Chapter 516: She Wanted To Kill Avery

Rebecca hated Avery so much. She just wanted to kill Avery even if she would lose her life. Because Rebecca thought if Avery didn't make her imprisoned, she wouldn't be in a dilemma.

"Rebecca…" Molly shouted in the distance.

Molly looked dull and widened her eyes, running toward a burning cruise ship. "Rebecca, don't be afraid. Mom is coming to save you. Rebecca, wait for me. I am coming," she kept running. The only one aim that she had was to save Rebecca.

Molly ran so quickly that she tumbled down the beach, and it was full of sand on her mouth. Covered with tears and sand on her face, Molly immediately stood up. And then she jumped into the sea to clean up, and her clothes were soaked. The waves broke on the shore, which made her almost fall.

"Stop her," Logan said to one of the soldiers who stood beside him.