldn't at least not like this he turned away from the town and ran back into the forest he had to check on something that had happened last night.

He followed the scent of blood that hung heavy in the air till he found a body of a older woman whos black hair covered her face her naked body was coated with dried blood a gunshot wound in her back just under her mark of a panther she was a Shadow Guard a warrior whos main mission was to protect the Queen and her People Fang knew this one it was Elmoira Panetheria she was fiercly loyal to the throne and recently had 3 children.

Fand almost missed it but the scent of his beloved was also their mixed in with the smell of blood and dirt.

Did she stumble upon Elmoira after she died or was it before? What was she doing here and why was Elmoira away from the cave she had guarded for hundreds of years? And what about her children were they OK?

He ran towards the cave and under the tree crawling fast through tunnel as he could.

"Lord Fang your back" they cried happily.

"Shion, Elvena, Bion are you guys alright?"

"No we arent alright mother is dead isn't she" Shion was upset she felt angery and sad all at once she wanted to kill the one who killed her mother.

"I'm sorry" Fang whispered he didnt know how to comfort them he wasnt one to comfort crying kids he was a fighter he wasn't good with emotions

"It's not like it was you who killed her Lord Fang" Bion interjected

"True plus we dont need to worry that human girl said she'd bring us food later tonight" Elvena cheered trying to make the mood lighter she wasn't a fighter like her brother and sister she was into medicine she wanted to heal others.

"You stupid girl she wasnt just a human girl shes the Queen" Shion shouted.

"ENOUGH" Fang shouted he didnt like discord among family not after what happened so long ago. The three cubs all looked at him in surprise Fang never shouted at them he scoulded them at times but he never raised his voice before.

"Yes she is the Queen but she herself doesn't remember it we must not tell her before her Dragons Blood awakens on its own we are already putting her at risk by you talking to her before her powers awaken. She can't fight against Tiger yet so we musnt draw attention to her least he tries to kill her before she remembers anything"

"yes sir" they spoke in unison.

two days later at school

Flame had been antsy the past couple of days since she started to take care of the Panther cubs she's been having terrible dreams that leave her puzzeled cus she knows the girl in the dream is her but she doesn't know why she is having them or who the other people are one moment they are people the next they are animals.

On top of the strange dreams their is also the aching pain in her back and muscles that they feels like they are burning.

"Yo Dazette whats up with you lately?" Viper asked behind Flame making Flame jump and swing her fist hitting Viper in the face

"Ouch Flame that was my nose"

"Oh bats Viper im so sorry i didn't know it was you" Flame begged her friend for forgivness.

"Whatever you were walking in a daze i should of known not to sneak up on you like that" she lefted her head "Is my nose bleeding?"

"Yes" Flame squeezed the word out of her throat.

Then Viper takes a glass vial no bigger then the tip of a pinky out of her pocket and puts it to her nose catching the blood inside then topping it with a corkbefore putting the vial back in her pocket

Flame wasn't surprised this was a Viper thing and she knew better then to second guess Viper.

"So have you decided yet?"