Chapter 1.9 shock from all the family around the world (part 4)

In the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth and her family are having dinner together. Most of the time they do this once a week.

During this meeting, they talked about the affair of the kingdom, and how everything is going in the kingdom. This meeting is super important. The prime minister also join this dinner since he was a key figure in anything that happen in the kingdom.

This is the only person that is not part of the royal family that can participate in this dinner. This shows everyone how high is his status in the United Kingdom as a whole.

"Your majesty, the new update is that the army is expanding by 10 to 20% in this year alone. I believe is super important for us to do this. The reason is that our army has been losing a lot of people. We need to stop being dependent in the United State of America. This will help us a lot in the future. I also would like to increase our military budget for the year to about a 30 percent increase." The prime minister said while looking at the queen.

"I do agree with you. Our military has been reduced by a lot in the past few years. It is time for us to spend our army again. I believe there might be a war brewing anytime soon. In this war, everyone will go to war by themselves. I have notice that Russia has started to make a lot of movement. This only can mean one thing. And that is that war can happen anytime. We need to raise an army. I believe that 10 to 20 percent is too little. We should up this to 40 to 60 percent increase. And the next year we should aim to have roughly about 70 percent increase in our military. "The Queen Elizabeth said while looking at the prime minister.

"I am glad that you are seeing it this way, your majesty. I will make this happen. This will also make us stronger as a nation. As of now, we are the 8 the most powerful nation in the world. This a big fall from the rank 1 in the world that we held a few hundred years ago." The prime minister says to the queen.

"I do agree with you prime minister our military ranking has plummeted. This is not such good news to us. Especially since Russia is starting to make a lot of movement. We have to get our power back. We might not be as strong as we once were, but we will be able to better protect ourselves against our enemies." The Queen Elizabeth said to the prime minister.

"This is also true from what I can see the Russian have begun to train roughly 500k more soldiers. This can only mean one thing. And that is the war can happen at any time. The number of soldiers they currently have is almost close to 1.7 million." The prime minister said to the queen and everyone around the dinner table.

"Yes, that is a scary number especially since they are recruiting more and more soldiers. I just hope that there is not another world war. That will be extremely bad. It might even mean the end of life as we know it." The queen said super loud getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"All hail the Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana.." a loud voice of man ring throughout the world. This voice made everyone that hear shiver with fear just by hearing it.

"All hail the Supreme Empress Sophia Elizabeth Moiriana." Many other voices follow suit after the first voice sounds.

The queen and everyone in the room just looks at each other after hearing those voice. Wondering what just happen.

"Anyone knows who is this Sophia Elizabeth person? Why does she have Elizabeth on her name? I am the only powerful person that should have that name." the queen said with an ugly look on her face

"I want all the information about this woman." The queen continues to say while looking at everyone around.

"I do not have any information on this person, so I cannot say who she really is." The prime minister of the United Kingdom answered.

"Well, you better start to get information about her. I want her dead. Who told her to use the name Elizabeth on her name if she was going to be a powerful person? The United Kingdom will go against her and her group for this insult. Who the fuck told her to use my name." the queen said aloud.

"Your majesty, I do not recommend you for us to do that. From what I can hear from their voice is that they are super powerful. We might lose against them." The prime minister answered to what just the queen just said.

"Fine but we will keep a close eye on that person." The queen answered.