Chapter 697: I Know You’ll Come With Me

The captain of the guard had no chance to finish his words, and the president flung his whip on the horse, forcing it to run harder.

The captain of the guard followed him and heard Mr. Black roar, "What happened?"

"It was the princess's horse that wounded others, and the princess was gone."

Mr. Black pulled the reins violently and slowed down, "What are you talking about? Avery was gone."

This woman wasn't running away, was she?

Did she forget the little baby was still in his hands?

"You can't even protect a woman?" Mr. Black darkened his face suddenly. If Avery ran away, what about the wedding?

"She took a box. I think she went to the desert."

With a long face, Mr. Black rode to the desert and saw the woman on horseback. It seemed that she was looking for something.

"Watch over!" Mr. Black suddenly shouted.