Chapter One Hundred



I saw Oppa's car coming so I ran to it when it stopped. My Oppa is so COOL!! I just can't wait to introduce him to my friends. Especially to Sammy-Unnie! Sammy-Unnie is Cool too!

When he stepped out of the car I literally jumped into his arms and hugged him! I missed my Oppa so much! I kissed him on both cheeks! I want to kiss him on his lips. But he said that I shouldn't do that? Why? Because my Oppa is very conservative. Like the people living here in the Philippines. In France, I do that a lot! I kiss my friends and it's a normal thing to do. So I gave Oppa, beso-beso? That's what Sweety-Unnie taught me. You do beso-beso here when you see your friends or relatives. NOT the kissy-kissy on the lips. People here are weird. It was just a kiss? A kiss won't kill anyone, right? I gave Oppa my most adorable smile. He once told me that my smile was CONTAGIOUS!! He smiled too! But not that same smile. There was some sadness in his eyes. Why is my Oppa sad? What would make my Cool Oppa sad?

"Oppa! I thought you wouldn't come! I want to introduce you to my friends! You remember Sammy-Unnie, the coolest Unnie ever I was talking about? She's here!" I grinned.

He flinched. He became very still as if he remembered something very painful. But that's weird.

"Come on Oppa!" I pulled him to where my friends were standing.

They looked...uncomfortable. Maybe because they're shy? Yeah! That's it! Because my Oppa is very MUSHESUH!! VERY MUSHESUH!! Very cool! OMO!! I introduced Oppa to them!

"Amarie darling, kilala na namin si TOP," Maggie-Unnie said.

"Moe? Is it true Oppa?" I asked Oppa.

Oppa was staring at Sammy-Unnie like he was... Uhh.. That look in his eyes.. What does that mean? Maybe Oppa found Unnie interesting. Sammy-Unnie is very pretty!

"Yeah," Oppa replied.

OMO!! They know each other? Then that means, Sammy-Unnie and my Oppa are friends? This is so COOL!! But why is my Cool Unnie not looking up? Why would she keep her eyes glued on the floor? Did she find something interesting on the floor? Maybe she's just shy! Haha! My Unnie is shy because Oppa is very handsome! OMO!! I KNOW NOW!! UNNIE HAS A CRUSH ON OPPA!!

I'm so happy, at last my Snobbish Oppa finally found someone worth liking! No! Not liking. Worth loving! And that someone is my friend! My Cool Unnie! When Sammy-Unnie and the good-looking guy named JG Oppa left, TOP-Oppa and I decided to go too.

Oppa was driving slow. It was very unusual for him to drive so slow. Oppa likes fast cars. He likes driving his cars and motorbikes FAST. But why is my Oppa driving so slow? I have no idea. His eyes were fixed on something ahead. He was concentrating. His brows were close to each other. He was glaring. Oppa can be very scary sometimes. I feel sorry for that poor thing he was glaring at. Hmmm. There's a black BMW car in front of us.

Hey! That was JG Oppas car! TOP-Oppa was glaring at JG Oppas car? OMO!! OMO!! I am confused. What is happening here? JG Oppa's car suddenly stopped. So I was right, TOP-Oppa was following JG-Oppa and Sammy-Unnie's car. Why? Oppa is a stalker now? Was he a spy? OMO! My Oppa is a SPY?! We were spying on JG-Oppa? Why? Because JG-Oppa is very famous? Then that means.. TOP-Oppa is a paparazzi? Moe? TOP Oppa?! A paparazzi?! But where is his camera?

I was trying my best to process this new information when I saw JG Oppa out of the car. He circled the car and opened the other door. I saw Unnie. Her head was low.

Her back was facing us. Then she sat in the swing. Oh! We're in a park! So cute! I can't see what they're doing now. All I can see is my Unnie's back and JG Oppa's handsome face. JG Oppa is Mushesuh too! But TOP Oppa is more Mushesuh! Lucky Unnie! She'd been surrounded by Mushesuh guys! I wanna be just like her someday! Very pretty and smart and nice and cool!

*SLAM!* WAH~~?

"Yah Oppa, gwaenchanayo?"

"F*cking shit!" Oppa slammed his hands against the wheel.

I feel sorry for the poor wheel.


Oppa scares me.. Why is he acting like this? Oppa started the engine and drove fast. I looked to where Unnie was. I saw her hugging JG Oppa. OMO!! Does this mean my Unnie has a boyfriend? Then... I can never be a matchmaker? But I wanna be a matchmaker! It's my dream to be a matchmaker!

WAH~! I want Sammy Unnie and TOP Oppa to be together. Sammy Unnie! I want you to be with TOP Oppa! Break up with your boyfriend Unnie! My Oppa is cooler than JG Oppa! Mianhe JG Oppa, you're still cool.

TOP Oppa is mad. I can sense it. His aura is really dark. He looked so angry! And he was driving REALLY FAST!! Please pray for our souls!





Oppa is in his room. The very minute he walked inside his room the endless noise of crashing and glass breaking started. Why is my Oppa furious? His eyes were set to kill the last time I looked into it. Oppa's eyes were blazing with such hatred. But why? I don't understand anything. If only I could help him. But I don't know anything.. I don't know what his problems are.


It was another glass breaking. Maybe a painting on his wall? Oppa likes paintings. Or maybe his mirror?


I should get some help for him. I should call Unnie... I grabbed my phone and dialled Unnie's number. I just hope she's not busy right now.

[Hello?] came a cheery voice.

"SWEETY-UNNIE!! You need to help Oppa!!"

[Huh? Sino ka?]

Oh? I forgot to say my name.

"It's me Amarie! You need to help Oppa! He's in his room and there are loud banging noise in there!"

[Huh? Ingay? May kasama ba syang babae sa loob?]


[AH! Okay! Papunta na ako!]


"TIMOTHY!! BUKSAN MO 'TO!!" Sweety Unnie screamed.

"I don't think he can hear us Unnie, he's too busy breaking things inside his room."

"Eh? Okie-okie!"

"What are we going to do now Unnie?"

She started pacing back and forth, thinking. Then as if an idea came to her she shouted "AHA!" What is Unnie doing? She's holding her credit card. Then she slid it through the small gap between the door and the wall. Then we heard a 'click'. The door unlocked! Wow! Unnie opened the door and we both saw a totally wrecked room. Shattered pieces of glasses scattered on the floor. His stereo set was smashed. Chairs and table were thrown across the room.


And we also saw Oppa with blood in both hands sitting on his bed. Tears running on his face. It was the first time I saw my Oppa crying. It made me sad, somehow I can feel his pain. Now I understand, Oppa wasn't angry. He was heartbroken.