Destined to die...

Something was totally wrong here but she couldn't identify it yet. Seems like there where something about the girl and her instinct did gave her a wave of impulse about it.

Who does all the tortured on her definitely a one crazy person! He might be so much angry about her state, maybe because of her pregnancy? Or out of the jealousy about her pregnancy.

Her boyfriend? Fiance? Husband? Or the third person?

Too many people who did she assumedly to be involved in this case.

Should she report it?

"I might help you if you tell me what is really going on about her..."

Sam sitting down on the other swing mimicking her posture, straight and holding the steel rope until her knuckles turn white. Her veins bulge clearly to the surface under her thin skin after her sleeves roll down to her middle forearms.

"Someone did wants her to die in misery..." she didn't wavered her gaze looking straight to the nothing-ness. Clouded by her messy hair she's giving the lazy eyes to the certain spot on the ground.

"You still owe me about the explanation..." he swing his leg and let the swing to move back and forth in slow pace following his effort.

"What the bright day, right?" she look up to the bright sky squinting to the brightness before do the same for her swing but in so much force.

She let the air do the job making her brain to rest a bit before she open up to Sam.

The cracking rusty sounds coming from the rusty steel rope and the iron rod holding the swing to the place causing a bit eerie surrounding to be more 'alive'. She hates the eeriness but doesn't mind to be amongst the crowdness to blend in.

Sam just be there waiting patiently for her. Hopefully!

He observe her under his gaze. How she was handling this kind of situation so calmly? She didn't care about her physical and attire at all even he is her boss. Her cream skin enlighten under the bright sky and then she smiled while closing her eyes.

Such a simple girl yet dangerous when his mind giving a thought about what happened previously.

His heart skipped a beat just having her in his thoughts wearing tightly attire. So sexy!


Lewd thought giving him a bit discomfort within his heart. Why he was so much easily becoming the puddle of a proud man just spending some time with her?

Did she just putting a spell on him? Making him nervous couldn't understand about his own heart and desire...

He cleared his throat and looking away from her.

How long I'm gonna wait here under this scorching blaze? The sun did cook his skin and the redness already produced on his exposed skin.

Such a cry baby!

Like what his other siblings called him when they asking him for the summer holiday. Instead of laying under the sun he preferred to spending his summer by hangout in his indoor pool.

Poor this guy! Having such a delicate skin but nevertheless if he spent so much time under the sun, he will be like a 'man in black' leaving the whiteness under his swimming trunk or his shade.

His siblings will laughing hysterically when he got back from his forced summer holiday upon seeing his burned skin.


His female siblings will roll over to the floor laughing and howling non-stop at him, stomping to the floor, crying so hard because he was a joker to them. And he was leaving behind frustrated didn't like the way they treated him.

Totally maybe the boss outside the family circle but when you were in those side... prepared to be the official 'maid' entertaining his weird family members.

Especially his mommy, flirting with him when she low in diligent to cook. Disgusting he just follow her forcefully task while protesting on how he's doing the chores by himself while the rest of them lazying on the couch or dating outside with their numbered boyfriends.

"She was being tortured and leaving to death. Even we did save her...she was 'destined' to die..." Sammy emphasized the word to clearing out Sam thought about his family.

Sam: "..." 🙄🙄🤨🤨🤔🤔

"I used to have an episodes whenever its like to appear in my sleep. At first I just ignored them but it's getting out off my hand when I had to depending on my pills to sleep. Those were a nightmares. Until today... everyone I've been dreaming about never stay alive longer than a week or the shortest time was today's incident." she paused gulping down the saliva.

"It's scary...I don't know how and from where I got those ability but only one I could say...all happened when I just woken up from my long slumber coma asleep. It's when through like a film non-stop at first and's changed..." she stopped but still swinging her long legs like a child.

Sam looking at her with blank face.


"What was that?" he questioned her.

"I dreamt of myself and were in this dream too." she stopped both her talk and swinging before standing up walking back in into the building.

"What?" he whispered disbelief with what she said.

Why would I be in her dream?

How was that possible?

He was shocked and now he knew why she seems so much troubled when she gave him some looked for the first time they met.

What kind of dream she had with me in it?

Are we a couple?


Why would we be the couple?

There some sort of uneasiness in his heart. What is going on here?

I can't even read my mind!

The Demon: Relax's just a dream!

Me: *Confusing 100%*

The Demon: *Sitting down Indian style, calming down like in meditation.*

Me: ???


Sammy walk in into the bloody room. All cleared and smelt of disinfectant strong lingering in the air.

Something was not right here...

Then, her nose did something, she detecting some pungent smell around the bloody area mix with the disinfectant.

"Smell like a poison. Where~ shit!"

She realised something before heading to his father office. She need to make sure of it first.


"Yes, Sammy..." papa look up from his work regarding the funeral ceremony will be held soon today...late afternoon maybe.

"Keep it all under our nose. I need to investigate first. But~ you still stored the MD-41 papa?"

Papa stopped writing and mama on the couch walking nearing us at the table.

"Why MD-41?" mama voice out her thought.

"I could smell the poison that similar like MD-41 in the bloody room. Someone trying to erase it and I bet we having a mole among us. She or he might be working with certain organisation and knew about her, the deceased."

She couldn't help but thinking, why?

"I do have those enough to kill everyone in this region..." he whispered only for us.

"The very same place you showed me before?" she accidentally asking the poison whereabouts to papa in incomplete sentence and he do understand it.

"Yes but you need Asher's finger print to open the case..." he whispered again.

"Did you tell your boss about~" mama stop asking.

She cut mama by her nodding.

"How?" mama continue with other question.

She shrugging don't give a damn about it. Her focus now mainly about this girl and the mole in this place.

Perhaps, the CCTV would do the job expertly!




-not even exist and if did exist, I just coincidentally pick up the apologies...

-the liquid form like Mercury and very lethal for any living creatures.

-the substances was including pure silver approximately 35% (w/w), green liquid (corrosive chemical) 15% (w/w), unknown red liquid (turned to red gas if exposed to the room temperature) 20% (w/v) and mix venoms (causing the blood clots and breaks the blood veins if it mixed with other lethal substances) 30% (w/v). All this were mixed together and produce a very pungent (unpleasant) smelt and gave a silver greenish swirling fluid.

-highly requested in weaponry making, the bullet especially. Placed into the pill casing and engulfed with the bullet encase and marked with special green symbol on each bullets. Very rare because not everyone knows about it, only a few people behind the secret organisation involved with this kind of crimes.

-a drop into a cut, will kill you kill this female patient that took about 45 minutes to react, sure the killer used the poison more than a drop and leaving behind the pungent smell even it's already mix with disinfectant substances. Hmm...the clumsy killer...

-the unknown red liquid were being produced with highest secret method. All secret and no one knows about it even the person behind it were totally an anonymous.

-this type of poison were making by the #1 leader of weaponry maker and until today the poison still exist and being produced by depending of the orders but limited only 5 tubes of 5ml of poison per order. They were very strict and each buyer need to show the special emblem to place the order. How? The first buyer need to gave a blood identification to gain the emblem. Not everyone can buy those stuff because it could kill you if you excessively inhaling the poison directly or non-directly (coma and die after the blood started to pour out from any access of your body).

-symptoms while undergoes the poison: blood puking, black spots underneath the skin caused by the blood veins exploded similar like other poisonous victims.

-symptom after the victim died: none but the smelt could produced if the body having so much injuries on it. The bloody cuts will leaving the smelt behind if the poison being used more than required. All leaving behind the deceased body like the way the poison started to consume the inner-part.

-the correct term of kill was called the SILENT killer. SIL- for silver and ENT- for Enterprise. No one know who was the Silver Enterprise but they know who produced the poison.

Haha...too much crappy!