Against Neji Hyūga!


Naruto was silent looking at those words written in the book and he was wondering if maybe he should burn the book or not ... It was one thing to be told to have 'Sex', but another thing is that even the book reward for deflowering someone

"Really? ... Do you have to be this way? This Game of Gods is not from 'Gods', but from many Perverts gathered together, if that should be ..."

While Naruto mutters those words as if he were convincing himself that the Gods are actually a group of Perverts gathered, the page of the book turned white before several texts appeared.


Why all this so suddenly?

That was what Naruto's mind meant right now while he clenched his teeth waiting for the impact of pain to receive those Kekkei Genkai but ...

"Uh? ... It didn't hurt ..." Naruto got a little confused because before waking up his first Kekkei Genkai he had suffered a shocking pain but now ... Why not?

Obviously it is not that he was a masochist, he was just wondering if maybe there was an error and as if the book could read his mind the letters changed

[You will not receive any pain from any new awakening Kekkei Genkai since your current body has already endured the pain of your first 'Awakening']

With those words, Naruto was satisfied to know it and thought about those rewards without a doubt some were too scandalous to read but being honest were gratifying because every time he was getting stronger

And especially only with his previous actions, he had obtained many points enough to level it up like a rocket which made him feel even happier because today he would have a difficult battle with a Doujutsu possessor and thinking about it diverted his thoughts towards those two new Kekkei Genkai

Ice and Steam ... Did he get the Water Element from Karin? Yes, that was the only reasonable explanation and also ... Logical at the same time

"Na-Kun ... is something happening?"

At that moment a soft voice came from the back of Naruto and he looked away to see Karin hold in his hands a rather large banner

"No, nothing important happens but ... What about that thing in your hands?"

"This?" Karin raised an eyebrow before smiling and raising the sign showing its contents "Isn't it obvious?"

...It is not obvious? Yes, Naruto repeated that mentally while looking at that banner that had... Certain dangerous words...


"... Since when do you know my darkest secrets?"

"Me? Well, I don't know any of your dark secrets yet, at least not yet but ... Don't you think it gives you the motivation to win? Imagine even I feel it is quite dark of me to do this, if maybe ... Maybe I should add a heart to the side and it will be perfect"

"No, no ... The point is not if you add a heart to the side or not, the point is that your thoughts are quite terrifying ... And by the way, what makes you think I will tell you my darkest secrets?, Seeing the ease with which you are able to threaten me I prefer to keep them for myself"

"Oh? Well, I don't know if you will be able to tell me or not, but without a doubt, it would not be very difficult for me to get to know them after all, I just have to wait until you tell Ayame-neechan yourself and then I will ask them to her ... Don't you think it's easier?"

Naruto could only sigh bitterly at the comments of his red-haired girl who was absurdly unreasonable but expected of her

Instead, Karin chuckled as she looked at that dejected expression of her blond boy before she kissed him on the cheek and walked to his bedroom to finish getting ready.

"You shouldn't worry so much, it's just my way of showing you my support ... Go, you should already be on your way to your meeting right now, I'll be there shortly to see you win and if you lose then just realize that you don't know me! "

"I can't understand if you try to motivate me or cause me pain ... But I understand your words and I will win this match, is that enough for you?"

"That's more than enough for me"

With those words, Karin went to her bedroom causing the blond boy to lie on the chair with a somewhat nervous smile between his lips

"I guess I have to prove a little more than I thought I would do, although the test was about seeing everyone's attitudes and even if I got to lose I could become Chūnin but ... She would get upset if I got to lose, then I just have to win "

Yes, from the beginning Naruto did not want to fight completely and win only to demonstrate his skill and ingenuity to promote Chūnin, but now noticing how Karin was wishing he would win then he could not just sit idly by.

With those thoughts, a rather smile appeared on his face as his eyes focused on his surplus points and his available skill points ...

"This will be very interesting ..."

While he was saying those words he was not even aware that inside that himself the Kyubi lazily lying on a meadow also showed a smile upon realizing his jailer's intentions


"Be proud in front of the spectators, today is an important day for both you and them ...!" Genma Shiranui the current Sensor instructed his orders to the aspiring Chūnin behind him as he looked at the audience who were excited

Well, they weren't the only ones excited because every participant of the Chūnin Exam was very excited to be here to prove their worth for their Village

Even Naruto couldn't help feeling excited about this situation and his eyes wandered through the audience until his gaze only fixed on a certain white-eyed girl who also stared at him.

It was not necessary to think much to recognize it even from this distance and Naruto showed a smile towards one of the people he likes about Konoha ... Hinata Hyūga

Hinata instead blushed a little but showed a smile and waved her hand in greeting as Kiba next to her snorted but was glad to see him friend went so far too

Even so, their behaviors did not go unnoticed by Hiashi Hyūga who was looking at them with eyebrows pursed and even Hanabi tilted his head remembering that his older sister usually used to be chasing the blond boy

"... Let's see why my older sister is so in love with that boy..." Those were the thoughts of Hanabi who was intrigued that her older sister would be in love with a person as problematic as Naruto


But while each of the spectators had different thoughts Naruto was looking at his opponent who suddenly spoke quietly enough that only the blond boy could hear

"I remember that when I face Hinata, you had previously told her it is we who make destiny with our own hands ... Is that what you really think?"

"So you were listening to our conversation ..." Naruto muttered those words in a low voice before nodding and looking at Neji again. "Think about it or don't do it is just my own ideas ... The real question would be, what do you think? of it? "

"What do I think about it? What do you mean?"

"Well, it's easy to answer my question ... What do you think fate is? Do you think you can control it yourself? Or does he choose for you? ... No matter how you see it in my eyes, it's us who decide our own decisions ... Decisions that influence our future "

With those words, Neji was silent while thinking about it and although he did not want to admit it, he could feel that Naruto had a point about this situation ... But did he really have to pay attention to it?

No matter how Neji saw him he was not someone who would let himself be influenced by others so easily but for some reason, he respected even the blond boy a bit like a worthy rival

"Then if you manage to defeat me ... I will accept that your thoughts are correct"

"From the beginning I am here for it, right?" Naruto chuckled as he prepared for the battle to come

A nobody against a Hyuga? Everyone present already had thoughts that Naruto would lose this battle, although there were others who were very curious to know the true result and of course ...

"She is very ... Cruel" Naruto looked out of the corner of his right eye only to notice Karin looking at him from the stands while she had a banner in her hands as if she were going to show it when he was losing

With those thoughts still in mind soon Genma Shiranui gave notification of the start of the battle between the two aspiring Chūnin

It was at that moment that both opponents threw themselves into a battle at close range making the familiar sound of the muffled blows, their speeds were very similar and although some present were surprised to know that Naruto had such a similar speed with his opponent, even so, he would never have an advantage against a Byakugan user

"It is not surprising?!"

Someone said those words and soon some more spectators followed him pronounced the surprise they were feeling at the revelation of the 'Demon' could match a member of the Hyūga Clan

"But even so, even if he can match the speed, he can never beat the Hyūga boy in this way."

"That is true, the Byakugan cannot be underestimated and although the 'Demon' seems to have a good workout it is still insufficient, so it is better to lose and not be able to ascend to Chūnin or he only bring more trouble to the Village"

"Yes, that's so true!"

But those who persisted in hating Naruto were also present in this place, from the beginning these people have never liked the blond boy, therefore, such a wonderful opportunity to see how Naruto was beaten was something they would surely be congratulating to witness

Even though they didn't know it, a certain red-haired girl was behind them looking at them with a frown and really disgusted to hear every word uttered by these Civilians, she just wanted Naruto to win to show that he would not be defeated by these small obstacles



A fist hit a palm and soon followed a kick that was stopped by one knee, both opponents jumped back and took a break from the battle they were having looking at each other

Only that small exchange of blows had shown much to both of them and Neji was extremely surprised while looking at his hands a little sore for having stopped those heavy blows of the blond boy

'How is this possible? His speed is very similar to me ... But his strength is at a higher level and I am beginning to believe that he is being held for some reason, not only that ... Why is his Chakra so abnormal? '

Those were Neji's thoughts as he watched with his active Byakugan as the Chakra of Naruto had a red tone combined with the typical blue giving a fairly new look before his eyes

"You are strong ... Is it because of fate or is it because you trained enough to become like this?" Naruto asked while looking at his somewhat bruised shirt

Instead, Neji left his thoughts behind before squinting at the blond boy's question.

"Do you try to make me see your point of view before winning me? If so, it is better that you stop, as I said before, I will only agree to agree with your thoughts once you manage to defeat me"

"You are wrong, I do not intend to show you my point of view even if I end up winning ... I want you to understand that instead of thinking that destiny can solve everything, you are the one who can decide your own actions ... Am I wrong? to put it this way? "

"In a way, no, you are not wrong to think in this way, it is only that our ideals are very different ... And that is why from now on I will be serious ... Ready?"

"What do you think?"

"What if you are! ..."

With his response immediately pronounced from his mouth, Neji did not take long to run quickly towards Naruto who reflexively rolled his leg on the floor to try to make his opponent lose his balance

But Neji already saw such actions coming and jumped before turning in the air sending his heel towards the blond boy it was clearly impossible to dodge at this distance

But who talked about dodging in the first place?


Neji's leg was stopped by a hand that held his ankle with great force surprising him, looking at his opponent he realized that Naruto was showing him a smile and the next thing he saw was the blue sky


His eyes were looking up at the sky now ... But why?



"When the hell did that boy do that ?!"

"Why didn't the boy Byakugan see him coming? Hey someone explains to me ?!"

Many spectators were surprised by what was currently happening because when Neji tried to hit the blond boy immediately everyone witnessed as a Naruto Clone had suddenly appeared stopping that blow

And the next thing they saw was that the original Naruto instantly made a change of position and sent a kick similar to an Uppercut straight to the jaw of Neji managing to send the Hyūga boy flying

But because precisely the Byakugan could not even capture these simple actions?

"It's speed ... Neji Hyuga may have seen the blow coming but his reaction was too slow ..."

"What do you mean, Asuma? Are you saying that boy is even faster than Neji Hyūga?" Kurenai on the side asked something surprised

She was only here because she wanted to see how the results of the Chūnin Exam were going and especially because it was a Hokage order since they were previously notified that today they had a 'rat' to capture

Asuma inhale his cigarette before expelling the smoke and leaning towards the metal railings to respond casually

"Believe it or not, the speed of that boy is extremely surprising for a Genin and I even dare to say that he is on par with a high-ranking Chūnin ... That is if he is not holding back to use his true one's capabilities "

Kurenai was even more surprised before looking at the battle that was still happening and out of curiosity she decided to ask

"What true abilities are you talking about? ... Asuma you by chance do you know something that I don't know yet?"

Asuma take a look at the corner of his eye before smiling mysteriously

"I can only tell you that boy ... He will do many interesting things from now on"


Neji tried to block the fifth attack that was about to impact his stomach but no matter how much he tried to react, his speed was much lower than his reflexes even if he could detect a movement ahead of time it was impossible to dodge if his body was slower than his own reaction


A blow to his stomach made him shudder and backward was extremely painful to receive those blows and even more when he could feel that Naruto was using enough force to hit him

"...What's wrong with you?"

Naruto stopped just before hitting Neji when he heard those words come from his opponent

"What do you mean with that?"

"Do not play the fool ... Your strength and speed are superior to a Genin, you have not yet proven a Ninjutsu but your ability with Taijutsu could be among the best Chūnin ... So why have you not defeated me until now?"

Yes, that was an important question and even if Neji did not know it is that Naruto could have defeated him from the beginning since he had recently increased his levels and if he wanted he could increase his statistics just now to fight to have a better battle

"That is because you have not yet demonstrated what you are capable of, we all want to become Chunin and if I defeated you right now without letting you show your true qualities then ... Would I not be a despicable person? I know, that you have not yet demonstrated your true force, don't you think it's time for you to do it? "

At those words, Neji frowned before nodding and looking towards his opponent with a look full of battle intentions but deep inside he was feeling a certain respect

What kind of person would let others show their true potentials instead of beating them before they could do it?

No doubt he was somewhat arrogant but during this Exam where everyone would be judged for their individual skills, Neji would call this action as a camaraderie ... A good sign of friendship instead of arrogance

"So ... How about we give it all now?"

"That is the same question I was waiting for ... We must demonstrate our strength ...!"

They both spoke at the same time before they became a blur at the sight of the Civilians who could only hear a thunderous impact sound just to notice how Neji had managed to stop a fist directed towards the stomach

"That's the best!..."

With those words soon the sound of collisions was heard and everyone saw how it was battle rose one more level, those who judged the battle were mired in thoughts watching each movement made by the two aspiring Chūnin

On the other hand, those who hoped that their friends wouldn't get hurt were worried, Hinata was an example since she was in a difficult position

She didn't want Neji to get hurt but neither did she want Naruto to get hurt, that made her feel very confused who she should support could only sigh


"Uh? Did you say something Hinata?"

"Ah, no, nothing Kiba-san ..."

Kiba looked at his teammate but then he simply shrugged his shoulders before continuing to watch that battle that he considered to be far above himself, well he wasn't the only one since other participants were surprised

And one of them especially ...

"Do you think he would have killed me ...?" Kankuro asked with a somewhat dark expression on his face as he tightened the strings of his puppet as he watched as Naruto was moving against Neji

"Didn't I tell you before? Your desire to make fun of those in Konoha would bring you trouble at some point, now just pray that this blond boy has no grudges against you and although I want to help you I am too lazy to do it" Temari he replied mockingly

But both instantly became petrified with the following words pronounced by the person strongest of their group ... Gaara

"Even if they both fought against that boy ... They'll end up dying, he hides his strength ..."

They could not know exactly how Gaara was aware that Naruto was still hiding his strength and he was not going to tell them about this either but the Ichibi inside Gaara was acting strange quite a bit when he felt Naruto's presence


"Hakkeshō Kaiten !!!" Neji immediately turned his body creating an immense sphere made of Chakra which managed to repel the Clones which began to dissipate after being hit in this way

While this skill of Neji had impressed Hiashi Hyūga very much who was very surprised to notice how this young boy had learned such a skill by himself was worthy of being called a prodigy ... Instead, Hanabi was very surprised to know that Neji was so powerful and especially now notice how Naruto was even stronger

'... Is it really the Naruto everyone is talking about? Where are his foolish acts? His silly words? And his childish behavior? ... He is very different from what the rumors say! ' Hanabi thought about it as she looked away at Hinata

And it was at that moment that there was an acclamation of the spectators that made all those who were immersed in thoughts diverted their gaze directly towards the battlefield

There everyone saw what surprised them

That sphere formed by Chakra managed to repel all the Clones safely and leaving Neji breathing heavily because he had used this ability several times to defend himself but just now ...


A powerful fist hit him in the face sending him flying back and falling back, he had never expected this to happen because after repelling those Clones suddenly Naruto had appeared from a hole formed in the floor due to his previous battles

From the beginning to the end Naruto never showed any Ninjutsu apart from the famous 'Shadow Clone', he simply uses Taijutsu and its physical abilities to overshadow a Byakugan user

While all of them were still trying to recover their surprise Naruto slowly walked towards Neji who was lying on the floor breathing heavily while some blood leaked from his nose

"So what do you think now?"

It was Naruto's first words, who offered his hand to his former opponent indicating that he would help him to get up, even though he was hinting at something else that member Hyūga could easily realize and could only show a weak smile

Because of that powerful blow, everyone could see that seal marked on his forehead that was torturing him but he still showed a smile before stretching his hands, taking Naruto's hands indicating that he agreed now

"...You win..."

Only those words caused many to remain silent as if they could not process what was happening right now.

"... Oh? ..."

For some strange reason, one of the spectators made an ovation that sounded a bit strange but suddenly many began to shout in a signal that in the end, they realized that Neji Hyūga had given up

This was extremely surprising to everyone who thought that the 'Demon' would be hit absolutely today but who would think that this guy would prove to be the winner

"... Wait! ... Did he win? Doesn't that mean I just lost my bet? Arghh curse!"

Instead, some of them suddenly realized their losses and began to insult Naruto quietly who simply turned a deaf ear as he headed towards the resting place

But before leaving he looked at Karin who was looking at him with an eyebrow raised and Ayame who had appeared at some point looking at him with a smile sitting next to the red-haired girl

'Did they already talk about what happened before?' Naruto did not know and did not feel it was the best time for it, so he hurried to the resting place

Instead in the stands where the spectators were, Karin showed a very malicious smile to realize that Naruto turned his back

"Hehe, he is afraid ... What will you do now Ayame-neechan? Do you think to punish him or something?"

Ayame who heard that laughed softly before hitting Karin's forehead with his finger "Even if I wanted to punish him it was you who got between his eyes ... Shouldn't I punish you?"

At those words, Karin simply fell silent while she turned her gaze to the side pretending ignorance which made Ayame laugh softly ready to get up and return to Ichiraku Ramen

"D-excuse me ..."

But before she could leave she heard a small voice from her side and realized that a little white-eyed girl was trying to start a conversation she

"Yes... Hyūga-Sama?"


In the next chapters, Naruto will use [Life Force Absorption Lv.1]

Because of my absence, I forgot even a few things that I wrote in my novel ... Bah! I didn't have the internet, so it is now that I can write a new chapter!

I accept suggestions of anything you are interested in recommending!


Name: Naruto

Level: 21 - 2.400/4.700 - EXP

Strength: 35 /// Chakra Levels: 38

Agility: 48 /// Chakra Control: 40

Speed: 46 / // Demon Chakra Levels: 50

Intelligence: 30 /// Demon Chakra Control: 15

Reflexes: 48 /// Resistance: 52

Luck: 18

Statistics Points: 64

Skill Points: 64


- Jutsus

(Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken / Rank - C)

(Fūton: Shinkūgyoku / Rank - C)

('Rasengan' / Rank - ?) He still can't keep it

- Habilidades

[Aura Sexual Lv.1] - The Naruto Corps expels a certain amount of pheromones that can attract civil women to some extent ... Those women they need most will be driven to be close to him] - Passive Skill - (More benefits once leveled)

[Life Force Absorption Lv.1] - Naruto can absorb the Life Force of the one he touches and even transfer it to another person through this ability] - Active Skill - (More benefits once leveled)

[Stealth: 49 points - (Beginner level)] - (Silent Movements, Murders, Feints, Pick Pocket, Lock Picking)

[Taijutsu: 100 points - (Intermediate level)] - Naruto can understand and use Taijutsu styles more easily, he can also see more openings in battles

[Ninjutsu: 90 points - (Beginner level)] - Naruto can understand and use Ninjutsu more easily, his current repertoire consumes less Chakra

[Shurikenjutsu: 60 points - (Beginner level)] - Naruto can hit a target up to ten meters away with a Kunai

[Genjutsu: 30 points - (Beginner level)] - Naruto can detect and dissipate the Genjutsu Classified as Rank C - (Author: I don't want to get into the Genjutsus until Sharingan)

- Kekkei Genkai



(Futton) (Steam Element)

- Benefits

'Harem Master Nv.1' - Members of their Harem have seventy percent of avoiding fights between themselves - (More benefits once leveled)

Medal/Admired - By saving Ino Yamanaka in front of his fellow Shinobis you turned out to be seen as a 'Hero' among them ... Twenty Friendship Points with Team Ten - Forty Points of Interest Ino Yamanaka

'The Rival' - You have demonstrated your strength and aroused the flames of rivalry within those Chunin Exam contestants - You have ten points of respect for your rivals towards yourself!