The fire kingdom once again attacked by Alice, the Queen of the dark world...
The kingdom was set on fire and thousands of people around them were lifeless and injured. The chaos that they brought killed hundreds of innocent people.
Chris was only 13 years old, died in the war against them. one of the black knights stabbed him and he falls on his knees. Blood came out from his mouth. "Chris, no..." Little Frost's hand covered with his red blood. Tears made his cheeks wet. "No... no..." he cried and hold him close. "Protect my parents and the kingdom," he told him. "Find her..." he holds his wound. overwhelming pain was starting to kill him slowly.
"Our long lost friend... Angeline" he said, still stubborn to talk. "Why?" His cheek became wet because of his endless tears. With his last breath, Chris told him "Because... she's... THE LAST FIRE WARRIOR"