His justifications

< tut... tut.... >

"Hello... May I know who's speaking?" a woman's voice speak. "Hello... Frost is speaking. May I talk to Mr Albert? " Frost called Albert's office phone as soon as he put Angeline in her bed. Albert is Alexander's best friend and Frost's training teacher in the HQ. "Mr Albert is in the meeting room with his other student. He'll be here in about 10 minutes and If you don't mind, you can leave a voicemail." She said. "Alright..." He sighed. He talked as a beep sound can be heard. "Hello, Sir. Frost's speaking. Can you call Mr Alex and tell her daughter with me? Don't worry we're in his house, right now. Thank you" He clicked the red button that appeared on his screen.

He sat on the chair near her bed. "This is why I hate woman so much. Who are you?" He said as he looked at her face. "Why do you think my body always moves by its own when I can feel you're in danger?" He keeps talking to himself. "Woman is so weird and hard to understand" He sighed as he remembered Jackson's word.

< Woman's ego is higher than a mountain and their heart are deeper than a sea. Even though you try to climb or dive it... you still can't understand them >

# Reason why Frost hates woman

[ Flashback ]

[ Arina ]

Frost just came back from his training and he sat on the couch. "FROST CORWELL!!" Arina shouted his name from the kitchen. < What kind of thing does Cindy tell mom this time? > he facepalms. "FROST ARE YOU DEAF!?" Arina loses her patient. "Coming..." he shouted back so his mother knows that he will come. "Yes, mom?" Frost sat on the chair. "Did you see my apron? I can't find it everywhere." He sighed as he thought a major problem will attack him but it is actually an apron problem.

[ Mia ]

In the peaceful week of holiday, Frost sat down under a tree with his mobile phone. [ Duh... playing his fav game ofc ] "Hey frost..." Mia came and stand beside him. "What do you want?" He looked at Mia and saw Cindy standing behind Mia. "Jesus..." he said as he saw Cindy. "I'm busy... Go find Alan maybe he is free to play with you guys," He said as his finger still attacking the enemy. "No... You'll come with me" Mia took his phone and Cindy froze him from his neck until his toes. "Oppss... Sorry" they chuckled. "Give back my phone" Frost struggled to break the ice. "Too late," Mia said as she passes the make-up to Cindy.


[ Cindy ]

Frost was so tired as he had his extreme exam in the Tiger's mansion. He went to upstairs and opened his door but it's locked from inside. He knocked on the door and heard a group of girls giggling together. "Cindy... Opened the door. I'm tired and I want to sleep" he knocked the door softly as he doesn't want to show his rudeness in front of her friends. "My room is not big enough for us to stay this night and I think your room is pretty big and comfy too," Cindy said as she doesn't want to open the door for him. They keep fighting and suddenly he became quiet. The door froze and he kicked the door. "Go out before I kill you with my hand," he said angrily. All the girls come out and Alan stole their memory. "Be careful Frost..."

[ End of the flashback ]

"And now... I have you. Suddenly went into my life and my body will move before my brain does."

[ Flashback ]

( 1st )

It was a quiet night until he heard something weird. < something doesn't feel right > He looked throughout the window. He wears his shirt and took his car key. He drove to Angeline's house and saw her walking alone on the dark road. < Hmm... What do you want to do know? > he wondered. Frost saw a black figure approaching her. He came out of his car and ran as fast as he could to save her by killing it.

( 2nd )

Frost, Kitana and Edgar were enjoying the surrounding of the Halloween night. There was various kind of food can be found here. He feels a little bit uncomfortable and his surrounding.

< If Kitana with Edgar... so where is Angeline?>. "I want to go somewhere nearby, I will catch you up later," He said as he walked to the opposites direction. As he walked, Frost heard someone is screaming. He builds stairs and sat on a wall to see what happened clearly. Frost saw a gang harassed a poor girl and he decided to help her. After fighting them, he looked at the girl. "Miss... Are you alright?" He swipes her hair from her face and he sighed. "Ohh... it's you again. Troublesome." he carries her and takes her back home safely.

[ The end of the flashback ]

The door was opened by Alexander. "Ohh... poor girl" he came and pat her daughter with love. "Thank you for bringing my princess to us." Alexander smiled. "It's okay, sir." He stands up and walked out of the room. On his way to the door, Katherine saw her and she stopped as his say goodbye. "May God bless you with love and luck" Katherine hold his face with a bright smile cause in her eyes he helped her daughter twice.

As Frost went back to his car, Alexander called Jester.

< Hello Jester > - A

< Hi, any problem?> - J

< I want you to investigate this boy named Frost... Don't worry... his one of Albert's student. I want his information before dinner tomorrow. > - A

< She's still young... to get married. I know you like him but don't you think it's too early to find your son-in-law > - J

< I want you to investigate him cause I don't trust him I'm afraid that she will be harmed... Btw... I will never let my daughter married until she reached 18, you dumbass! > - A

< mkay... Great! Gbye > - J

9 am in the morning Jester went to Alexander's office to send the information about Frost. "Thanks, bro," Alexander said as he received the data about him.

Full name: Frost Corwell

Code name: Alpha

Gender: Male

Birthday: 1st February xxxx

Eye colour: Light blue

Hair colour: Silverish grey


"They said Frost is a good guy and he also went into the same school that I suggest to you. He always gets first place on every examination among the 12th grades students. Well said that his a very well- educated student." Jester took a cup of tea and sit on the couch. " Oh...yeah... so is that mean that he went to the 'Royal Diamond Academy'?" Alexander asked as he was not sure the name of the school. "Yes." He simply replied.