Chapter 711: Today Is Our Wedding Night

Finally, Mr. Black knew how clever Charles was. By contrast, he could barely be regarded as a low-end player.

He thought about this kind of high-end play carefully and shook his head, "If Evan drank the oil, he would have no interest in the princess, and the princess would be dead."

Charles gave him a smile, which has shown the answer.

When Mr. Black looked at his smile, he realized something in an instant, "You are cunning. If Evan didn't go there, you would be benefited."

Then Charles couldn't not only be innocent, but he could be the hero.

Speaking of this, Mr. Black asked, "Are you not afraid it will enter your body?"

"There is an incubation period. As long as I take medicine in the incubation period, it will be fine." 

While nodding, Mr. Black gave Charles, the high-end player, a thumb up.

When they were chatting, they didn't find a figure outside the door, who was listening to their conversation.