Chapter 795: Don’t Come Over

Gabrielle hurried to say when Diana was about to hang up, "Avery, don't listen to her! Don't come over!"

Avery hung up and felt her eyelids keep twitching. Every kidnapping has a purpose. Diana never crossed the path with Gabrielle. Asking Avery to come on her own wasn't for money. So the purpose was probably her!

Diana wanted to use Gabrielle as the bait to lure Avery.

It was Avery's fault to have a soft spot for Diana. If she didn't beg mercy for Diana in front of Evan, Diana wouldn't have the opportunity to come up with the scheme. None of this would happen.

The strong arms held Avery's waist from behind her back, "Who called?"

Evan let Avery lean against his body. He put his chin on the top of her head and caressed it. He just saw how Avery frowned when answering the call. She has been down since Gabrielle went missing. Even if the news that white little worm treatment worked could not make her happy.