First Wave

Duke Elba decided to dispatched a small band of their Hawk riders to Yundra in order to scout and eliminate the iron clad monster. These riders are more than worth tens of thousands of cavalry on land, not only do they have superior magic than most infantry, they also had air superiority.

"The Duke had given us the task to take out the monster that decimated the village of Yundra"

A tall man with a sharp and handsome features elf repeated their task given to them to his men.

"But, captain, we are the Silver Hawks?"

"Deploying us for just one failure of a machine the dwarves whipped up from their mountains of trash?"

Standing in front of his captain, a youth gave a dissatisfied complaint to his captain.

"We're close to Yundra now"

"What the hell?"

The tall captain then saw the village of Yundra filled with trees turned into a plain and within it stood strange looking buildings.

"Everyone start chanting now!"


lvl 1 Barracks - produces a foot infantry (Gewehr) per hour.

lvl 1 HQ - The place where the Führer and his subordinates rest and strategize.

lvl 1 Radio station - Is able to communicate with any tactical radios in the (50 km) radius.

lvl 1 medic bay - is able to heal any minor or severely wounded soldiers. (cap:10)

lvl 1 (infantry) Deploying field- where soldier wait until their command (cap: 50)

lvl 1 motorpool - is able to construct light vehicles (Random) per day.

lvl 1 (vehicle) deploying field- where the vehicles awaits their commands.

lvl 1 Watch tower - upon seeing an enemy in its sights, it immediately warns the inhabitants with a siren, and automatically deploys any nearby deploying field.

lvl 1 training field - Automatically train any new fresh recruits if there is any.

Trains only up to (Amateur)


"With all of this"

"My expansion might be sooner"

Pleron saw the new troops being trained in the training field.

Foot infantry (Rookie) x11

"So I've slept for 11 hours?"


With Pleron early in the morning doing some light stretches and checking the buildings out, suddenly hearing the siren, he immediately decided to go at the watch tower.

Bang bang~

No sooner, the sound of a bullet being fired could be heard blending in with the siren's warning.




The Hawks being sensitive to loud sound was soon startled by the eerie sound of the siren, causing confusion between the party of the Silver Hawks.

"W-what sorcery is this?!"

"Hurry everyone cover your ears it might be a curse!"

Being swept up by the confusion the captain ordered his men to cover up their ears.

Bang bang~



The Silver hawk riders being met with the unknown assailants, were easily being gunned down to the ground due to the Volksgrenadiers, the Hawks gave out a huge cry of pain as the bullets got between their floursihed feathers and into their mounding flesh.



An echo of bones breaking were heard as it gave a melodic rythm accompanied by the Hawks falling one by one and then the sound of blood being spilled and organs being crushed was next, followed by the scream of their riders as each and every single one of them either succumbed to their wounds or broke something.

'What is this?'

'We couldn't even retaliate nor even see them!'


With a burst of energy, the captain fueled by rage got up with his left leg mangling everywhere.




The captain's loud outburst was soon replaced by something dreadfully loud.