_The situation!

The week passing by like a wind. And me? I turned to be a very busy person after Mr. D, my new appointed boss started to distribute the new set of organisation and some improvement of the law but still keeping the merits system, the punishment. Yeah, to let everyone know that its a must!

He was trying to improve the company to the maximum level within 5 years up coming. That was good because I could see his different approaches and we could learn it to achieve our own goals. That's including my personal goals. Hmph! I could do it...*nodding like a woodpecker with twitching my lips downward*

[notes: Haiya, too much confidence isn't good for you but too low in self-esteem also would destroy you, in. and. out. Choose wisely young lady!]


***My goals were:

1- Minimize my traffic errors by decreasing it from time to time- still manageable.

2-Moderately, settle the job in much better state (reports submitted), hehehe...cause I've always skip to the end! After this, I've got to do it properly- so hard to finish the reports!

3-Highly and maintaining the merit marks on my shoulder. Couldn't effort to lose another bet. Remarks the humiliating deeds whenever the merits begin to be deducted- well my name would be on the list little too soon. Watch it!

4-Ultimately trying to move on even if your past slowly appeared to the surface. *grimace* I prayed for it all the time- never happened before but who knows what would happen...soon.

All of those will ruining my life, maybe my entire life. I hope so not.

Well, back to current situation. Today, Romeo had took his emergency leave because Sofea suddenly suffered blood spills from falling to the kitchen floor. I hope both Sofea and the baby was fine. Mr. D did gave him a week leave due to his wife's condition.

Haris appeared suddenly at the door walking towards me. On his hand there was a letter. Why does that cover look so familiar to me?

"Here...this is for you. It just came in this morning. Sorry I've forgotten to delivered it to you earlier..." He gave me the familiar letter.

"Oh..." I smile back at him.

"Thanks! It's okay. I knew you were busy this morning not to mention to you but I do too." my smile widened to his notification.

"Your welcome. See ya around, D..."

"Yeah! Thanks once again for the letter, H!"

He simply making an OK gesture and strode off from there. I quickly teared the envelope off. Once the brown colour letter fall on to the desk, I stand stunned. My body going to her rigid motion but shaking with fear.

Those stamped. Those house emblem on the folded letter. The fragrance. I knew it!

I started to panic. All the emotion pouring like a waterfall. Sweats did drenched my clothes under the cold air conditioner.

All in all! I slumped to the floor, crawling under the table covering my ears on the corner. I could heard his laughter echos in me. In fetus position I swing back and forth trying so hard to stopped all the flooded memories.

I pressed my lips tightly to hold the whimpered escaping from my mouth. I cried silently not knowing what to do. The memories...



He knew it! But...why?

You all might wonder either she's alone or not, right? Actually, she was staying at meeting room after the meeting adjourned. How Haris know where she at? Well, he's the last person to left the room. So, when he came by to her empty organised table, he knew where she was.


I don't feel right.

There must be something wrong. I couldn't afford any more on my concentration when I could feel something chilly and goosebumps started to rise to all over my body under the business attire.

"Postponed the meeting."

"But sir-"

I shooed my PA off the room and I walked towards the enormous glass window in my office, my main office.

Loosen the tie, I folded the sleeves up to my knees. Still feeling the uneasiness came from the unknown sources.

"Hello boss! What can I do for you today?"

"Check on my baby girl and please report to me back ASAP for any suspicious activity. Got it?"

"I will, sir."


"No problem, sir. It's my duty to make sure your lady in good condition, safe and sound."


The call was turned off but his feelings were still raging. The meeting that was supposed to be held today had to be canceled due to his uneasiness feelings.

A few hours later, while in her state there would be at 4.23 pm compared to seven hours differences time, here.

His business all around the world were in control. Up and down it's a normal thing. He can't control everything but this grew chilly sensation showed to other things no...to someone.

Deep in his heart he could feel that it was his girl. The feeling getting stronger. He can't even put any concentration here at all. Supposed he should be flying back but because of the his situation here, everything were interrupted.

'Got something suspicious, sir. Your lady didn't come out from her office since 4.35 o'clock. Usually, she will out earlier. The staff already out from the building.'

I typed back to Mikael, my head special assistant.

'Keep watching!'

Three hours later,

'Sir, she didn't come out. Her car was here all the time. Should I come in?'

'Let me call her first'


Her office,

She's still there, too scared to go anywhere. The quietness makes her feel surrounded. It's too narrow for her to breathe. Just like before.

The blaring sound came from her phone on the desk above her head. She couldn't move. It did stopped but the blaring continues to ring for several times.

Her body shaken from the sounds like it glaring back to her, glaring with red eyes. The demon itself here to haunting me down.


Panic attacks came strike on her. She can't breathe. Feeling like her heart was shrinking couldn't even breathe in and out. Her eyes dilated were trying to watch around but she can't. Tears flowed wildly.

She collapsed, seizures to do nothing. She needs help!

His office,

"Damn it! Pick up the phone, baby girl!'

He hesitates anxiously waiting for his call to be returned but his effort was in vain.

Where did she go?

What was she doing?

Oh my God, please protect her. I can't bear to lose her for now for ever. Please help. He prayed silently pleading to his God.

He was walking around back and forth with his phone still on his ear. Still unsuccessful. Damn it!

"Mikael, go check on her. If you can break in ... just do it!"

"Yes sir!"

He's waiting anxiously, tapping his feet, bite the nail. That was what happened when his most precious girl in trouble. No one knows about his condition right now because he couldn't let them see how pathetic he look like was.

Running wildly his hand on his hair he had to waiting for any other call either from Mikael or his girl.

*scoff* She's not gonna call me, it's impossible for her to call me. She don't even utter a word when I called her so wanted to expect more from her?

He sat down on his swivel chair propped up the elbows on to the table, entwined his fingers making into a fist, he bumped he's entwined fist on his forehead repeatedly. With closed eyes he had to waiting.

"What took you so long, Mikael!" he muttered breathing heavily while closing his eyes.

He didn't realised that his silent mode phone keeps blip on to incoming calls.

His PA suddenly barged in to inform his boss.

"What do you want? Did I told you not to disturb me?!" he bellow angrily. The PA shrinking submissive like a afraid dog.


He was desperately stuttering trying to get the news to the boss. He felt so tiny right now. God, do protect me. I still do need a job to survived. His feets trembled due to his boss sudden mood changing. It's no longer the coldness but beyond it.

Hard to describe but you can see his boss was consumed by the large flame. The reaction on his boss's face showed right now was contorted, fiercely on display- he really doesn't want anyone to disturb his time.

'Imma dead meat...Imma dead meat..' that's what the PA chanting to himself. He lowered his head afraid for any possibilities. To coward to faces the raging boss.

"I'm-so-sorry boss, sir. Mikael did-try to call you but...your lady, boss. She's having the panic attack and Mikael on his way to the hospital!" the confidence find its way to himself, able to delivered the news properly.


The PA took a few steps back. He believed with closed door, everyone out there could heard the boss bellowing voice came through transparent like a bullet straight to their hearts.

Who ever on the same level as their boss's were scurried away like a veil, get back to their respective benches with head low avoided any troubles.

"Prepare the jet. Postponed all the previous meetings and appointment to another date! Inform me later!"

With that, the phone on the table been snatched and tossed into his dress pants pocket. He grab the jacket and place it on his arm without wearing it. The long strides took him a few steps away from the closed door without sparing any glanced to his PA.

"You come along with me!" that's an order.

"What? I-I mean....y-yes, sir!"

The obedience PA followed his boss silently. Everybody lower their head not even spared any glance worried if losing their jobs.

The tensions surrounding the area making everything suffocate from it, rigid until their landing. It took only couple of hours to arrive.

The car drove by Rudy already waiting for the passenger to arrive.