What happened?

Super tired!

Damn tired!

Its my very first day outside from family business cocooned. Why the boss did that to me?

Sharply at 6 pm, I got out from my work piles and run straight don't even wait up for anybody.

Driving home feel like I was flew in the air and just got home 15 minutes later! Wasn't it supposed to be heavy on traffic jams? How did I managed to be home in 15 minutes drive?

No idea!

Now, I couldn't open my eyes and my body hurts everywhere. My waist especially due to pick up the piles up and down and also my ankles...so hurt while move around with tons of load quickly ignoring the pain...

I took a bath and ate my early dinner and took my medicines before surrendered myself into my super comfy bed.

The dreams took me away again...to the endlessly dreams that trapped me away.


"Did you take her ordered, pa?"

"Yeah, why?"

"No...I just...Sammy looks tired today....when did the customer wants that?"

"Next week..."

"Can she settle that on time?"

"She will..."

The conversation between papa and Asher stopped abruptly when Adam comes into the room.

"We've got order by someone. He requested to the customised gun made by Sammy. He gave us two weeks because need those gun for his son birthday."

"You know our demands, don't you, Ad?" Asher frustrated upon hearing the news.

"I know but he paid us well...large amount of cash just to have those customised gun. So I couldn't say no... otherwise, he desperately wants that."

"It's okay...we managed that." papa say it calmly like his usual self.

"Are you sure pa?" the uncertainties look plastered on Asher face.


He walked out the room into his secret chamber. They know what papa doing after took the gun requirements and descriptions that Adam gave it to him.

He will helped Sammy to collect all the needed items to easiness her task as well as the jewelry requested.

"Are you okay with Ollie—" Adam words been cut off by Asher.

"I'm not okay, dude. We've been together like 5 years and suddenly she's getting married with someone else not me. Can you ever imagined it if you were in my shoes, bro?"

"Have you wondered if she's got forced into the marriage, Ash?" Adam let out his own opinion.

Asher chuckled mocking to himself.

"We had a small argued past a few days. She asking me about having a family and whatsoever so I just say I'm not ready yet. I don't even have stable life and how am I supposed to having a family?"

"You say that to her? No wonder you guys have an argument. This is serious matter dude..."

"Yeah I know but...what makes me realised is...why did she suddenly asked me about it last a few days ago? And now, the card already here in my hands. Can you understand it? For how long she kept that as a secret without telling me the real problem is?"

Asher eyes Adam.

Adam: "..."

"See? She's been planning to tell me but didn't find any courage to say it out loud and finally, she chose to have an argument over the think that she already talked about with other guy. If you say that she'd been forcing into the marriage she could tell me or give me some hints. Then I will slowly figured that how to settle it but now...I'm totally confused. I'm mad at her but I'm more mad at myself because...all this..."

He shook his head, regrets didn't realised it before it's too late.

So damned much he loves her but in the end... who's fault it is?

"It's all written, bro. All this happened just the reason to revealed the truth behind it. My advices, I know you loves her so much but ask yourself, do you want to ruin her written life just to be with you? Willing to let yourself and herself and our family into humiliation? If she doesn't meant for you then so be it, faced it because there will be someone willing for you. I knew it because I'd been in the same situation before."

Asher strayed his eyes on Adam's face.

"Yeah...I didn't tell anyone because...nothing major. It's truly a heavy test but I managed to handle it. Sammy did help me. Even she didn't know exactly what happened she did help me through her actions. So I did the same to you perhaps in both action and verbal just to let you know...you will find your own happiness. This is not the end, bro..."

Asher still silent.

"I will help you. Don't worry but one more question. Will you go to the wedding?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he ran off his eyes to others. Adam know, Asher too sad but didn't showed it to anyone.

The person that we thought as the only one was not anymore. She belongs to someone else so how about ourselves? Will you ended your life just because of that?

He's mind wondered off to the news he got from his friends. Last couple of weeks ago, one of his friends got bullied by everyone especially someone uploaded his embarrassing moments online and cause everybody misunderstood the story behind it. Due to much pressure after holding up the new status and told them the real one, people keep on coming to harass him harshly and one day, he end up hang himself in his house basement because too much disappointed with the reaction.

So sad just because of that he did killed himself. And everyone whose harassed him stopped silently when an anonymous uploaded his last suicide notes online. The guy who cause the action being sued by the late family due to the humiliation they received.

It's a major things. Don't easily put an action first. Do think about other people too, who would be dragged together. The consequences they received was really inhuman and we as the users, don't easily use the conveniences to abused people whatever you like.

Whatever religion you held the truth, it's still hold into the same thing. And why don't we as a human being, put the religion aside, think that it's not a proper things to do. Even if you don't like to that person just ignored them. Don't even spared a glanced and don't make it worse by viral or share it to the other people if not know whether it's true or not.

Just...yeah, world has never had a 'fair' term all around because human beings have their own thoughts on whether to build or to destroy the world they inhabit.

So, as one of the human being...who wants to destroyed our thoughts by killing our world just by the single and simple touch? We can't control them but we can let people know that...what goes around will come around to you back either you aware of it or not.

We do opened our eyes but do we open our mind like we opened our eyes to see the real world?

To see the beauty behind it? Like a rainbow after the rain?

Well, like what Adam said before:

What had happened already written for us so we should accept it. There will be something waiting for us that much greater from what we've been planning for.

The wound will heal but it will leave the scar behind, forever...

But, will the human being learned from their own or everyone mistakes to make the world looks better? Ask yourselves?