
Her eyes opened brightly from her napping times. Snapping back to reality.

She heard something from someone. Who could that be? The words came out like an echoes and she couldn't detect the full of it.

Date? Love?

Didn't care about dishevelled hairs, she jumped off from the couch and running towards her readied truck.

"Thanks guys!" she shouted at the team members, waving her hand up in the air. They just simply showed off the OK sign to her before getting back to their job.

Oh shit!

Frenziedly, she was searching for her phone in each pockets, her sling bag, in the truck...but...not there..

"Where did I put you, blacky?" she keep on muttering, scratching her dishevelled hair even more looking for the phone.

"Hey, D! You forgot your phone here!" someone shouted from the waiting room to where she took a nap inside just couple of minutes ago.

"Owh...thanks man!" she run for it and grab the phone happily.

"Thanks dude!"

"No problem, D. See yah around!"

"Aight, see yah!"

She walking-running to the truck before took off to the designated parking for the truck about 5 minutes drive: still in the office territory whereabouts. Her Uncle did prepared everything within the reach easier to everyone. Such a convenient!

She walked to the backdoor into the lobby for signing off her duty today, punch the card and happily skipping to the car in the outdoor parking lots.

"Someone looks happy today?"

Upon hearing someone voices, she stopped the skipping and turned around abruptly.

Z standing-leaning to the rectangle golden crafted stone pole inside the building, locked his hands into the pockets and tilted his head to the left.

Her jaw dropped open to the floor, stunned after her eyes did an unmistakable gaze at that guy.

Was he cut his hair previously? Or...did he just put some make up on his face before?

Why he is so damn handsome, now?

It's beyond comparison. So hard to describe how attractive this guy, making himself comfortable leaning against the pole wall while looking at her like a truly boyfriend lovingly to his girlfriend.

"Take a picture, baby! It will long last and you can admire my beauty" he winked at her playfully.

Leaned off, he stepped closer to her now and she had to tilted up her head just to look at him clearly on the face.

Damn! How petite she felt just to be with him. The broad shoulders, long neck like a crane, skin like a delicate human ever not like her that pale in everything. Fragile like a porcelain doll. His long legs gives the extra credit to his handsome features. Leaving the average height person, behind.

"I missed you baby..." he said with soft voice. Without waiting her reaction, he just hug her lovingly, kissed her forehead also in sweet manners.

Oh my! Oh my!

The butterflies did dancing beautifully in her stomach. Fluttering the sparkling dust everywhere to compliment the actions. And just that leaving her in bashful state. Her cheeks both pink in shades. Her eyes frantically running everywhere didn't focus in one place.

Wait...he smelled so goooooddd... God!

She leaned her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry baby..." he tighten the hug. She just standing there with both her hands to the side only grabbing the small amount of Z's shirt. She still shy to hug him back.

"What for?"

She looked up blankly at him after he loosen the hug and placed both his hand on to her shoulders.

"I'm sorry because didn't contact you after your discharged previously. I got locked up into my work and... I admit...I did forgot you..."

He looked away after finishing his sentences, nervously. But not long before he glancing back like a shy kid having a secret love, crush on somebody crazily.

That's making her giggling like a girl.

"It's okay...I understand it but...me neither...did forgot about you...because...I had to move out from the rented house..." she just grinning shyly strayed away the gaze from him.

"What? Move out? To where?" he placed his right hand to her side head before rubbing it slowly didn't care about her dishevelled hairs, wildly to every direction after she woke up not long ago, worriedly.

His eyes only on her faces. The sculptured eyebrows crease out due to the unexpected news she had just let out to him. His mouth slightly frowned didn't like the late news.

Poor my baby girl...I'm the last one to know about it...

"Erm...to my uncle's places. He went travelling around the world..." her lips held flat on her face didn't bother to elaborate more to him.

"I'm sorry...I didn't helped you out..." he's making a sad face flatting her wild sticking hair in slow manners.

"Nah...it's okay...all good Romy and Danny helping me moved." she rubbed back of his hand to soothing his reaction and smiled exposing the dimples to him.

He kissed both corner of her lips and leaving her heart stopped beating for a second.

"So cute..." he whispered gluing his gaze on her puffy face.

The butterflies in the frenzy motion along with the heartbeat now! The rhythm no longer in a usual pace. No! It's crazy right now! It's changing into something new that she had never experienced before.

What was that?

Is it love?

She stared blankly on to the spaces not even move a muscle in her body. She saw Z say something but it came out as a slow motion figure like in a movie and she couldn't figured what he was saying about.

Gulping down the saliva, she then felt something warm and soft on her lips. Her eyes widened due to the Z's action after she realised it.

He kissed her in the building...where she works freely!

Oh no...hmm...

His hand snake around her waist, pulled the body closer on him. The other holding her neck. She had to grab a fistful of his shirt to support herself from thawing into the puddle to the floor.

Her knees already gave up to standing up by herself. Almost all her body part getting paralysed immediately because of this kind of gestured.

Her beat erratically drumming in her chest. Oh my God! Her heart might getting exploded just by this unexpected kiss.

He moved his lips in slow and tender way, caress her lips entirely by his intelligent tounge.

He tastes so sweet and so good. Oh my...

She just follow his movement without objection, closing her eyes slowly devouring the sweet taste. The kiss didn't stopped but more to he just bit her bottom lip crazily. The pace getting hot and needy.

He then, angled her head to mould both their lips into the perfect shape.

Oh God, she tastes so heavenly and just made only for him. Her hand traveled to his back grabbing his shirt and hold on to it tightly. She just reciprocate and accepted the kiss and follow with the flow.

Gosh...I would never get enough of her!

Then she patted his chest indicated that she need to breathe.

He let go her lips and slowly opened his eyes to look how's her reaction just now.

Her pink shades of the cheeks already glaring in red. The lips that he kissed already swollen after he can't resist the tastes on his tastebuds. So tempting and alluring and inviting for more.

She breathe in and out the air. Her chest heavely up and down to gather the oxygen for her lungs.

He didn't apart from her but just leaned on her forehead holding her neck and lower back lovingly.

When she opened her eyes the glaring red shades double in colour leaving her face entirely red due to the stares came in from very-very closed handsome face.

She couldn't react at all. Before she push away herself, he gave her quick peck on her swollen lips.


"Oww...baby...why did you do that?"

He said it while putting his hand on his chest acting like it's really pain after her smacked his chest and freeing herself from him.

She covered her mouth with her eyes bulged open leaving him confused didn't catch her sudden reaction.


I didn't even brush my teeth!!

Ohhh...she bit her lips didn't like it! Knitted her brows she looked away from him.

"Why babe?" he asked her. The nervous breakdown slowly creeps into his system.

She doesn't like it?

What should I do?

"I didn't brush my teeth after a nap..." she trailed off still embarrassing herself off from him.

Z laugh out loud and just grab her body before embraces her into his moulding body back,

"You're just taste of honey...baby...and I love about it. I just thought you didn't like it!"

Herself: "..."

"Do you know how much I wanted to kiss you...kiss you insanely...those lips and dimples really did inviting me to kiss them on sight."

What a f**k!


He just did that!

He did kissed me!!
