Chapter 21

Flames breath caught in her throat as she stepped out of the carriage. The view was absolutely stunning with green fields stretched out before her with a Crystal Blue lake and even further was the mountains stretching across the horizon as far as the eye could see. in the fields were hundreds of animals and even some people but those people turned to animals themselves, signaling that this was really a place of magic and wonder though she hadn't been here before she felt as if she belonged. she could see herself flying in the clouds her dragon wings stretched out she could see herself swimming in the blue lake. Flame was so busy day dreaming she didn't know she was being watched till Fang cleared his throat

"Ahem" she practically jumped out of her skin. "as much as I love to see your beautiful face full of wonder there are still two more who want out of the carriage my love"

"oops sorry" she stepped to the side so Angel and little griff could get off.the other carriages pull up and everyone climbs off stretching their tired limbs.

"oh man that was a long ride I hate being cooped up in carriages." Viper complained as she stretched her arms above her head reaching for the sky.

"like your one to complain all you did was sing and FYI you aren't very good at singing rap making this one of the longest four hours of my life."

"Gryph!" Flame yelled at him " How dare you be rude to Viper apologize this instant."

"No way in h**l."

Before Flame could say anything Viper spoke up

"Listen here brat you better mind your words or ill string you to a tree." she hissed her face sprouted scales and her eyes becoming snake like. His own face went pale.

Flame chuckled but now that the children had seen Vipers face she needed to explain to them what they saw but wasn't sure how.

Luckily Desaiah interjected "Kids you all are very lucky this place here is a special place created a long time ago you and you guys belong here your one of us." she showed her animal mark on the side of her neck that was a cheetah running across the back of her neck. Viper showed her upper arm where her mark was of a large snake wrapping around her shoulder. Fang took of his shirt and showed his mark on his back of a large black wolf howling. Una lifted her pant leg to show her mark of a Unicorn rearing on its back legs. and finally Flame turned away to lift the back of her own shirt to reveal her mark of a large red dragons head with wings spreading to her shoulders and a tail that wrapped around her torso.

"When you guys come of age your marks will appear as well." Flame said in a low voice. "Gryph you will be the first as you are almost of age."

"No ypur lying you all are crazy" he rejected

"is this crazy" Fang shifted into his giant Black wolf the same one that walked Flame home in the middle of the woods Flame rolled her eyes now it made sense that a wolf knew where she lived and why he walked her home without trying to kill her.