How the Day Began

"Hey! Tatsuya! How's your morning been?"

"Oh, you know, same as usual."

This is his one and best friend Tamoki. They've been friends since elementary school and are always together and pretty much inseparable. Tamoki knows about Tatsuya's sexuality and he doesn't mind since they are both friends and have been for so long. Though he feels uncomfortable about talking about it, which never bothered Tatsuya much since he never really wanted to talk about it either.

"Awww, you should cheer up a bit and, I don't know, smile every once in a while." Tamoki said happily while throwing his arm around Tatsuya's shoulder.

"Anyways, how has your morning been Tamoki?" Tatsuya replied.

"It's been fine, but me and my sister got into a fight and she may have slapped me across my face."

"Again. Well, that explains why your face is red."

"Yeah, yeah. I got to go. Se you after school Tatsuya!"

"Ok, bye."

This was pretty much how Tatsuya's life went. Every morning Tamoki gets in a fight with one of his sisters, we chat, then we go to class. People always wonder why he and Tamoki always hang out because Tamoki is a typical high school boy with good looks, grades, and personality. Unlike Tatusya who most people thought was apathetic and overlooked. People would comment that maybe he would look cute or handsome if he cut his hair and put effort into himself. Though, no matter how much they said, he never listened.

Tamoki loves sports, trendy music, and is a HUGE extravert. Tatusya on the other hand, hates sports, love rock and unusual music and is very introverted.

Since the two have been friend forever, they know practically everything about each other, but Tamoki doesn't know about Tatsuya's mark on his arm and he wasn't planning on telling him anytime soon. He was afraid that if he told him that he will abandon him.

Tatsuya's family was involved with many accidents. His father died in a car accident and his mother couldn't take the pressure and responsibility so she later committed suicide. His grandparents all died before Tatsuya was even born and his aunts and uncles were either dying of age, some sort of health condition, or freak accidents. Since none if the aunts or uncles had children, he doesn't have any cousins either. He was the only one left in his family which made his life extremely tough. He didn't have anyone for support except for Tamoki.

Tatsuya has always had had bad luck which is another reason he was called Akuma. Everyone except for Tamoki, blamed him for the deaths in his family. His life was pure misery.