Chapter 592: They Made A Mistakes

Now, many people stayed in the lounge room, including some workers. They even stopped working and came to watch the match.

Among the crowd, most women gave Avery a disdainful and doubtful look. They envied her because she attracted Evan at first.

It was, of course, that some men were amazed at Avery's appearance. They kept their eyes locked on her. She was moving the cue stick. With her tight jeans, the curves of her lower body could be seen clearly. It was wonderful and attracted most men.

Moreover, the posture that Avery put her arms on the table looked cool and sexy.

Avery thought to herself, "if I want to win the game, I should be careful in every shot. Otherwise, the player must seize the opportunity and fight against me. But I was confused about why the player was just beating on an easy bet. Probably, everything couldn't go so well easily."