

I jumped turning mid air and she jumped after me knocking me down.Fuck mates.This lady is asking for it . I pinned her down but before i couid do anything

she kicked me off her.She didnt even wait for me to recover she lunched at me

clawing my chest.I groaned and kicked her off me and attacked clawing anything

i get incontact with.We rolled in the mud ,on the grass, in pebblles. God my back hurts. I have to knock her out . She's too much trouble. I pinned her down. My canines ached to mark her she saw what was coming but couldnt do anything

about it , a smirk appeared on my lips as my canines dug into her skin.She howled

clawing me but i didnt stop. I made sure the marking was done before i pulled out.She howled in pain turning human. Now i'm in trouble. I turned back human to be greeted with a punch on the nose. "Aww, what the fuck is your. problem." i groaned " Why did you mark me ? " she groaned . " My head hurts"she complained

grabbing my arm to study herself. "Ash wake up" i said shaking her. I checked her

breathing and i found none. "Fuck " i lifted her in my arms and run as fast as i could to the park house .

"Find her If anything happens to Ash i'm gonna ....." " Beta , look " one of the park warriors said as i rushed to their said with Ash unconsious in my arms. '"What happened ?" he asked about to take Ash from me when i groaned making him back off." Where's her bedroom ?" i asked walking into the park house. " This way" "Call the park docter " i commanded as Berry lead me to Ash's room.

" Where is he? If anything happens to Ash im gonna skin you alive" Berry treatened. " Man shut up" i said pushing away to sit beside Ash.

Finally the docter arrived . He rushed to her side . " What happened?" he asked

" I marked her" "What?!" both Berry and the doctor asked. "I marked her and she punched me in the face " they bothsmiled . "She's gonna be alright . She's just shockedand tired " he said " Good luck mate . Congratulations ." he said before they both shut the door. i moved to the bed and drawed Ash to my chest.

'Goodnight mate.'