Chapter 730: Look Up

James moved his hand down and squeezed Mr. Winter's penis. He put so much force that blood came out on James's hand.

Mr. Winter screamed and fainted.

However, James turned around to leave. His bodyguard, whom he trusted the most, handed over a piece of tissue. He wiped his hand repeatedly lazily and casually.

In the room.

Jessica leaned backward, and her curvy figure was shown. Seeing Mr. Winter had left, she slid off from the silk ribbon.

Then she heard someone saying, "Miss Jessica, my master, Mr. Moore, would like a word with you."

Mr. Moore?

Jessica had sudden and acute pain in her head.

She pinched her hand's palm and shook her head, saying, "I don't want to talk with Mr. Moore. I don't know anyone with that name."

The man answered, "I'm afraid it's not up to you. Whoever Mr. Moore wishes to see has to come unless they are dead."

Jessica said, "What's this about? Can I..."