WebNovelWolf Prey65.00%

Grand Ball

Even has dawned as Ally stood on the balcony in her sapphire dress decorated with silver curly patterns and light hold belt goes across her hips

The balcony looks down to an entrance of the castle where the soldiers stood in guard Ladies and Gentlemens walk inside though the pass months she learned that Fabian was a silver fox his kingdom was full of unique people and myth creatures you'd only find in books

Ally: "tonight is the evening of the grand ball where king Fabian will announce his engagement to his fiancée"

She says turning around smiling

Fabian: "are you ready for tonight"

He bows softly

She hugs him softly in an embrace than lets go as the king walks out

Ally looks out at the balcony again but in a panic she slam her back into the wall in shock

Ally: "wh-why here...."

She gasps in shock still as she runs to the golden door and ran down the hall to catch up with Fabian

Ally: "Fabian.!!! Fabian!"

She shouted after him but he was nowhere to be found. She trotted down another hall to the ball room

She enters as everyone was too busy dancing and partying

Ally made her way through the crowd

suddenly bumped into a familiar face

Michael: "Well..well little prey.. enjoying the Fallsland"

There eyes locked together for a few minutes it felt like time has suddenly stopped and only the two are in the moment

Ally: "King Michael...."

Before she could make a move Michael grabbed her hands and led her to the dance floor

The music changed as the two started dancing all Ally could think about was how would he kill her or worse

Through the dance it was silence between them but Michael broke the silence with only a sentence.

Michael: "im attacking my father's kingdom in two days I would very much like you to be at my kingdom to say good luck...."

He continued to lead her in the dance

She was in shock of the news but smiled

Ally: "it be an honor"

Michael stops followed by the music

He let's go of her than walked to the front and greeted Fabian

Ally walked out of the room to the balcony she can't seem to figure out why she was feeling sad


What will happen?

Will it end well

to be Continued😉