Chapter 35

"I was talking to her sir." I said in a stern voice.

He shrugged as he shoved a file in my hands and dropped her suitcase on the floor by the door "I don't really care I did my part she's here with her belongings and her case file so I'm done here and heading home it's a long drive and I have a date tonight." and with that he walked away leaving me staring after him if only I could shoot daggers from my eyes he would be dead with a blade logged in that thick skull of his.

"Good riddance to him I guess Anya dear let's get you to your room and all set up then we can talk later ok?" the girl just nodded silently luckily I had the perfect room for her after skimming her file I decided that she should share a room with angel as angel hated being by herself at night and her last roommate was a eagle child who was adopted by her aunt and her husband. Anya could have the spare bed I led Anya to the room as she clutched a small object to her chest.

"Anya sweetie what are you holding?" she looked scared at my question but still answered with a shakey voice

"It's a locket my mother gave me with her and daddies picture please don't take it from me it's all I have from before we were separated."

"Separated?" I looked in her file again in the file it said their was a car accident and that Anya had been found a few feet from the scene presumably thrown from the car but what if that wasn't the case "Don't worry honey I won't take the locket from you but can you show me the picture?" tentatively she opened the locket to show me a picture of a happy couple before clutching it tight again as we entered the room

"Here we are that bed their with all the stuffed animals is Angels bed you can have the other one on the opposite side of the room it's bare with just some sheets right now but I'll take you shopping later to pick out what you want to decorate your side of the room with." I set her suitcase on the bed "but first I have a welcoming gift for you come with me." I led her to my rather large and opulent room where Viper had placed a small jewelry box on my night stand that also had a key lock on it I didn't have anything in it as all my jewelry was back at the castle but I did have a chain so I took the key and hung it from the chain before handing it along with the small box to Anya "here this is for you so you can keep your little locket safe you take this key to open it and lock it once you close it so you can sleep and take a bath without fear of losing your locket you can put this on the table by your bed"

"Your giving it to me?"

"yes dear that what gifts are they are things you give to others out of kindness." I led her back to the room where she put the box by her bed before placing her locket inside and hanging the key around her neck

I left her alone to get settled in her room and put her things away in her drawers after that the others soon arrived with less incident and a lot less attitude from the case workers dropping them off soon after the last one arrived it was time for the others to get home I asked Viper and Una to watch the kids while me and Fang took the new kids shopping Fang took the boys Jake who I learned was a snake child which thrilled Viper, and little Tyson who was a hawk hatchling while I took the girls Emily a human girl and Anya who turned out to be a hippogryph child that was part horse part eagle and their were very few of them.

"Alright girls first clothes then we go for the other things okay?."

"yay let's go." Emily cheered she was very spunky for a preteen she was sharing a room with two older girls closer to her age so she had a bed in a corner but still plenty of room. Anya stayed quiet but I could still see she was excited.

they had different taste in clothing Emily went for a more preppy sporty look while Anya went for clothes that were cute but also practical and not to eye catching. Emily chose to decorate her corner in her favorite band posters and her bed set was in her favorite colors pink and black and Anya chose a black and red bed set with a few stuffed animals and for her walls she chose to have a scenery painted of a beach at sunset so I got all the necessary supplies to paint it while she was at school the next day so I could surprise her with a beautiful beach I also bought her a sound projector that played audio of the ocean and beaches while she wasn't looking so I could send her to sleep with the sound of waves.