Queen of Hell

"Are you ready to take this responsibility?" Velna asked her as she held her hand. Angeline took a deep breath. "I'm ready" she stands up. "She's ready..." he told Jay as she nodded. "Make way for our new Queen" Jay announced. The trumpet is blown and she walked out from the room with her long black and red apparel. She stands in the middle of the crowd. Jay kneeled down and gave her a black dragon dagger that has been pass generation by generation.

To be a queen, she must use her blood to lit up the holy fire. If she cant, her dream to be was only an expectation. She raises her left hand and cut it without hesitation and fright. Her blood slowly dripped into the fire and it changes into the white fire. This ceremony symbolizes the honour and the royalty of the queen, the blood symbolizes bravery and the same hand that will protect and punish the criminals and the brightness of the flame symbolizes the strength of Queen.

"Bow before the queen" all the people bow to her as Angeline was declared openly by Jay. He brought her to the throne and put a black crown with an emerald on her head. She knocked it three times and suddenly someone stabbed her from the back.

She opened her eyes as she clenches her fist onto her chest. "God... what a nightmare" she looked at her left hand and saw a scratch mark. < is that my dream?> She looked at her clock. "Its 3 am" she closed her eyes but she can't sleep. "If this scratch mark was real... then" Angeline stand up and opened her cloth as she looked into the mirror. She saw a short vertical line on her back. "the dream was real" she touches it. She took her jacket and looked at the moon through her empty balcony. She saw a black figure walking on the road in the middle of the night. "I saw that thing in my last meeting" she looked at the ground and made a metal chain with her power.

She falls down carefully until her bare feet touched the ground. Angeline ran to the road and asked it. "who are you? Why are you here?" She said as she walked even closer. "Blood..." it said. "Pardon me?" She asked it politely. "Blood!!" The thing jump on her and someone stabbed it from the back. It falls down. She was so shocked and sat down to the ground. "You?" She said as he keeping his distance from her. "Why are you here?" She holds her jacket afraid that he will do anything to her.

"Same as this guy..." he stabbed him again. "We came here because of the same reason." She stands up. "What is it?" She came towards him. "Don't come near me" he put his sword at her chin. As he turned around his sword magically disappeared and he put his hand into his pocket.

< the scent of her blood... could it be?> he shook his head as he sighed.

[ Frost ]

Frost went back to his home with a heavy sigh. "Are you alright?" Alan asked him as he put the sweet popcorn into his mouth. he didn't foresee Alan will awake in this hour. "Yeah... But I can feel something bad will happen with that girl" Frost sat beside him and took a little bit of his popcorn. "Wow... this is the first time, I hear you care about a girl. Someone special?" Alan teased him. "The future CEO of the Stc. Company? Not much. By the way, I think I saw her somewhere." He thought. "Yess... me too" Alan ate the popcorn as he focuses the movie.

He only said yes because he saw her at the meeting.

"In the meeting, she went outside and after the meeting, her hair was untied. Can it be... that you met her in your mission?" Alan smiled. < I really can't hide anything from him > Frost sighed. "Yeah... you know, when I was chased by the knight clan, I do something to her" he giggled. Alan rose his eyebrows. "I opened my cloth and kiss her but luckily the knights ran away" they laughed as he continued his story. "Anyways, she's a good kisser" He giggled. "That's my bro" he punched his shoulder softly. "And... where's the money," Alan asked him seriously. "In my room, wait... I will take it for you" Frost stand up and took the suitcase with billion of the dollar in it. "Mission accomplished" He threw it beside Alan.