Chapter two - the first weekend

                                                                               --Saturday - 10:00am--

The next morning, Sharon's alarm clock screams fill her bedroom. Sharon jolts awake as a reaction to the ringing sound piercing her ears this very second. She stretches, gets up out of bed and walks in her ensuite and strips dropping her clothes to the ground. Her clothes spread across the floor, towel hanging on the rack, she turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature to lukewarm.

Twenty minutes later, Sharon gets out the shower with the thick towel hanging from her hair and a thick matching robe around her body. She walks into her room to the other side to find a spacious walk-in closet standing in front of her. She walks through the entrance and to the middle of the closet. She has a good look around before settling on an outfit. It is a casual Primark white tank top and a pair of new look baby blue ripped jeans.

Sharon heads downstairs towards the kitchen, as soon as she gets a pair of socks and shoes on.

—An hour earlier - 9:00 am--

Riley gets up to his alarm sounds quickly and heads out of his fairly large room and crosses the hall to walk into the bathroom. He strips before turning on the shower adjusting the temperature to warm-hot. After 30 minutes of showering, Riley came out of the shower with a towel around his waist. He opens the window before turning to go to his bedroom across the hall.

                                                                                            -- 11:45 am--

'Morning, mum. How are you?' Riley beams lightly. He is wearing a blue t-shirt and a pair of black knee-length shorts. He kisses Sharon on the forehead before sitting next to her with a plate in front of him.''Have you eaten yet?'' Riley wonders curiously as he digs into his favourite meal of cheerios with milk and honey. ''Yes, I have. Don't you worry about me, okay?'' Riley nods his head as Sharon gets up to go and get her medication bag from her bedroom.

After taking her medication, Sharon heads downstairs with her car keys in hand and calls out to Riley. 'Hey sweetheart, I'm heading out. Want to come?'' All she heard was heavy footsteps rushing downstairs towards the door. ''Yes, mum let's go explore!!'' Riley grins happily feeling delighted and keen to see what's out there in his new hometown.

Sharon and Riley head towards the mall, they eat brunch at IHOP before going shopping for the house, getting groceries and getting some furniture delivered to the house. After a few hours what felt like a minute goes by, Riley decides to call it a day.

''I want to go home now. I'm a little tired mum So I'll head home and have a nap.'' Sharon nods at Riley sincerely before giving him some money. ''What's this for?'' Riley inquires in a puzzled manner. ''It's for a taxi, I need to run some errands for a bit. Get some bits and pieces for work on Monday.'' Riley nods at her with a smile spread across his face and he happily heads towards the entrance with the taxi stand nearby. As he is headed home, the taxi takes a route that shows him around the town. The local clubs, local shisha bars, local restaurants like chipotle & Hardees and supermarkets dotted around the area.

                                                                         -- Time skip to dinner --

''Wow, Riles!! This casserole looks amazing.'' Sharon complimented. ''Thanks, mum. You know it's my speciality.'' He beams at her delightfully as he places a plate full of the casserole in front of her. He sits down as he gives himself some casserole on a plate. They both dig in with content and happiness.