_The plans?

That nuisance child still alive after all of these years.

How stubborn she was, huh?

Lady H continues with back and forth after having a wonderful night with her new toy, last night. He's very young and handsome lad.

That Master didn't even replied her message. For so long collaboration, she never knew who was that Master but on the other hand, that Master did knows everything about her.

So frustrated!

She's lid her cigarette and inhale the taste of the tobacco into her lung before releasing it into the air through both her nostril and mouth. Satisfied with the contents that filled her internal.

Her feelings overlap between hate, passion and contentment but her goal has not been reached ... Aulia's death, yet!

The hate relationship she puts between her and Dean can't be explained why...

It's wasn't because Diana got Dean first, not because Dean leaves her behind but it was because...he didn't accepted the truth about their children at all.

Everything had to Aulia's first. Everything! After her children got born couple of years later he didn't even spare a glanced at all. You how sad was that, and because of that, she promised to give her children, their birth right!

They were all are siblings after all but Dean has keep on denying it because he accused her for having two timer behind his back. Oops... multiple-timer actually, to be exactly...

But, for certain time she knows her children came from the same seed just like Aulia. That was why she had having all his wealthiness to herself only to let his first daughter suffered and paid for what her parents did to his other children.

Married with someone who related to Dean not gonna ease the feeling until his other heir died and only her children can be the only true heirs eternally.

*snorted* Yeah, right!

That was her goal, intentionally her perfect revenge ideas. So far, it's successfully in her control.

Keep your enemy closer than your family but in advanced she have them both. She was one of the family member and at the same time was an enemy to them. Hidden amongst and blending perfectly without noticed.

She's out after getting herself cleaned and changed into fresh attires to her waiting husband. No one knows about her relationships. People could say, she's having a new toy but she really did and secretly married to someone much younger than herself.

"Honey...what would you like to having, tonight?" asked her through the phone.

With tired and lust voice at the same time, he answered:

"I'd love to having you tonight. Love to devour you all night long..." says the husband with seductive tone.

"That sounds very nice, hubby." how wide is her smile right now to show that she would loved to oblige.

Felt content, she didn't realised that her husband did cheated on her behind her back.

Wow...hard to explain... but nothing matters as long as their needs were being taking care of. Marriages only to covered up their true agendas.

"See you in half an hour. I brought our dinner in.."


"Love you!" said the wife.

"I know and I do..."

He replied with ease.

Lady H did developed new feeling towards her young husband. So long not having to love and be loved makes her blind with the lies in front of her own steps.

"We did promised to cherish this relationship but I need time to say those words. I will say it when the right time is coming. Wait for me ok, honey?"

"Yeah, sure. Take your time, hubby..."

That was what he said to her new wedded wife not too long ago, about couple of years and they stay maintained together.

She's 50 and her husband 28, almost twice younger than her and they don't seems to affected to that numbered.

"It's just a number, honey. Nothing more..."


"I just did my part, Master."

"Good...keep going until I say so."

"Yes, Master..."

He hung up and placed his phone down the tables, satisfied. Then, reached the brown envelope before tearing it of from the seals pouring out the contents.

All the details about Lady H was scattered on the table. He chose one of them before examined the photo.

Wow, marvelous...

He pressed the intercom button called for his servant.

"Yes, Master."

"I want you too organised some charity event this weekend and invite this people into it."

"Yes, Master..." the servant did jot down the details into his notes.

"And, organised everything they needed from clothing, ornaments until designated chauffeur to let them feel comfy...do everything and I've approved them. Prepare everything with the most expensive items.." said the Master again.

"Yes, sir."

"That would be all. You may started it immidiately.

"Right away, Master."

"You dismissed..."

The servant out and ready to prepare what he needs to do first.

Master laughed evilly. You wanna play with my baby doll, lady H?

Be prepared for something special for you and your little family.

He has been continuously scheming his next moves part by part. The notes being pulled out from the drawer. The thick empty folder being placed at the very end of his left side. Up above his reach.

One by one he got down the details. Settled one of the part, he placed aside before continuing it with others.

Lastly, all off them being slide into the transparent pages of the thick folder. Almost full before he patted the thick cover folder smiling full of evilness.

He called in another servant and the servant entered into the room after being answered from the knocking.

"How was my baby doll?" he asked calmly.

"I did bribed the doctor and so far she's good." the servant answer with lowered eyes, slightly bow.

"Did you get anything about my doll?"

"I'm so sorry, sir but...I'm sure either Miss Aulia did read your letter or not but based on the rumored from her closed family...she shocked after only tore the envelope and saw the seal before being in panic attack mode."

Master turned silent after listening to the servant's explanation.

Poor my baby doll. I just want her to remember me back. She did remember but she remembered the seals that I used to let her played before not myself, supposedly.

"How's her condition now?"

"She's just woke up couple of days ago and still staying for further examination after being asked by someone...."

"What do you mean?" Master cut off the servant replying.

"Ermm...the rumored said that Ms. Aulia is...*gulping* dating with someone. I couldn't find out who that person is but I just heard some of random man called him, Mr. Z..."

He has turned silence.

"Keep me update about my doll." he was trying to avoid 'that' talked.

With hand gesture, the servant leave the room immidiately.

"Yes, sir!"

He's body turned rigid. Fuming towards the news. Dating? Mr Z?

Son of a b****!

You're trying to steal her away from me? In your dream young man. She's mine!!

He bellowed inwardly. Shaking from too much anger he did smashed the near wall. The wall did crack as well as his knuckle bleeding from the hard impact he received from the wall.

Hah, that wall didn't do anything to you instead you did attack it in order to release your anger of some random guy. Really? Did he a random guy?

I won't allowed it!


Back at the hospital...

Aulia ready to off from her temporary room.

"Stay with me, my dear?" suggested the elder towards Aulia.

"I'm so sorry, granny. Maybe next time and who knows I will be there unexpected. Well, as a surprises..." she pulled her face into large grinning.

"Owh...my sweetheart...I know you stilled loves to surprise me back there... it's a promise okay, sweetheart?" granny engulfed her into her big hug.

"Yes, granny!" she chuckled at her granny's gestures.

How'd she loves all of her family members until forever. They supported each other and while she was in the institution, they never gave up on her. And she was totally blessed to having them with her when she had her up and down.

"What about us?" says the other elder, represent the rest of them.

"Promised to pay a visit to each of your marvelous shacks!"

Aulia winked at them playfully, showed off the bubbly self.

"Pay a visit? No...can't let that happened. You must stay at least a week each one of the shack! Sweetie! No objection and it's not a request but it's an ordered!"

"Alright- alright! I promised guys. No backing out. No pulling your legs anymore. Promised!"

She did promise gestured, holding up her right palm up from her shoulder and did promised everyone.

Granny brushed her beloved granddaughter's hair playfully making mess with her hair.

"G! My hair...you know how hard it takes for me to do this style and now you ruining it."

She playfully smacked her granny's hands off while laughing wholeheartedly.

They were all laughing at her antics. 30 but still acting like a child!

Daniel just watched his baby girl with her family. How happy she was and hope it would last forever to see her full of happiness.