WebNovelWolf Prey35.00%

Humans are Picky

Michael carries Ally to the main gate as the gate keeper open the gate by pulling a big silver lever. The gate keeper was huge and wasn't wearing a shirt he had black pants on and the left and right side of his ears were pierced

"He's gotta be at least 6 foot 10!" Ally thought to herself as she turns her view back to Michael who was silent and still carrying her as he went in the palace

Michael showed Ally his palace and that how important it is for her to here

After the tour a guard escorted her a lovely dark blue color wall bedroom

It had the most finest furniture and most expensive decorations she looks around

Ally: "this is like something you find in a Ƒɑíɾվ Եɑíӏ how crazy.... This must be the king's bedroom i wonder why he sent me in he-" she suddenly become silent as she look towards the bed suddenly her face flushed in a deep red color

Ally: "He's not intending on doing anything like that is he?!"

She starts to panic as she runs to the window

Ally: "Maybe i could..."

She looks down noticing she can barely see the ground from how high she was

Ally: "heh... Not alive..."

She looks around for a weapon as she heard the knob start to twist she saw a empty breakfast tray she quickly grabbed it and hid behind the door that was about to open

-Door slowly opens-

With no hesitation as soon as the shadow walked in she jump to the action and as hard as she could using all her strength she swong the tray banging down on the shadow's head the person falls to the carpet floor with a thump her chin dropped open when she noticed it was the king she hit and that he was now unconscious

Ally: "oh god... I gotta get outa here!!"

She steps on King Michael's back as she took off running

She did not know where she was going as she headed to a darker and dirty dusty room there was lots of beds a maid clothing

Ally: "I'll wear this outfit it be safer"

She quickly changes

Ally: "it's a bit loose but tight around the chest"

She sneaks with a mop pretending to clean


A tall soldier walk by the chamber where King Michael was unconscious at the soldier quickly helps the king get consciousness as the kings sits up and was helped to a chair the king chuckles

Michael: "That..... Little prey got guts..."

He smirk as he calls some of his soldiers

Michael: "Find that woman no matter the cost UNHARMED "

The soldiers saluted and begin searching as the king looks towards the window than at the bed seeing her every move

Michael: "when i catch her I'm gonna teach her who's boss"


Will she escape?

What is the king's motives with Ally?

To be Continued😉