Shopping Spree

After breakfast, Tatsuya's plan was put into action. He wanted to surprise Minyul by taking him shopping for new clothes. Though, because of his tight budget, he had to stay within a curtain amount in order to be able to pay rent. Despite that he wanted Minyul to be able to wear brand new clothes to school and to his job if and when they get hired. So, he grabbed his wallet and went to tell Minyul the good news.

With a face of excitement, Tatsuya said, "Hey, Minyul, guess what?"

He replied with a smile, "What is it master?"

"I'm going to take you to the mall." Tatsuya said as he couldn't contain the happiness in his voice.

Though Tatsuya wasn't big on wearing trendy and very stylish clothes, he loved the mall. He loved to go there to have the food, hang out, and go to many different stores. He preferred stores that sold more casual clothes, but he also loved stores like Hot Topic were he could by his more edgy clothes.

"Ok master, but why do we need to go to the mall?"

"To get you clothes. I feel bad that all you have been wearing is my dad's old and worn out clothes, so I decided that today we will go on a trip to the mall to get you new ones."

"Thanks master, but-"

Right as Minyul was about to decline his offer, Tatsuya interjected and said, "No buts. We are going to the mall and that is final. Now go get ready."

Then, the two went to their separate rooms to get changed.

Minyul was ready first and was waiting on the couch in the living room. Tatsuya came out of his room with his hair still damp from his shower. He was wearing black and white converse with black jeans and a red shirt. Minyul couldn't help, but blush a little upon seeing Tatsuya.

Tatsuya exited his room to see Minyul sitting on the couch. Minyul was wearing white shoes with black jeans, a white t-shirt and a light brown jacket. Tatsuya stared at Minyul who looked very good and well put together despite the old clothes.

The two stared at each other in shock. Minyul admired how edgy yet adorable Tatsuya looked, while Tasuya admired how rugged and stylish Minyul looked. After a moment of the pair staring at each other. They left the apartment and walked to the bus stop.

As they got on the bus, many people stared. Most people on the bus were young and all their heads turned to see the handsome couple walk onto the bus.

After an awkward bus ride there, they finally made it to the mall.

Just like on the bus, many people stopped to stare at the two as they were walking. The first store they went to was regular casual clothing store. They entered and went towards the men's section.

Tatsuya picked the appropriate size and different styles for Minyul, ranging from casual to edgy styled clothing. By the time he was done, he picked out several outfits for Minyul and he was able to stay way under budget. Which he was very proud of.

The first outfit was a Champion brand pink hoddie with white jeans with rips in the knees and the pair of white shoes Minyul had already owned. The clothes fit very well on Minyul. The jeans were the perfect size and the hoodie accentuated his lean and long legs.

The second outfit was light blue ripped jeans with a grey t-shirt, black and white Vans, and a red and black flannel tied around his waist. The outfit made him look trendy and up to date in style.

The third outfit was his black and white converse and black jeans with a light grey hoodie and a black jacket over it. This outfit was nice and also was great for cooler temperatures.

The fourth outfit was for if and when Minyul got a job. The outfit consisted of regular black jeans with a plain dark blue t-shirt and a black belt. This made his golden eyes and stand out even more which made him look very handsome.

The last outfit was blue jeans with rips in the knees, combat boots, a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket over it. Minyul looked very dashing and tough in this outfit.

Along with Minyul's five outfits, they also got some extras like a few more hoddies and t-shirts, sweat pants, joggers, and some regular pairs of jeans.

Minyul noticed that Tatsuya was only getting things for him and not for himself. While Tatsuya wasn't paying attention, Minyul gabbed Tatsuya a matching pink Champion hoodie and he got them matching bracelets.

They checked out and they went over to get lunch. They walked over to a pizza place and ordered their food. They were greeted as soon as they entered and were taken to a small table next to a window. The pizza place was very rugged, but in a good and stylish way. The place had red brick walls with black metal chairs and metal tables. The place was dim, but not to dark and the smell of pizza lingered in the air. After a moment, Tatsuya ordered two medium supreme pizzas and two Pepsi's.

When the waiter left, Minyul said, "Thanks for today master, I had fun. I noticed that you kept getting things only for me so I bought this."

Minyul pulled out the matching bracelets. The bracelets were simple, but charming. One was white with a black disc charm, while the other was black and had a white disc charm.

Tatsuya grabbed the white one and after inspecting it said, "I love it, but hows did you buy thia without me noticing?"

Minyul replied embarrassed, "Well, I just grabbed them when you weren't paying attention."

Tatsuya laughed at Minyul's embarrassed expression and said, "Your really funny Minyul. I love the gift, thanks."

They put their bracelets on, then a couple minuted later the waiter came with their order and they ate quickly as they were both really hungry. They left and took a couple slices to go.

While they were walking home, Tatsuya felt a few drops of water coming down and the two ran back home before it started to rain.

They entered their apartment and were startled by the sound of thunder and a flash of light. Though Tatsuya seemed tough and apathetic, when he was around Minyul, he was different. He showed emotions, but that included fear.

Tatsuya was terrified of thunder and lightning. This was something he never told or sowed anyone, but when he was with Minyul, he couldn't help but cling onto him.

From the sudden movement, Minyul said, "Are okay master?"

Tatsuya hugged him tightly unwanting to let go and said, "I-I'm sorry, but can I just hold onto you for a while?"

Minyul replied with a soft expression on his face, "Of course master."

Minyul grabbed all the bags and set them down while Tatsuya was holding onto him the whole time. Minyul carefully lifted Tatsuya and carried him over to the bed and sat down with Tatsuya still in his arms.

He hugged Tatsuya as he was shivering in fear within his arms. Minyul said soothingly while stroking Tatsuya's soft and fine hair, "It's ok, you have nothing to fear. I'm right here."

They hugged and sat together for a long time until Tatsuya eventually fell asleep.

"Master are you asleep?" Minyul asked.

He looked down to see his master's peaceful and adorable sleeping face. He gently kissed his forehead and layed down while still hugging and fell asleep.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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