
She shooed me out?

She's freaking shoo me out from the house?

Why you need me to go?

Just let the triplets out from here if you don't want to see my face?

Why complicated the things if you can make it easier?

I don't know how to react because why am I the only one who supposed to be thrown away?


"If in this 24/7 turned to be 25/8. I will throw you out myself!" the old lady gave me her venomous look straight away!


"Get your ugly faces out from here because you ruining my reputation! The girls reputation!"

"What kind of reputation? A sex toy?" I muttered under my breath didn't even look at them.

If you think I was the one who ruining it...think again old lady?

So much to bother yourself to let them stay at this area, why? You are the one who crash my reputation.

I can't get my lone time, can't even rolling around in my PJs happily! Can't even crazily paint the house as my pleasure and can't even be myself at all. Stifling whenever they were here, hang up like a wet clothes!

"Are you saying anything, Didie?"

I could see how she restraining herself not to touch me but in the end, she regretting it! Too much diseases when she touched me and afraid it might be contagious to her body.

That was what her expression showed to me whenever she did touched my body using either her hands or her legs.

I'm happy actually to the thought she had. So much happy cause she don't have to lay any fingers on my body, not even once, again! I cheers for that but her verbal treatments really could make your puss coming out easily with so much pain! Yeah!

"No!" I retorted instantly without waiting for any moment.

Where the hell is that coming from? Did I imagine things again? Or...growing enough brave to answered that?


"But mommy...she didn't do anything..." Poppy protesting suddenly after having some analyzing on her head stopping the mother's attempts to me.

I just let out the relief sigh but...the statement Poppy mentioned...

That took me off guard!

Why so desperately you want me here? Love to push me around? Asking me around? Again? Over and over? Don't you feel tired at all? But I am! Damn much tired!

"Yeah...mommy...please..." Lily hang on to her mother's hand, swing back and forth making puppy eyes.

While, Orchid nodding agreed with those two.

"Please...mommy...just let her stay here..." coax the Lily, again.

I was stay rooted to the floor surprised to the supporting siblings. Errr...backing me up? Its a trick to catch my attention then you guys can strike me from my back, isn't it?

"Haiya girls...I just wanted you guys to stay together as a siblings only. Just enough with her. Just let her got off from us, okay? Don't you happy?" said the mother trying hard to buy their heart.


"Enough Lily!" the mother exclaimed loudly not given the youngest to add more fuel to her rage.

Little they didn't know that, she wanted to kill her away from herself, instantly. Just to keep cleaned from any bad reputation if she did killed her in this very house!

"Don't you think about to blow the air on my face young lady! That including both of you!" she pointed out her fingers towards Orchid and Poppy.

The triplets can't say anything anymore. When the old lady started her lecture on, you better watch out. She was about to explode if you still stubborn to deny the instructions.

For their cases...say bye-bye to the cars, allowances, and boyfriends! Stay at home forever!

"Okay, mommy!"

They agreed like an obedience kids afraid of their mother after effects. Lol!

Huh! I'm clapping happily in myself. Smile mockingly at them.

Finally, I got free from those creatures!!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

"You! 24 hours!" shriek the old lady, shattering away my oh-some (awesome) thought.

"Come on girls...let's have some fun together." quickly she turned to be a happy mother like always, drastically! She's totally a maniac and a crazy b***h.

Oh...I did cursed her in my super head! So wonderful and colourful!!

They were all out but before that, the man smirking and winking at me behind the old lady back?

The second maniac and loose screwed guy! I don't even know you so what the hell should you trying to flirt with me? Or worse... your not my kind of man!

Exactly, not a cup of my favourite tea!

Ah, it doesn't matter anymore!

I'm about to be free! I'm about to be free!

That's all I keeps chanting happily. Finally...the day I was hoping almost never existed did really exist and it happened to be today!


What the beautiful day!

I was jumping all around after they get lost from the house! Smiling like a fool. Just got win the lottery ticket to be free FOREVERRR.....


Where should I live, then?


What should I do?

What first?

I don't know!


Romeo could help me out!

Yeah! He could help me!


Why do I feel the sudden chill running into my bone? Not this again!

Romeo just finished from his chores helping the very pregnant wife doing it... more to forcing himself to do them all because he hates chores more than anything else.

I've shouldn't let the wife to pregnant again next time! But, she's so damn sexy and hard to resist when she's so horny! Exactly on her ovulation dates and of course she will pregnant again!

Sighing heavily. It's your fault too to bang in her! Not once but too many!

And now, his tired. Just got laid down on his fluffy pillow, a gift from his wife no much to push the wife gave those fluffy stuff as a gift to him.

The phone on nightstand ringing loudly and of course he absolutely recognised the ringtone coming blazing through the air.

Why now, babe?

Just give me a chance to rest! My body aches....so much!

It's stopped!

Romeo smiled widely and adjusting his head on the pillow ready to close the eyes making a wonderful thoughts in his will be dreams.

It's coming again. The buzzing tone!!

He's groaning frustrated and trashing on his bed alone. He was about to cry...in verge of tears right now...

Defeated, he picked up the phone and hello-ing the person with flat tone.

"What do you want?" he emphasized each letters smalling his small eyes with flatty bushes eyebrows.

"I'm finally free, dude!" how cheerful her voice over there.

"What?" he didn't get it.

"I'm free Ro! The old lady came over and asked me out from the house in 24/7!" she squealing happily like a child where as Romeo, he was trying to register the sentence she just mentioned it through the phone...

The old lady? That lady?!


He instantly sat on his bed with wide eyes replaced the phone to the other hand. He sat over the side edge of the bed letting out his leg and wearing his slipper then bending placing both his elbows to the knees while his free hand rubbing the temple.

"What happened?"

That all he can asked because he got so many to questioned her but...he don't know how to react first.

"Well, she simply came over with her new young husband and required me to move out ASAP!" she explained it with the same tone.

"New husband? Urmm...for- for how long you there? Did she do something to you? Why you didn't called me, earlier? You know how worried I am just to hearing the words 'old lady' there? Please let me recover back after you've been hospitalized a week ago. I know you just got discharged but...just—"

She cut his off.

"Relax bro! Don't you think it was a perfect idea?"

"Perfect idea? Are you out of your mind, dude??"