Trial of Battle 1

After All, Might walked inside the class with his usual flashy moves. All of the students were surprised, then shouted "ALL MIGHT" . All might look at all the students, his eyes move especially towards Midoriya and Haruto then said, "Listen up young-lings we will now do Battle Trials where you will fight in real-world situation".

Then he said, "Along with the joining letter there was a form in which all of you put the measurements and your costume design. Now you will wear those and get ready for the battle. Meet up in Ground-H in 30 minutes". After saying that he went out of the class.

Everybody was visibly excited. Haruto turned towards Toru, Mina, Momo and asked, "How are all of your uniform??"

The three girls looked at Haruto mischievously and said, "You will have to wait for the time to see". Saying that they went to girls locker room to change their dresses. (Well Toru Hagakure has no uniform except her boots and gloves).

After about 20 minutes everybody started gathering in Ground-H. Almost everybody has the same uniform, Iida with his stylish armor, Bakugo with his grenade-like thing on his arms, Todoroki with his blue colored suit looked extremely handsome. Like this everybody was looking like a real hero. After almost everybody arrived, All Might also come. He looked towards them and smiled. Then came Midoriya with his green tracksuit along with a weird design which can be considered as a low budget All Might's copy. As if in any movies 'hero always arrives late', Haruto came to the ground. Everybody looked at him and was dazed for a bit.

Haruto wore dark black pants which are slightly covered from the lower end by his dark black metallic books (which resembles ninja's from Naruto). In the upper body, he wore black spandex like material which covers from his neck all the way to his wrists. And above the black spandex like material was a silver color light metallic armor which was covering his torso only, as both arms were free. He has silver color arm guards from the wrist to his elbow on both hands. His armor has a built-in a sheath attached to it (The sheath is slightly longer than the armor but not much). Inside the sheath was a very hard and durable short sword of 34 inches long black colored blade (10" handle + 24" blade). This attire along with his dark hairs and deep black eyes were so mesmerizing that everybody couldn't help but be dazed for a few moments.

If anybody of his previous world were here, they would have thought it almost like Kakashi Hatake Anbu's costume. After recovering from being dazed, All might laughed a little to grab everybody attention to what he was about to say. All Might smiled at all of them after waiting for a few moments spoke in a loud voice, "Let's see what you are made of you young-lings. It's time for the trial of battle".

Looking at the surrounding Iida asked, "Sensei, will it be a battle like the Entrance Exam". All Might said, "No, unlike the Entrance where that was an outdoor battle, here you will be doing indoor battle".

Everybody then made a questioning gaze, to which All Might only smile and said, "This will be a stimulation of fight between heroes and villains. And statistically, most of the fight between Heroes and Villains happens on the inside like house arrest, Black market, assassination, etc. And a hero should know how to fight in every condition. If you are inside, then you should consider not affecting the building much as there might be some people inside."

Then he took out a box and said, "In this box, there are 20 cards numbered from 1 to 10. And the people with the same number will be a team. This is a two-man operation. You have to coordinate between the co-player to fight the enemy since you never know when you are asked to cooperate with anybody for a mission, so you must learn to cooperate. Now we will divide the teams into heroes and villains. Odd will be heroes and even numbers will be villains. Now pick up the cards from the box".

Haruto picked up the card and number 8 was written on it, he muttered, "A villain…."

After picking up the card he looked for somebody with the same card. Then he found that Toru was holding the card number 8. I then went up to her and said, "So we will be a team. Now let's do our best". She also nodded and said, "Let's do our best Haru-Kun".

After everybody picked up the cards All Might said, "Now in a building, there will be a bomb in the hands of Villains who will defend against the Heroes who came here to retrieve the bomb without damaging it. Now all of you understand what you have to do?"

Momo - Sensei how we will determine a winner in this trial?

Bakugo – Is it okay if we just blow them away?

Uraraka – Will there be an expulsion like Aizawa sensei's Test.

Like this others also started asking their doubts. To which All Might get annoyed and said, "If you all speak at once there is no way I can hear you if you all speak at the same time"

All might then said, "For this Trial of Battle just imagine a scenario where Villains are planning to deploy a nuclear weapon and Heroes will come to apprehend the villains and capture the weapon. If the Heroes capture the nuclear core or cath the villains, they win or in the villain's case if they manage to catch the heroes or keep the core away from heroes during the time limit, they will win. Now, do you all understand what you have to do"??

Everybody, "YES SIR".

Then All Might decided the math fixtures.

* Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka(Heroes) vs Katsuki Bakugo and Tenya Iida (Villains)

*Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui (Heroes) vs Eijiro Kirishima and Hanta Sero (Villains)

*Yuga Aoyama and Mina Ashido (Heroes) vs Momo Yaotorozu and Mezo Shoji (Villains)

*Shoto Todoroki and Denki Kaminari (Heroes) vs Haruto Kobayashi and Taru Hagakure (Villains)

*Mashirao Ojiro and Koji Koda (Heroes) vs Kyoka Jiro and Minoru Mineta (Villians)

After hearing the match fixture, Midoriya's whole body was shaking due to fear. Uraraka came and said, "I am really feeling retrieved that there aren't any expulsion in this Trials of Battle". Then looked at Midoriya's nervous case and said, "But you don't look all that relieved".Then Midoriya kept bullshitting of how important this match is with "kacchan" and all. (ALL that BS happened in the manga).

In this game, the Villains were given a buffer of 5 minutes in which they could go and plan. If they want to set up traps and all. As the players are on the ground, other students went with All Might to watch the fight inside on a big screen.

After 5 minutes, Midoriya and Uraraka entered the building. Both of them were walking silently not to alarm the enemies. But just as they have barely moved, they heard an explosion followed by a voice, "You fucking Nerd, have you been lying to me the whole life". Then Bakugo entered to confront them.

Hearing this Midoriya looked at Uraraka and said, "With me here, Kacchan will keep the focus on me, so you go carefully and retrieve the weapon".

Looking at Uraraka's departing figure then at Midoriya, Bakugo shouted, "Don't move away. I will blow you away until you are unable to move". Uraraka shouted, "WOW, he sounded like a real villain".

After that Bakugo kept on attacking and Midoriya kept on dodging. Bakugo was annoyed and said, "How were you able to dodge me Deku. Stay still and let me beat you up". Hearing this Midoriya said, "Kacchan in all these years, I have taken note of your fighting strategies, there is no way you can beat me within the time frame. We will win".

Hearing this Bakugo exploded, "YOU FUCKING NERD. You think you have known my fighting style. Now I will blow you into smithereens. I will fucking kill you for lying to me". Like this, they fought and continue their bullshit. Bakugo used his new gear in which he collected the sweat. He used it at once to blow away the building.

On the top floor, Iida noticed the shaking of the building and cursed, "Damn you. Bakugo how can you go without a plan. Okay, I have to take care of the remaining one that is Uraraka san". Then he hatched a plan to counter Uraraka. He threw away any debris that was there as her quirk can be used to use them as weapons.

After some time Uraraka came, Then Iida looked at her and said, "You came as predicted Uraraka-san. But I have cleared all the material that you can use as Weapon". Then Uraraka tried to rush towards the bomb but, Iida easily deflected her. Then Uraraka mentioned her situation to Midoriya that she can't proceed forward.

Then Midoriya thought of a crazy plan. He told Uraraka-san to move away from the room. He then tried to control the area of fight under that room. It does not fight it's more like he chooses where he will be beaten by Bakugo. Then Bakugo who was already angry, seeing Midoriya still keep up used his ultimate attack. This is the moment Midoriya has been waiting for, he used his quirk "One For All" in his hands and deflected the blast upwards where the room with the room blasted and Uraraka used the derbies to send Iida flying away and she holds the weapon. All might's voice then was heard, "The match ended with Midoriya and Uraraka's victory".

The losing side looks fine whereas the winning side was in shambles. Bakugo was pissed off that they were defeated by Deku's team who he has always been looking down on. All Might knew this and console him for a bit, then sent then towards the School's nurse.

Then the matches continue.....