What a weird dreams...

What a weird dreams! Totally weird!

"Sammy! Wake up! You're gonna late for your interview!!" mama bellowed downstairs calling my name like usual.

I did wake up half an hour ago but still lay down trying to understands what happened in my dreams. It's all happened in just one night. Be having in so much characters thought making she's in daze state, still analyzing new and weird dreams.

"Sameera Adeena Aufa!!!" the screaming again!

"I'm already awake, mama!" I replied similar to her way but much lower octave compared to her. Don't wanna be disgraceful daughter. Lol!

"Do I have to wake you up every morning, young lady?"

That's all I can hear because the rest of them turned to be a babbling to my ears.

'Not a proper way as a young lady!'

'Should wake up early to help her in the kitchen.'

'Helping her with other siblings especially with Aidan behaviour.'

Urggh...I'm to lazy to having those everyday. Too much lazy!

Tidy up my bed, I run to my small bathroom and having short bath and morning routine. Slipped on my interview attire, prepared by mama last night and put on some make up to satisfied the regulation.

I hate make up and dress up but for the sake of the job I had to have them both on me. For me, just simply put on a shirt, baggy pants and slipper, enough for me.

I looked at the mirror shocked.

I did looked exactly like the woman in my dreams. The business attire on my body made me looked much to woman instead of a girl.

I posing a few different angle to see the differences and it does. That attire did wonders and exposed my figure with details.

Wow! but at the same time... urggh!

Running down the stairs, I sit down on high chair and grab the sandwich and started munch on it and drink my black coffee straight away ignoring the hot-warm temperature.

"Good luck Sammy!" says mama while patting my back.

"Good luck Sammy!" says my little brother copying mama's words.

"Yeah, good luck sis!" my middle brother said with his head on the sofa looking at me upside down.

"Yeah-yeah...I got that!" I waved off grabbing my black pumps to the front door.

"Did you having another dreams lately, Sam?" asked mama suddenly following me to the door. I stopped everything and stood there in a daze for a moment before gets back into myself.

"Not that I can control everything, mama. You know that your lovely daughter is special, right?"

Didn't answered her directly just let her wondered again what kind of dreams I'm be having last night...hehehe...

"Careful...you know what happened to you when your dreams became true after that, right?" says her concerned.

"I knew that... Not to worry because this time I AM in the dreams." I said it easily but deep inside, I'm doubting and aware of uncertainties.

She seems shocked with my answer especially I did emphasized certain word.

"It's never happened, before..." breathlessly, she thought it out loud enough for me to hear it.

"I know mama...lets hope it's not real, okay? I got to go now. See you then...bye!"

I kissed her cheeks and run into my car. I rushed everything in order to be there as early as possible, as I can.

I drove out of my neighborhood into the free way. Due to my 'lateness' I'm trapped in jam for almost half an hour but managed to be there early 20 minutes before all started.




Finally...for almost 2 hours, it's my turn!

Yes my turn!

Heh, I did a little dance but changed into stretching out. Quite uncomfortable to be here do nothing, waiting for the right moment.

"Miss Sameera...this way please."

I followed the secretary into the room.

Much surprised, only one person in the room. I bet the boss but he didn't turn around to greets me.

Maybe he's tired through all the interview by himself, alone...

"Good morning, Miss Sameera..." greets that person.

"Oh, hello... good morning, sir..."

"Have a sit."

How did he know I was standing? Not sitting?

I looked around to find the hidden camera. Stupid! Hidden babe, can you see it? Furthermore, he knows it because you didn't approached him at all, standing like a puppet on the door!

Nearing the table, I sit down properly on the chair looking straight at him.

Then, he turned...

I was totally shocked!

Damn. Shocked.

My mouth slightly open but then close again. My body turn rigid and I couldn't even move...not even single muscle...

He's face appeared stoic and annoyed towards my reaction. With scowled and irritated expression, he entwined his fingers together, placing flat on the table without say any words.

We're staring at each other. Both our faces held a different expression that showed how our emotion right now.

I examined his facial reaction a bit longer. That scar across his face remind me of someone...

"Mr. Austin..." spontaneously, I uttered his name easily.

He's face changed into murderers state that ready to kill me any time any moment.


Just by listened to that murderers tone, I did myself felt the fear to rising from bottom to top of my body. No longer like business like before. It's all changed...

"I'm sorry, sir..." I slowly swallowed my tummy's contents back.






What else? I could list down them all to show how I feel right now. Not because himself but because slowly the dreams from last night appeared one by one.

Is this some kind of jokes?

Am I in my weird dreams again? In the middle of day light?

"Your faces pale, Miss Sameera. Are you alright?"

His tone changed once again.

"Can I use the bathroom for awhile? I need to empty my stomach..."

I covered my mouth. All inside me screamed to push everything out from my system.

He did caught off guard, quickly he help me to his private bathroom and without waiting any longer....I puke all the contents into the toilet bowl.

Didn't realised that he help me by rubbing my back and my neck until I'm done.

He gave me his mouthwash liquid and I did the rest.

My body trembled. I instantly felt like to having a fever.

"I'm sorry, sir... sorry I...I...let your loo dirty...I..." my lips quivered and did I mentioned that my body trembling? Its getting out of control.

"It's okay, Miss Sameera." his voice so soft.

"I'm having a very weird dreams, once again!" I said it out loud without thinking anything.

He looked confused.

"Am I?" I asked him but he looked me surprised with the sudden questions.

He help me sit on the couch and instantly I feel like I was flying...

"Miss Sameera..."


All gone!