
Severus and Lily were sneaking through Hogsmeade giggling like first years. [In the spirit of full disclosure, one must note that Lily was giggling like a first year. Several witnesses thought that Severus may have been smiling, but this is hearsay.] They watched Hermione behave in a manner so foreign to her normal self that it was almost laughable. They waited patiently for Regulus to see the happy couple. He looked surprised, and then thoughtful. Good. They were truly hoping to keep Regulus as a friend. Hermione, unbeknownst to her friends, was hoping to keep him as an asset. She was working carefully, cultivating Slytherin students, and Regulus was far too important to lose.

Fate had taken a hand in certain events, and Hermione Potter was determined to make a difference. She meant to keep her brother and his family safe, that went without saying. However, it had occurred to her that winning the war was just as important as James' safety. Old Hermione was just as concerned with Harry's safety. Hermione Potter knew that she would love and protect her future nephew…she just didn't know him yet. He was a nonentity to her, viewed only through the memories of her other self. James…he was real, alive. He was her brother, her twin, and she could not imagine a world without him. Therefore, winning the war was just as important to her as anything else. Hermione had come up with a cunning plan, but it involved turning a host of Slytherins into double agents. She knew several that turned later, once they realized what Voldemort was asking them to do, but she wanted them turned now. They would be shadowed warriors for the light, and she would use them to take Voldemort down.

Regulus noted Severus and walked over to speak with him. Lily gave Severus a significant look, and slipped away to allow the two boys to speak alone.

"Severus," he said with slight frown. Severus nodded politely.


"Hermione appears to be enjoying the sights of Hogsmeade," he observed carefully. Severus shrugged.

"I suppose one could say that." He replied evenly.

"Would you say that she was not?" Regulus asked after a moment.

"I would say that my normally intelligent friend appears to have given in to baser urges for the afternoon," Severus decided.

"Baser urges?" Regulus asked, his ears pink.

"Well, it's Hermione," Severus temporized, his cheeks flushing dully, "so I meant mostly the sitting in Madame Puddifoot's surrounded by all that pink."

Both boys shuddered in distaste.

"So she's dating Amos Diggory," Regulus stated flatly. Severus shrugged helplessly.

"She appears to like older men," he said finally, very carefully not agreeing with Regulus' statement. "She did date Lucius Malfoy."

"Well, yes, but at least he's not a complete idiot," Regulus muttered finally.

"No, no he isn't. If he hadn't made certain choices, I think they might still be together," Severus mused thoughtfully. He couldn't say for certain, but he and Lily both believed that their sister-of-the-heart had truly cared for the handsome Slytherin. Regulus swallowed, his eyes wide. Both boys knew the choices that Severus had hinted at.

"You don't think…she would…if we had to," Regulus rambled for a moment in panic and then attempted to regain control.

"I believe the main concern with Malfoy was that he did not believe her. Our Gryffindor Lioness trusts us, and she expects us to trust her in return," Severus said carefully with a slight frown. It was funny, but whenever he called Hermione that to her face, she twitched slightly. He didn't think anyone else noticed and it amused him to tease her.

"That is true, but sometimes she says the most outlandish things," Regulus murmured, remembering several strange conversations by the lake.

"I think sometimes that she may have a touch of the sight," Severus opined, watching Regulus. "But don't tell her that, she gets quite angry."

"I'll remember that," Regulus said softly. "Good day, Severus."

"Good day."


Well?" Hermione's voice was cool and business-like, her hazel eyes watching him.

"A successful endeavor, my Lioness," he said mockingly, sketching her a bow. She twitched, just slightly, and swatted him on the arm.

"Severus," she hissed at him and then looked around making sure no one saw them. He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes.

"It went well, just as we had hoped. Regulus is still a friendly…what is that word you used? Ah, yes, an asset." Severus said with a small nod.

"Good. We can't afford to lose him," Hermione said seriously, her hazel eyes hard. "Sev…do you think Lily could be trusted to be silent?"

"Of course!" He said immediately, but those hazel eyes kept watching him. He frowned and shrugged. "Well, you lot are Griffyndor. Subtlety is not exactly your watchword. Neither is discretion. Or patience, come to think of it."

"Severus," Hermione's voice had become silky and dangerous. He stopped himself from shivering. How had she not been sorted into Slytherin? It boggled the mind. She frowned at him, slightly.

"Fine. She would need something to seal her lips for her. Not out of malice, just because she wouldn't be able to help herself. She'd end up prancing over to the Slytherin table and waving at everyone. Blow our covers sky-high. Hell, if your idiot brother and his idiot friends did just the right prank we might all end up spilling our guts. The dark mark, from what I understand is more than a pretty tattoo." Severus said quickly, glancing down the halls.

"Unbreakable Vows, then," she muttered to herself. Severus glanced at her sharply. "I hadn't wanted to go there, it could cause problems, but I'll just have to be very careful. Bloody hell."

"Unbreakable Vows, that's…dangerous, Hermione," Severus whispered urgently his dark head bent to hers.

"I know, I know, but Severus it could mean lives. It could mean everything." Her voice throbbed in his ears. Sometimes, it was almost as though she knew things no one else knew. It was a little disconcerting, and made him uneasy. Sometimes, her eyes would look so bleak when she talked about the war that he would have promised anything to make them smile again.

"Okay. If that's what we have to do, that's what we have to do," he muttered. She shook her head, tears trembling on her lashes.

"Thank you." She regained control almost instantly. "The room, tonight, midnight. I'll bring Lily."