Chapter 429: Guilty

The sound of a gunshot came from behind. The gun shoots the head of the Tibetan mastiff, and it turns deadly.

But the inertia continued, and the Tibetan mastiff still kept moving forward. The sharp claw and its teeth scratched Avery's back, tore her clothes in an instant, and left a long scratch on her white skin.

She was not severely hurt, but there was still a trace of blood, dying her clothes red.

The Tibetan mastiff finally fell into the ground in the dense shooting.

Evan put the gun away, jumped from the balcony of the second floor directly, and quickly rushed to Avery, "Are you all right?"

During his questioning, he also looked at Jessica, who was behind Avery. Jessica was terrified and stared at the fallen Tibetan mastiff on the ground like she lost her soul.

Avery reacted immediately, only to feel that her back was painful. She couldn't take care of it, turned nervously to look at Jessica, and said, "Are you all right?"