Who are you?

( 26 April )

//Ring Ring//

Frost tried to call Angeline many times before he went to sleep yet she doesn't pick up once or text him a reason. "God...don't tell me she went to another mission in that condition?" He anxiously talked to himself as he holding a fancy glass of blood wine in his hand.

Frost sighed and tap his fingers on his study table in front of an open window. The soft cold breeze of the night wind blew on his face. His hair gently blew along with the thin curtain.

"Stop blowing on my face, luce" Frost gritted his teeth as he was frustrated by Lucifer's presence in the silence moment.

"Sorry. Can't help it. You look so lonely but anyway...goodbye" Lucifer teleported away with a laughed. Frost shook his head and sip on his red wine.

He looked into the night sky and wondering if she's okay. He admitted himself that he really does often worrying her recently.

Due to her condition after possessed by such a demonic power, her body is still weak and he's worried she might hurt herself.

He looked at his phone and type Benjamin's number which Benjamin personally gave him back in the previous mission. He was well informed that Antonio will join them in that house. So, he couldn't go there to find her.

//Ring Ring //

Benjamin's phone rang and disturbed his sleep. Frost called him 2 times before he answered the third call. "Yes?" Benjamin's deep and unstable voice carved a smile on Frost's lips. "Where's my girlfriend?" He straightened to the point.

Benjamin sighed and rubbed his right eyes as he yawned. "Angeline and the girls went to hang out somewhere..." He told him.

"Where?" Frost concerned. Benjamin murmured yet Frost didn't understand a word he said. Frost was in total confusion and try to process at least a word. "Uh...Is that mean you don't know?" He guessed. Benjamin hummed agreed with his question before he ended up the call and straight to bed.

Frost walked beside his bed and found out how lonely he was without her. He laid like a useless starfish on his bed eyeing every corner of his not so messy room.

He sighed many times hoping that she will come when he sighed. Minutes later, he began to get bored and finally fall asleep in that position.

[ 30 April ]

[ After dinner ]

After served themselves a delicious dinner, Kitana and Edgar were called at the library on the second floor by Antonio.

"What's this all about?" Kitana nervously asking Angeline who just went out from the library. Angeline shrugged as looking at three of them.

"Kitana, grandpa called you to go inside" She holds both of Kitana's cold hands and wished her luck.

Kitana walked in with butterflies fluttering in her stomach. As she met her eyes with Antonio, she instantly withdraws the glimpse. Not even dare to look at his fierce eyes.

Kitana stands in front of Antonio who's sitting straight as he looks her in the eyes. "Yes, young lady...who are you?" Antonio asked with his fancy black pen and a blank paper prepared on the table.

Kitana stunned for a second. "What do you mean who am I? Didn't you know me?" Kitana's inner voice asking herself.

Awkward silence fulfilled the air and Kitana coughed. "Oh my..., what am I doing?" she trembled.

Then, she realised that she only has to do some formal introduction to the general. Kitana opened her mouth and speak clearly.

"My name is Kitana Uzuyama an-" She forced herself to stare at his forehead yet, she was stopped by Antonio in the middle of the introduction.

"Let's repeat the question- Who are you?" Antonio asked her again and again and still, Kitana gave Antonio the same introduction every time he asks.

Cold sweat dripped from her forehead and heartbeat raises in little fear. Kitana stoned before Antonio's question and lowered her head.

"What's the name that your parents used to call you?" Antonio stands up due to the certain pressure he felt. He walked to the opened windows and looked outside.

Despite hearing about her parents, Kitana's tears began to flows from her cheek. "Take a seat" Antonio simply said as he welcomed her to sit down.

Antonio then searched for a specific paper and wears his spectacles. He lifted the pile of work paper which he remembered the last time he placed it.

Minutes later, he found the paper and sighed."Edgar Enderson..." He started by his name.

A reckless boy who doesn't afraid to kill others but Antonio admitted that Jimmy, as well as Edgar's behaviour, somehow seem familiar to Alandor, Jimmy's late father.

"Looks innocent but actually not" Antonio smirked upon remembering Alandor's shitness when it came to other's priorities.

"Edgar was assigned on his first mission after the admission test with Aaron. A rescue mission in Africa." Antonio said as he passed a paper to Kitana.

"Isn't it too fast for him?" Kitana asked. Antonio shook his head and smiled. "He's ready than you could imagine. Didn't your brother and sister went the same phase?" He explained.

"I-I don't understand...b-but my family died many years ago a-and my brother was g-gone" She shuttered. She was happy yet confused with his words.

Their secrets were well kept by the Lion general as he promised himself not to expose anything and make sure to bring with him in his grave.

"The one you know steps further from you. What will you do? Crying in the corner of your room and wait for someone to come? What will the late Pheonix think of her youngest daughter?" Antonio questioned her in one go.

His calm voice brought a great impact on Kitana. She felt uneasy and wanted to scream that it's not as same as Antonio think of her.

"Let me ask you for the last time...Who are you?" Antonio questioned her name for the last time. He then walked towards her and softly pat her head.

"Though Angeline and her are in the same age, she has lots of room to expand her potential" Antonio little heart thought.

"Dismissed..." Antonio ordered and she stands up with her sighted, looked on the floor. She didn't even date to lift her head. As if it's so heavy than usual.


The sound made when Kitana accidentally walked onto one of the wooden shelves in the library. Kitana shyly rubbed her forehead as she knew that Antonio is watching her.

Kitana silently shrieked in embarrassment while her face was red.

"Is your forehead all right?" Antonio rubbed his chin. Kitana confused for a second and said. "Sir, that's your chin not forehead" she corrected his action.

Antonio nodded as Kitana stands up and painfully walked towards the door while still touching her red forehead. Though Antonio didn't do it on purpose yet he knew that one day Kitana will find herself greater than today.

Because his instinct said so...