The star guardian

As they reached the mansion, she bolted to her room and tossed her bag on her bed. With a great skill of teleportation, she saw Velna with an old man with her talking as they were enjoying a cup of tea. He wears a pointy wizard hat, has a long and dark brown wooden-like crosier with a purple crystal ball on top of it. His hair, beard and eyebrows were clearly showed how ancient and wise he was.

"Who's that...? look familiar but not so familiar" she mumbled as she silently hid behind the bushes as the professional assassin she is, creeping and crawling as she was eavesdropping their conversation.

Out of the blue, her body moves by itself, stand up and walked towards them. "Wha-what happened?" she can control her body as her body controlled by great magic. Angeline walked closer and closer towards them like a puppet on a string.

"Good morning, crown princess," The old man said with a wrinkled smile on his face. "I know you!" Angeline pointing the old man's face with her index finger. Velna released the magic and she falls onto the chair, hurting her butt. Ouchh!

"I know... I saw you in my dreams!" she gasped. When she was younger, she always had a terrible dream, dreaming something burns, kill, hurt and capture her with a magnificent strength of magic power yet there's also sweet dreams she had makes her forget about the nightmares. "I very appreciate you still remember me, after all this year" the old man thanks her for remembering him.

When she's young, the old man could only communicate with her using soul-to-soul communication as it is easier for him to know her actions. "Angeline, from now onwards, Sir Caspian, the star guardian," he simply introduced him. "He will be your next mentor. I couldn't go further in your lesson. You have much more to learn." she pours a nice hot tea in her pearl white cup.

[ After a moment later...]

"We should be gone by now" he stands up and took his crosier and knocked it once on the floor. "You're warmly welcome to my house" His treehouse memorise her about her room on a tree when Alexander sends her to Beijing, China to attend several lessons with master Moh. And of course, there's no ladder nor stairs to climb up.

Angeline facepalmed as she shook her head. "Not again." she sighed. "So, how we're gonna go up there?" she asked as if this is her first time. "Think and find a way" a metal ball was chained on her left feet. "Good luck" he teleported.

When she tried to use her teleportation spell, the ball was preventing her from getting away. "If I can't go anywhere, is that mean I can't go home?" she gasped and started to freak out.

After almost an hour sitting there, finally, she got an idea. "I...can...melt it" she laughed yet melting a pure magical metal is not an easy thing. Its need a high-temperature power.

The night time in Fantasyland comes by and it's a brand new day in the real world. Crickets and fireflies break the silent night. Moon and stars were shining in awe and the dark skies look alive. The moonlight shines upon her to give her light.

Angeline was still there trying to melt down the metal ball. "It's useless!" she stands up and kicks the ball. Great pain stung her foot. In another treehouse, Caspian was studying her capability to think, escape and the strength of her power. Her shining sword runs to her mind.

"Stupid brain" Angeline facepalmed and summoned her heavy sword. With all her energy left, she swings it and cut the chain once. "Thank god," she laid down. "I'm free!" Angeline giggled in satisfaction as her freedom worth the inner energy she drained.

Angeline's wristwatch still ticking and her clock shows 5.30 am and she swiftly teleported in front of Caspian. He's holding a pack of seeds and a pot with a healthy green seedling. "I want you to grow this plant using the power of nature. 4 weeks is enough. Now go" Caspian put the items in her hand and pushed her using his crosier through the portal to her room.