Chapter 54: Destined

I couldn't help sighing, "But how long can you love me? A month, or two?" He looked at me in surprise, but I was being rational.

I continued, "Lisa said that you are a man who has experienced all sorts of women, you will not love only one woman. But I don't care."

"Her!" he gritted his teeth in anger and asked me, "Do you believe it?"

I nodded.

He sat up and looked at me. Finally, he spoke out, "Before I met you, I didn't believe that I would fall in love with a woman. You are my destiny."

"So, are you my destiny?" he asked. Love and hatred were two contradictory words, but they coexisted pitifully.

"Maybe," I answered. He held me in his arms and said, "Maddie, I have loved you for a long time, no matter what you mean to me, I don't want to lose you!"

I held the duvet and listened as he spoke to me. "I enjoy the moments when you sit quietly next to me when I am in a bad mood, I am used to seeing you curled up on the sofa, and the bright lights that are on when I get back home when I am tired every night," he said.

Then he told me, "You always live a peaceful life and never ask me where I am going or when I will come back. But you wait for me every day, which makes me feel homesick. Sometimes when I go out, I keep examining my watch, because it hurts me when I think of the picture of you curled up on the sofa."

He held me tightly so that our bodies rested against each other perfectly. "Desiree, anything can be fake, including the words 'I love you'. The countless moments you spend with me are true," he added.

The smile on my lips was frozen. I closed my eyes and buried my face wearily on his shoulders. What funny joke heaven played on us. One day, if he saw me stick a knife in his heart, he would know that it was all fake, including the appealing moments!

"What expression would he have? How much would he hates me?" I was tired, too exhausted to think about such things.

Leaning on his shoulder, I fell asleep. In a dream, he wiped away my tears gently and said, "I believe you love me, I trust you!"

I said, "Yes, I love you, but are you sure that the person you love is me?"

The next day, the first thing I did when I opened my eyes was to see if he was sleeping next to me. It was unfortunate that the bed was empty on my side.

The second thing I did was look for my knife. "Would he find my knife?" I thought. I dressed and went downstairs in a hurry. Golden sunshine poured in through the windows onto the smooth, marble floor.

My bag was on the sofa, fortunately, the zipper was still closed, and it didn't seem to have been opened. With a sigh of relief, I turned and saw Jonathan, who was drinking coffee at the table. He didn't seem to be going out, he was only wearing casual clothes.

He didn't speak to me but smiled at me, which comforted me. For a while, a myriad of thoughts crossed my mind, but I was speechless.

"Good morning!" I said as I sat awkwardly opposite to him. The small table, like the boundless sea, separated us.

"So early?" he said and put down the newspaper and smiled as he pushed a bowl of spaghetti towards me, " I made breakfast for you just now, it's still warm."

It was a familiar taste: delicious pasta and flavorful cheese. My appetite was not fulfilled by food but by love! "Is it delicious?" he asked me. I buried my head and nodded softly.

When I sat and enjoyed my perfect breakfast, mixed with deep love, my lost happiness returned. He reached his hands across the table, and stroking my fingers, he asked, "Do you have to have a knife in your bag when you go to school?"

I sat up suddenly, my back in a cold sweat, chewing my breakfast. I controlled myself and swallowed my meal calmly and explained, "I'm afraid that someone will kidnap me again."

"Oh!" he said, then asked, "Do you still feel unsafe when you are protected by Steven?" After deep consideration, I still didn't understand the meaning. So, I answered directly, "I don't understand what you mean."

"Steven said, you asked him if he had a gun. If you think he needs it, I can equip him with one!" he said, "I'm just asking. I don't think he needs it."

My palms were sweating, but my hands were extremely cold. I didn't know if he felt it.

I wanted to spot something strange on his face, but he was so calm, and he had a warm and comforting smile on the face. "Have it when it is warm," he said, and I lowered my head to eat, but it was tasteless. I was eager to escape.