
Adjusting my eyesight to the sudden brightest, I blinked couple of times before the images became clear as crystal.

The blurry images that looking down at me displayed the most happy faces. Smiling fully on the lips. Had a few, tearing for me? Tears of happiness or what?

"Thank goodness....my sweet child just woken up..." says the female elder.

"What?" with crooked voice I tried to talk but it came out in harsh state.

Suddenly, one of them nearing me catch a glass of water to me and gulped it down until it empty.

"Thanks." I swept off the wet trail the corner of my mouth drop into my hospital clothes.

They laughed at me because of my clumsy state. Well, I'm super thirsty okay and famished!

The loud grumbling noise came from my rumbling tummy. I sheepishly place both my hands on it and expressed the open smile. Showing of my teeth. Welp, full displayed I guess.

Chuckled echoes in the room but my eyes caught someone attention.

Who was that? Standing in his glory. So handsome.

I was almost drooling. Heh, drooling of hungriness? Is it, the word even exist to describe the situation just like now?

I do hungry for the food and for those...

I giggled suddenly, giggling like a little girl.

That guy chuckled before approaching me. Woah...my eyes bulged open. What the F!

"Hey, baby girl?" he called me with his beautiful smile. He looks so young and tastefully handsome.

Wait! Hold on YOUR self, Aulia.

That's my name, right?

"Hm...baby girl? No!" I shaked my head and his rise his eyebrows.

"My name is Didie Aulia Dean Mason. But you can call me..."

He stopped me.

"I know baby girl. I loved to call you that name because you are my baby girl. Indeed mine." says himself to me.

Woah...indeed yours! Since when?

Owh...I think I'm blushing like crazy! Blushing while laid on the hospital bed. Think again like we were the only person here. No one else.

I'm squirming under his stared. Didn't know what to do. I place both hands on my warm cheeks. Shy away like little girl being having confession from her crush!

Why he is so handsome?

I didn't realised that I've been caught in action due to my silly self.

"Do you know how cute you right, now?" he said again. I know he teased me! It's not fair!

Ohhh...no...the shade turn to red! No longer pink! I covered my faces not to let meself being teased again. Once again, the room fill with laughter.

He called me cute? I'm 30++, okay Mr. Handsome! How come you choose a cute to represent myself...in front of all this people?

The grumbling came alive again! How embarrassing!

"Okay, we have someone that can't wait to be feed. Come on guys, let the lovebirds feeding themselves...alone.." says the elder.

Slowly they were off the room leaving us behind.

"Lovebirds?" I grumbled under my breath placing down my hands.

"I know what you thinking right now, baby girl..."

He sits near the bed. I was on the edge of his presence. His sweet aura making me fly on the air. Crazy enough?

I glanced at him a few times not dare to glued my eyes on him, his young handsome face.


But, his eyes stared at me straight bore into my soul! There some kinds of charge been sending to me. On what purpose?

"Come on...I believed you have some business to do, right?" he let out his hand for me.

Business? What business? Oh!

I ignored no practically ignored his hand. I'm fine, okay. Nothing major serious so I could walk!

I did brushed my teeth and comb my hair by my finger after I closed the door. Well, I could take a bath later if the doctor let me do that.

Upon opened the door, he leaned over the wall next to the door waiting for me. I walked back to my bed and sling my feets Indian style before leaned on my almost 90° slanted bed, comfortably.

"Here, let me feed you..." he walked closer and sit down at his previous chair.

"No! Im-I mean...it's okay. My hands just fine..." I object immediately.

"I want too...let me okay?"

He's eyes penetrate into my soul let the pulse changed into the faster rhythm. Oh my God! Did he just happened to change my heartbeat to this craziness? Wow!


On with that, he spoons me the porridge until it finished and I did it like a child, messing with very uncivilized manners.

"It's not enough..." I whined not satisfied.

"Patience baby girl!"

The door opened and revealed a young man with his business suits holding a paper bag.

"This are your favourite food. Enjoy!"

He spread them out and opened the lids for me. Arrange them from plain rice into the fried vegetables. How I love it!

With big smile I devoured them like my life is depending on it!

"Slow down, girl. Your tummy will getts hurt, then."

"Okay..." obediently, I follow the order. Eat them slowly not to upset my tummy, no, I don't want to be here any longer.

Finished! I smiled brightly patted my tummy before reaching the napkin to clean the smudged that smear on my mouth.

Quickly, he grabbed the napkin and slowly cleaned up the mess. I blushed once again letting himself do it for me. Hehehe...

When it done, we're both still in silence. An awkward one!


That happened.

"Sorry...ehem, by the way, how long I've been here?" I covered back my uncivilized manner in front this man. So unbelievable, Didie Aulia!

"A week..."

"A week? Since when?" I tilted my head, confused.

"Since a week ago..."

What? I looked at him speechless. Are you stupid, mister? I gapping but closed it back like a fish.


Dumbfounded. I still looked at him before retreating my gaze to elsewhere.

"Since Tuesday, last week..." he gave me his 1000 watts smile.

Too hot! I burned inside...the flame of what? Love?! Desire?! No, no..no...

"Oh!..." trying harder to avoid his fruity flirt.

Curiously I asked him again. "What had happened?"

"You don't remembered?"

He's face showed that, there were something about it.

"No!" easy answer.

I do don't remembered it at all. It was like everything's turned to blank.

"You bumped your head with the door when you walked out from the meeting room. You thought the door was still open and you just walked straight to that and...you fainted."

He explained it calmly.

"Then, what took it so long up until a week? Is that so bad I got hit on my head, before?"

I rubbed the area that I assumed the correct placed.

"You hardly sleep state causing your body to react themselves. Which mean during this whole time you were sleeping. Doc says your having insomnia due to stress. What are you stressed for?"

It took time for me to register the information. Stress? What stress?

"I-I don't know..."

I looked out the window. Blank!

"It's okay...and how do you feel about it right now?"

"Great! Super great because I just thought that the large burden on my shoulder had been pushed away from me. Kind of...relax... tensions free..."

Gleeful. The sudden mood change really made me feel good. He smiled at me. When I looked back the table already cleared. When does he do that?

"So glad to hear it! Here, take you medicines and rest, okay?"


He looked at my beamed self before placing the pills on my palm. The slightly touch did sending me goosebumps trailing on to the back of my hands slowly to the shoulder and up the head.

The hair of my back standing up, guys!

And I could say the same thing to himself. We stared at each other for a moment but then I realised that I'm holding my palm in the air like a mannequin.

I throw the pills into my mouth before gulping down it with the help of plain water. I hate those pills. Bitter like grasses! The raw grasses!

He patted my head looked at my obedient self I slapped away his hand. He chuckled before take out the trash with him.


Why did I show my real self to him? Who is this guy?