Chapter 46: Encounter with His Lover

My heart was stirred for a moment, then returned to normal. It was ignorant that I was fooled by him once, it would be stupid that I was bewildered for the second time. I would never continue such a tragic love with him!

Presumably, the new lover had heard our words, she came over to Lisa and asked, "Lisa, isn't it, your turn today?"

"Sister Emily!" Lisa stood up respectfully and greeted her, "My work begins at eleven, I have two hours left," Lisa told her.

"Since you only have two hours left, you'd better prepare your makeup rather than chat," she snapped.

"Yes! Yes!" Lisa said.

Prepare makeup when there are two hours left What a rule! I reached out to hold Lisa, "There are two hours, take it easy!"

The woman looked at me coldly from top to toe, curling her lips saying, "Who are you? The bitch deserted by Jonathan?"

I drank a mouthful of lemon juice to moisten my throat, then said calmly: "Do you think he loves you? He's just hanging out with you, you are doomed to be abandoned sooner or later."

Before I finished speaking, she slapped me in the face and I fell off my chair. My ego was hurt more, compared to the pain in my face. I stood up and tried to slap her back when she grabbed my arm and slapped me again.

When Lisa saw that she was intending to continue, she pulled her aside and said, "Sister Emily, she is the boss's daughter."

"I know, the adopted daughter of Jonathan!" I was filled with contempt and humiliation when the words came out of her mouth.

Then she said, "You have been abandoned, that is why you are insulting me. "

"Since when was it your turn to speak?" I asked. Lisa apologized to her, "It's my fault, Emily. I'll get ready for my job right away."

" You had better run!" she warned Lisa

"Why are you driving her away?" I asked. I had never seen such a wicked woman. I turned to the manager, who had disappeared, and other people were busy with their own business.

Lisa looked at her with hatred and said loudly, "Okay, I'll go! Sooner or later you will get what you deserve."

"Run right now! she shouted.

For the first time, I felt so useless. I looked at Lisa and said, "Lisa, I will turn to Jonathan for help. "

"Needn't bother. Even if I don't leave, I won't have a good life because of that woman," she said.

"It's me who got you into trouble," I told her.

"If she wasn't Jonathan's woman, she would have been dragged out of the door!" she said, then, looking at my face, she insisted that I leave, "Desiree, as your face is swollen, you'd better go back quickly and don't come here later."

Lisa walked to the background. Looking at her lonely and bleak shadow, I felt my chest closing.

It was ok that I was beaten, but Lisa was involved in it and lost her job. I gnashed my teeth and ran to catch up with Lisa.

"I just can't let it go!" I said. I took my cell phone out of my bag and dialed Jonathan's number, sitting in my original place

"Desiree, what 's wrong?" Jonathan answered and spoke in a formal, unfamiliar tone. I had planned to let him help me, but my courage weakened when I heard his tone. Then I said indignantly, "You are the boss of that woman, but why does she have the right to drive my friend away?" I asked him.

"You're the boss, it's your choice!" he said. After a pause, he added, "Don't go to that place again. I'll pick you up later."

"Oh! Well, "I said and hung up the phone. I searched for the manager, but he was not around.

"I have the final say and I need someone to listen to me!" I thought. Then I called Steven. His voice was more tender than that of Jonathan, which was a little low: "Desiree, I am in a meeting," he said.

"When will you finish the meeting?" I asked, my face was more painful." Someone beat me," I told him.

"Beat you!" he seemed shocked.

I heard some noise on the phone, and Steven said, "Wait a minute, we'll go there right now!"

I hung up and wait for him.

"They? Was he bringing a lot of people to fight for me?" I thought.

Lisa looked at me expectantly and I said, "My brother Steven is coming soon! I will let him drive that woman away!" I continued to drink lemon juice in my seat. I felt so much pain in my face when I drank my juice.

So, I covered my face and tried to figure out how to get revenge: slapping her back twice in the face. Not enough, slapping more until she begged for mercy, then driving her away. Anyway, Jonathan said I was the boss.

I was immersed in my own "vicious" revenge, and there was a sound coming from the door. It was Jonathan who came first! I was about to speak when he lifted my chin with his fingers, and his eyes were so cold and gruesome.

Steven, following him, was much gentler than he was and held me and asked, "Are you hurt?"

"I'm much better!" I replied.

"Who dare to beat you?" he asked.

"Boss!" The manager came through. He looked at me with a faint smile. From his expression, I knew the reason they didn't take any action when I was beaten by that woman. But they were waiting to see how I got my revenge!