Mother Nature

After hangout in her boyfriend's house for a while, she went back home around 1 am and Alexander sat on their comfy couch waiting for Jimmy and Angeline to get home.

Angeline tip-toed through the living room to prevent from Alexander knowing her presence. Her father will be furious about it as he told them to return home before 11 pm. "Any explanation?" A deep voice asked her from the darkness. Angeline turned her head to the right slowly to Alexander's direction.

Angeline was shocked. "Come here and sit down" Her father demanded. She couldn't dare to look at Alex's eyes. Angeline thought this is going to be the end of her life and suddenly Alex was talking on the phone. "Where are you... come back NOW..." Again Alexander demanded on the phone.

Several minutes later, Jimmy knocked on the door and opened it. He walked fast and sat beside her. Alexander sighed, began to nag them like their teacher at school. "I teach you how to sneak in when there's a problem or run away from a particular person. Not to sneak into your partner's room." Angeline and Jimmy eyes widened and look each other- What a coincidence. How could their Papa know about it?

Jimmy was trying to deny it, but he stops as Alexander look at him with a blank expression. "You think I'm that easy fooled by you, children? When I was around the ages of your I always sneak into your mama's room so your grandfather and your uncles didn't know about it." Alexander stands up and ordered them to go back to their room.

Both of the siblings ran to the third floor and bolted straight into their room.

Angeline took her towel and had a nice cold bath as it's become her habits taking a bath in the midnight.

Wearing a nice pyjama, she leaps onto her bed and snuggled...

Angeline came to an isolated place from the random corner of the Magical World and saw a deep dark cave under the earth. She was very curious, what could it be at the end of the cave.

She went further into the cave became larger from the inside compare to its entrance. She was stunned by the beautiful scenery of the untouched nature. The lake and waterfall as clear as the crystal attract her attention, but she more was drawn to the Tree of Life.

From the glowing emerald leaf to its sturdy root that holds strongly to the earth gives life to the earthling all over the Magical Word. The Tree of Life is the pulse of the world and without the tree, the Magical World is dead and lifeless.

Angeline can't help herself but sit nearby the lake and play with the water. The fishes and the colourful coral reef could be seen very clearly from the surface. A large green creature awakes from its sleep and opened her eyes. "I'm waiting for you" Angeline was scared yet amazed as an exquisite green Nature dragon appeared on her sight.

Blossom, The mother nature, bows her head before Angeline, the Twilight queen that Fang informed her about. Blossom needs her help. She can't let nature die in the human's hand. She needs someone to protect the tree from danger since the last zodiac star was born, anything could happen before one's thought.

An emerald Jewel stone floats, and she catches it with her both hand. "The jewel heart?" Angeline asked Blossom. The heart is for Blossom's new warrior, Angeline's ally and will be the saviour of this world. "I don't really care, who you want to give it to but I trust you," Blossom said.

Angeline's forehead touches with Blossom's cheek. "Dear warrior, accept the gift I gave you within me, may part of my strength became yours and use it for the greater good" Without she realized, Blossom blessed her with great strength of nature power. As if something went inside her blood veins.

// Knock... knock //

The rays of the sunshine lit her bedroom, but she hasn't wake up yet someone knocked non-stop at the door. She walked to the door and opened the window. "I should've known you still sleeping in this hour" Frost came into her room and gave her a breakfast that Katherine prepared for her.

"Thanks..." She yawned. "Sweetie, what's a green gem doing here?" he tossed it in the air several time before Angeline took it from him using her magic. "Wait..." She locked her sight on the stone and flashback her dream.

"The rebirth of Nature?" Frost thought. Both of them staring at each other. They talked about the history where the last heir of the Earth and Nature warrior died.

They were a loving couple to each other and it says that Earth and Nature were completely made for each other. To protect each other. Unfortunately, they died alongside the all 8 elemental warriors except for Fang's warrior.

"Do you think what I'm thinking, Frost?" Her eyes shine blinding Frost's sight. He uses his hand to cover the dazzling light. "What? You're planning to give Kitana the nature power and later you'll give the earth to Edgar so they can be together? Like happily ever after?" He guessed and he didn't expect her girlfriend nodded happily and smiled.