New year

"Your highness, it's the time for you to go back home and rest. Can you walk or I should lift you instead?" Jay hand her a cup of hot tea that she loves to drink when she goes to the village markets.

"I can walk by myself, or someone will get jealous" Angeline giggled as she stands from her bed. "Please do tell me about the latest report. I will be at my home if you need me" she teleported to her room and saw Frost on her bed busy playing his favourite game.

Frost sighed. "I forbid you to go to the war," He told her as he figured it out. Her knight and the book, always busy, she kept her secret from him its all make sense. By the way, its 31st December and they will be celebrating the new year together rather than went to the Royal Diamond Academy new year celebration.

Angeline had no mood for arguing nor angry with him as her body still weak caused by the poison. "I feel... weak and sick. Maybe I should take some quiet rest" She climbs the bed beside him and close her eyes. Frost shook his head.

It's 11.46 pm and they were preparing the bbq and drink, delicious food was displayed at the table. Some cooked by Kitana and some bought by Edgar.

Kitana stand up and brought her plate as she wanted to take the food. "Frost... your eyes!" she freaks out upon seeing his red pupil. "Red... my pupil" He ran to the toilet and look at the mirror. Yes, Kitana was right its red. < The blood!> he ran up to Angeline's room and she was no longer there.