Chapter 56: Dinner

That afternoon, I went to the park to see the old people exercising, to see their wrinkled faces and how they tried to live longer. Indeed, we did not know the value of life until we approached the end.

Then I walked alone in the bustling streets, staring at the window displays in the stores. When passing a studio, I was fascinated by a white wedding dress and ran in to take a series of photos in the dress.

After choosing the picture and swiping the card, they told me to pick it up next month. I smiled and nodded, looking through every picture on the computer carefully. I smiled happily in the photo, but my eyes were filled with tears

After I left and walked two blocks, I went back to the studio to examine the photo again. I left my home address and said, "I may not be able to pick it up. Will you deliver it to me? If a handsome man receives it, please let him know that I love him! I really, really want to be his bride. I wait for him to come home every night because I love him. "

The phone rang as I walked aimlessly around the mall. I glanced at the phone number and answered immediately. Jonathan's voice sounded a little uneasy, "Desiree, where are you?"

"I'm at Center Mall. What about you?" I said

"I'll pick you up. Your teacher said you left early," he replied.

"Oh, I'm wandering around the mall," I told him.

"I'll pick you up. What floor are you on?" Jonathan asked.

"Third floor, the women's wear section," I said.

"Then don't go, I am coming," he said.

While I waited for him, I touched the beautiful dresses around me. The shop assistant greeted me warmly and glanced at the diamond ring on my ring finger. She convinced me to try on a dress. In the fitting room, I changed my dull school uniform in front of the mirror. I looked completely different, a bit like a princess.

I asked the shop assistant, "Am I pretty? Will I impress a man forever?"

She smiled and asked, "Are you going on a date?"

"Yes!" I smiled and said, "For the last time."

"Definitely, he will not forget it," she said at once.

I remembered the night before and shed a few tears, then said, "Sorry, I can't buy it. If it's the last date, I would rather he doesn't remember it, or he'll miss me."

When I opened the dressing room to enter, I suddenly heard Jonathan's voice, "Desiree!" As I turned around, he held me by the shoulders and embraced me in his chest.

His arms were so strong that he expressed his unwavering love to me in silence. I wiped his forehead and asked, "Are you hot?"

He didn't reply, just said, "Are you hungry? What would you like to go for dinner?" When he asked me, he took the price tag off my clothes and handed it to the bodyguard behind me. Then he pointed at another windbreaker and said to the bodyguard, "Pay for them, including that."

I knew that it must be cold outside! He had sweat on his forehead was because he was nervous about me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be walking around," I said. He did not speak, he just took the windbreaker from the shop assistant and put it on for me. He deliberately examined my back before I put the coat on.

"Any problem?" I asked and looked around in bewilderment.

"No!" he laughed, "I just wanted to see where the button was."

Seeing the smile of the shop assistant, I changed the topic awkwardly, "Am I pretty in this dress?"

"It is better when you wear nothing... " he said.

After we left the store, he took me to a restaurant. Holding his arm as we entered the restaurant, I was shocked by a classically romantic setting that he had planned.

The roof of the restaurant was glass, which let the light through. The lamp was shaped like a maple leaf and reflected the red candle flickering at the table.

The most special part was that a girl was playing the piano in the center of the restaurant, the romantic and graceful melody suited the restaurant.

Jonathan took off my coat and handed it to the waiter, then pulled the seat out for me. "What would you like to eat?" he said as he took the menu from the waiter and presented it to me.

"I like seafood! Steamed crab, braised prawn," I quickly replied. Jonathan's hands were frozen for a second, and he handed the menu to the apologetic waiter.

It was obvious that I should have ordered steak in such an elegant environment, but I wanted to eat seafood. After all, it was the last dinner of my life. "Deal with it, we can wait," he said to the waiter.

"Then wait a moment, and I'll ask," he said to Alan. After a while, the waiter came up to us quickly and said, "No problem, it won't be that long."

Sure enough, it only took 20 minutes to serve two dishes of seafood, the same color, and aroma as the most famous seafood restaurant.

"That was pretty fast," I exclaimed, "Only twenty minutes."

Seeing that he was about to reach for the plates, I quickly took both dishes and said, "I'll peel them for you."

In such an exotic restaurant, everyone had dinner quietly and gracefully, except me, who struggled with the greasy shrimps for almost five minutes. Fortunately, before he drank the last shot of wine, I placed the shrimp on his plate.

He looked at the tattered shrimp on the plate and asked, "Are you sure about eating this meal at this speed?" I nodded firmly, and took another crab, considering where to take the next bite from.

I heard him say to the waiter helplessly, "Bring me another two bottles of wine." Ever since the first time I hurt my finger when eating seafood, he was used to stripping the shell and preparing the flesh for me. I took it for granted in the past.

Now I did it for him, and I realized that it took lots of effort. My heart was full of remorse. After a while, he saw that I was still turning the crab in my hand over and over and finally said to me, "Desiree, let's talk.

"Alright!" I agreed. I looked down to see how to deal with the crab's harder shell.