A Base Of Operations

"All inhabitants eliminated"

"Would you like to imprint your ownership and turn it to your base of operations?"

"Yes or No"


A blue screen making me choose a decision appeared before me.

So I could also make a base, huh?

Well I did see a building section in the system.

The question is, do I have to?

Although I don't know what's the benefits of making this my own land, and there are corpses everywhere too.


But despite what my mind was rationally thinking, something of a whim came into me and clicked the "Yes" button.

"Order recieved"

"Land clearance would take 15,000Pts"

Was it the wrong choice?

Afterall sooner or later someone would check up on the village.

I saw my points drained down without me even being warned about the consequences of imprinting, but I did want to see those filths gone in my land.

The bumps and crates I massively created thinned down to their former selves, and as for those blood and limbs hanging everywhere they suddenly magically disappeared, the same goes for the corpses and destroyed burning tree houses as well, everything was turned into a field of plain.

"Orders executed"

"Commencing building protocols"

"For this is the first time the owner has conquered a land, every expenses have been exempted in building the vital backbone of the army"

"Would you like to manually decide the planning of the buildings?"

"Yes or No"


Of course I spared myself from having such a hard decision, I'm not good at planning buildings afterall, especially in RTS games.

"Building HQ"

"Building training field"

"Building an army barrack"

"Building deployment field"


Notifications kept popping up, after a while I saw buildings of different types with each of their own purpose to fulfill, some buildings had huge sattelites and long antennaes, just like in most RTS games, those buildings popped out of nowhere then some construction will proceed, which will be finished in a few minutes.

"Building complete"

"Congratulations in having your first working and able home, the system has decided to give a reward to you"

"40 Volksgrenadiers(VETERANS) is now ready to join the fray of your conquest"

"Please go to your deployment field, in order to assure the reward has been properly given"

So I've been wondering throughout all the time when structures were being built, why is there no water or food productions available in the system, it seems my questions have been finally answered.

"So they're only shadows with weapons and armors huh?"

Well atleast with this, I no longer have to worry about someone shooting me in the back or some annoying complaints nor mouths to feed.

I also don't have to worry about supply lines too.

Volksgrenadiers huh? I've already looked at the details in Heer category, and I suppose they're one of the elites in the army, they're foot infantries who'll shred both infantries and armors alike.

A division of elites formed after the Nazi germany's continuous loss against the soviets in the autumn of 1944.

"A platoon of experienced soldiers, not bad"

Pleron clapped his hands twice in front of the soldier who unflinchingly stood still.

"I guess my Zeal skill is not needed for them then?"

I imagined the word zeal in my mind and after looking at the shadows in front of me, the sockets of their eyes turned red.

"Well I guess it still works"

I nodded my head, but after thinking that I have to rule the world with only these kind of soldiers.


A sigh escaped from my mouth.

This is great! so everything's going according to your plan huh?

"You fucking system"