Chapter 238: You Look Worried

Avery shivers on the deck of the yacht. The wind is blowing wildly, and the air is damp and cold. Sarah comes up behind her and drapes the coat over her shoulders, and Avery wraps her arms around herself and looks at the dark and gloomy sky. Without warning, large raindrops begin to drip onto her face. She crosses the deck and huddles under a white canopy, but the rain blows from all directions—it's impossible to escape the storm.

Avery's phone buzzes in her pocket, and she pulls it out immediately, hoping it's Evan. Instead, she sees a series of gory photos. First, there's a close up of a man's hand. The man is wearing a skull-shaped silver ring, and one of his fingernails has been pulled out, leaving a bloody stump. The next photo shows the man's face: it's Bryan. Her stomach twists, and she leans over the railing and reaches into the water.