Chapter 6

Inside the classroom of the Shield Academy of Communication, Alexis leaned on his left palm and tried to focus on the voice of the professor who explained the principles of advanced psychology.

However, every time he remembers his heroic actions last night, he can only drown in the narcissistic happiness and admiration of himself. He turned into two different types of aliens last night.

The alien speedster (the name of his race is too complex and I'm lazy to try to remember him) called Fasttrack and the burning flame peronite, each one gave him a completely different feeling.

FastTrack was fast, with advanced sensory capabilities and advanced brain processing speed, it was as if it could see the world a hundred times slower, and could move a hundred times faster.

Alexis' impression of Heatplast was much deeper, when he switched to him, his inner body was as hard as a rock and he had superb strength and durability, and gave him a burning sensation from every man in his body as if he was breathing from everywhere, and he could control the fire and absorb it, It was like an infinite fuel stick.

Though satisfied and proud of his accomplishments, he knew that he should not become overbearing.

The night before, he did not take the thugs to the hospital or rescue civilians from the burning building because he was a hero or he loved helping others.

Alexis did not like to do things without any reason, just because after calculating the benefits and disadvantages of each path he could take (the villain-neutral-hero) he concluded that using his abilities to do good in the beginning is the best thing he can do.

He also wanted to practice Omnitrix without being a criminal or fugitive.

Also, although being a potential agent at Shield may reduce the likelihood of discovering his secret identity, he may also raise it if he does not have the perfect cover for each situation.

The fact that his ability comes from Omnitrix was a secret that should not be discovered by anyone, at least until he opens the master control function.

After a while, Alex realized that with all those thoughts, plans and fears within his mind, he could not pay any attention to the lesson.

Soon he took out a small memo and began writing his plans and closed Omnitrix functions awaiting conquest, and wrote about the information of most aliens who remembered him and their abilities. There are more than 1,000,000 alien dna in his watch, and it is impossible for him to remember them all.

A male voice interrupted his train of ideas.

"Alex, what are you doing? Why don't you focus on the lesson?"

Alex turned to his right to see his new friend, Noah Johansson.

He was not a communications student, he was training at the Academy of Operations.

Recently, however, the two sections sent a temporary exchange of pupils, so his nuclei, and a few other muscle heads, stay here.

"There are a lot of things that are of concern to me, and apart from staring at the professor's beautiful curves, there is nothing that makes me focus on the stupid psychology lesson," Alexis said, using enough colloquial language for his stupid friend to understand.

"Good, me too, the only reason I came is because of the exciting professor," Noah said.

After a second of staring at each other, they made sure they were on the same page, and they started making commentary comments that could cause them to be expelled, but being the people they were, they didn't care about such things.

After a while Noah took out his mobile phone and played a video clip showing a burning rock monster and rescuing people trapped in the burning residential building.

"This superman appeared in hell's kitchen last night, several streets from your apartment. Were you there that time?"

"No, what do you think it is?" Alexis replied without showing any tension or panic.

"I think he's a superhero who can control fire and rock, and you?"

"I think it's alien," Alexis replied.


"Alien? Why do you think so?" He asked Noah, where he did not know why he believed his friend.

"Don't bother, I just said the first thing that comes to my mind, as the probability of being an alien space is very high, because they haven't passed much time since the alien invasion on New York," said Alexis, since he didn't want to raise any doubts.

"* Sigh * right with you, it was a difficult day for many of us" sighed his nuclei when you remember the human and material losses suffered by many that day.

"You have a right, but it is always important to move past and look to the future, just so we can preserve our civilization and move it forward," Azrael said unconsciously.

Noah looked at Alexis while his eyebrows tangled, interrogating, "Who are you and what did you do to my friend?"

"Your mother," said Alexis toward the frivolity of his friend.

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It has been a few days since Alexis first used Omnitrix, and every night he went out to use Omnitrix and practiced various aliens forms.

Of course, despite his small scale work (within the hell kitchen area, he performs 4-3 operations every day), he has generated some unwanted interest.

In Shield's Office of Strategic Intervention, Enforcement and Supply Management, the manager Nick fury, an African-American with only one eye, was sitting in his office while reviewing some files over his desk.

Although being a manager of Shield is certainly a comfortable job where you can get someone else to do all your paperwork, in most cases it's not that simple.

Nick fury was currently reviewing a dossier on the emergence of supernatural beings throughout hell's kitchen.

After reading the file, his computers contracted to form a disturbing look.

He carried his desk phone and called his assistant number, moments later a feminine voice was heard from the other side of the phone, which Nick Fury recognized as the voice of his assistant and his deputy, Maria Hill.

"Director fury?" Maria Hill said.

Fury answered another question: "Agent Hill, is the agent palamas at the base?"

"Yes, in fact, I only saw her a few moments ago. Do you want me to deliver it to your office?"

"I want her here right now," said Nick Fury, as if he was not an executive when he disregarded his orders.

A few minutes later, agent Kara Palamas entered the manager's office. If Azriel was here, he would have known that she was agent 33 from agent's of shield

"Director, I heard you wanted to see me?" Agent Palamas said it was a formality to address higher-level officers.

"Yes, in fact, I would like you to investigate this case of the emergence of a supernatural person in New York.

Agent Kara did not accept him but said again, "In the last case?"

"Secure it, or draw it," fury said.