Chapter 224: Is Everything Okay?

"You've known me in the most intimate sense," Gabrielle says, feeling her ears go red.

"Who was it who called the police and got us into this mess?" Jackson asks.

"I did," Gabrielle whispers.

"And who keeps accusing me of rape?" Jackson asks.

"It's me," Gabrielle says. "And you know the charges are true."

"Let me get this straight, you want me to bail you out, and at the same time you're accusing me of rape?" Jackson asks with a mean smirk. "Why the hell would I do that?"

"Because somewhere buried deep beneath all your arrogance and attitude, you have a conscience," Gabrielle says. "I looked after you for months, and you took advantage of me the whole time. You lied about your amnesia, you stole my money, and now you—well, the least you can do is get me out of here."

"How do you know I lied about my amnesia?" Jackson asks.