The Day of The Ceremony

October 17, 883

Once they returned Lucas went to his dad and turned in his report. After turning in his report Lucas and his father chatted for a little bit before walking out and started making his way to his room. Once in the room he shut the door and stripped down complexly bare of any clothing and jumped on the bed. He was mentally and physically exhausted. The only thing he wanted was to sleep. He thought about Liz as he drifted off into a deep sleep. He slept for a whole day. The day before the Ceremony he rested his body. Not leaving his room but to take a bath and to eat.

October 20, 883

Today was the Ceremony of Fenrir. Lucas was excited, he couldn't wait to be granted his wolf form. He pondered for a moment trying to imagine what he would look like as a wolf. Eventually he gave up as all of the possibilities started to give him a headache. Most werewolves in wolf form start out as four feet (or a little over one meter) tall and as they age and or grow more powerful, their size increases. However for werewolves with a purer bloodline such as Lucas who was a tenth generation he would start out at about 5 feet (1.5 meters)and be more powerful. As well as having a deeper connection to his wolf form giving him a better understanding.

This would give him an advantage over most people as his size should help him once he got used to it. Until he got used to it he would be like a pup learning to walk. Lucas didn't let this dampen his spirit and began getting ready for the Ceremony. He knew everyone in the city would be their watching not just him but the other werewolves coming of age as well.

After checking to make sure he looked good he then walked out the door. He knew his father was already at the arena where the Ceremony would take place. So he didn't bother to check his office for him. His father did however surprise him by waiting for him by the front door.

Lucas caught off guard couldn't get any words to come out so Alexander spoke up, " You didn't really think I wouldn't walk my only child to one of the most important days of his life did you." Lucas just smiled feeling warm and happy that his father had chose to do this for him. After smiling for a while he spoke up, " I honestly just figured you had to help straighten out the schedule father after all in the eyes of the city you're their guardian as well." Alexander replied, "Yes that's true but I'm your father first and foremost." With that being said they made their way to the arena.

They arrived at the arena with plenty of time to spare. They said their goodbyes before heading their separate ways. He walked towards a room under the arena where this years group were all waiting. Other than the ones who have yet to show up yet. In total their were about 800 but only about 300 were here so far. They were split into four groups of 200. Lucas was assigned to group four so he would be a part of the last group to receive their blessing from Fenrir. This was due to his last name starting with a W. The Ceremony required some form of order to help it go along smoothly. So they started doing the Ceremony in alphabetic order.

After waiting for what felt like eternity, they were finally called to come up. Once they stepped into the arena they were organized into 8 rows of 25. Looking around Lucas was starting to get nervous from the sheer number of people that filled the coliseum. Lucas started looking at the other people here to receive their blessing from Fenrir.

He noticed the majority of the people here were around his age with a couple older. The older ones were most likely turned from a bite instead of being born. It was rare to be turned from a bite as it was outlawed due to those who were bitten would most likely not survive the transformation. Even then without Fenris's blessing they would be nothing more than mindless beast other than some rare cases. The ceremony was a way for them to establish a way to keep in control while shifted with out it was very likely you would lose control to your inner beast.

He noticed one particular person a couple rows in front of him it was a pale guy about his age with black hair. What made him stand out was he carried a strong aura to him. Lucas knew this because when he picked up on the aura his instincts kicked in and automatically sent his own in response not backing down. This caused the guy to turn around and flash a smile while nodding his head. With power brought respect it had always been the way of his people. Lucas responded by nodding his own head in return.

Suddenly he felt another aura behind him. Lucas and the guy both turned around to see a beautiful girl in the last row who was staring at them. Lucas smiled and turned to face forward.

Eventually it got to the row if the guy with the black hair. His wolf form ended up being jet black with his chest having a white patch in the center. Their were a few others that stuck in his mind as well. A ginger girls wolf form ended being a ginger color which looked unique. Another guys was white with streaks of grey and black.

After a while it Eventually got to my row. We all hurriedly walked to the front each and every one of us excited. It felt like hours passed by until I felt a connection and like rehearsed, chased the connection and found myself in a forest. I looked around curious taken by surprise and turned to see a huge wolf behind me. The wolf was about 5 feet tall (1.5 meters) and a light grey color like the moon. It had silver eyes they glowed brightly in the moonlight. Lucas feeling it call to him reached his hand out and touched and in a flash of light he was back in the Arena in his wolf form.

Looking around as his father presented them he saw his father looking at him smiling before saying the usual line "May Fenrir bless these wolves." With that being said Lucas followed the others off stage back to their spots and sat down still in wolf form. About another hour passed before the last row was called and he saw the same beautiful girl turn into an all white wolf with bright blue eyes a little over 4 feet tall (1.2 meters). After that the last group walked off stage and Alexander spoke up to close the Ceremony. " Now that everyone has been blessed with their wolf form from Fenrir I call this Ceremony to an end and say to you all happy hunting !"

As was tradition all the wolves left the arena running past the walls of the gate. Still in wolf form to stay in the forest for the night and would feast on animals they hunted for the night.

The next morning the pack of wolves headed home to go clean up and get dressed since they shredded their clothes during the transformation.